Observations on the Biology of Afrotropical Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera). Part 5. Hesperiinae incertae sedis: Dicotyledon Feeders Author Cock, Matthew J. W. C / o CABI Europe - UK, Bakeham Lane, Egham, TW 20 9 TY, UK (e-mail: m. cock @ cabi. org; mjwcock @ btinternet. com) m.cock@cabi.org Author Congdon, Colin E. African Butterfly Research Institute (ABRI), P. O. Box 14308, Nairobi, Kenya (e-mail: colin. congdon @ gmail. com) colin.congdon@gmail.com text Zootaxa 2013 2013-10-25 3724 1 1 85 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3724.1.1 journal article 134452 10.11646/zootaxa.3724.1.1 3fe084ed-d367-4d5a-9ed0-48882760ba96 1175-5326 5267833 7D05BB2E-4373-4AFB-8DD3-ABE203D3BEC1 Gorgyra subflavidus Holland , 1896 Although described from Usagara, Tanzania ( Holland 1896 ), this rare species is also known from Mozambique and Kenya . In Tanzania , Kielland (1990) associated it with riverine vegetation from sea level to 1200 m . Although quite widespread in eastern Tanzania , it seems rare and localised in Kenya , e.g. Sevastopulo (1974) records very occasional specimens around Makardara Forest. Food plants Sevastopulo (unpublished) reared this species from Kwale (Shimba Hills, Kenya ) but unfortunately did not record the food plant which presumably he was unable to identify. His photographs suggest a plant with small rounded leaves of about 30mm . TCEC found this species ( Figures 18 and 19 ) on what has been provisionally identified from a small sapling of sterile material of a Meliaceae (Sapindales) , initially identified as Entandrophragma sp. , but now thought to be a Khaya sp. , at Sanje, at the eastern end of the Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania . As is often the case with Hesperiidae , and noted above for G. bibulus , the caterpillars feed on soft new growth, ignoring mature foliage. Leaf shelters A folded leaf. Caterpillar “Head dark purplish red. Body green, traces of a darker green dorsal line. Anal flap flattened and rounded. 1 st somite [T1] narrow, forming a neck.” (Sevastopulo unpublished). Pupa “Pupa formed in the larval cell, with a curtain of whitish silk blocking the front and lightly coated with a white waxy powder. Pale green, the head, thorax and wing-cases more yellow. Head with a central, bifid, forwardpointing, brownish process. Pro-thoracic spiracle large and reddish in colour.” (Sevastopulo unpublished). Pupation took 10 days.