Review of the Palaearctic genera of Saprininae (Coleoptera: Histeridae)
Lackner, Tomáš
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
journal article
Turanostyphrus ignoratus
Tishechkin, 2005
Figs. 7
Turanostyphrus ignoratus
Tishechkin, 2005: 349
Figs. 1
, 2, 5–8.
, Repetek.
Type material.
: ♁, ‘Turkm [=
], Repetek /
Haloxylon persicum
scrub, pitfall trap / 28.iv.[1]967, B. Kuznetsov [written] //
Hypocacculus eremobius
/ Kryzhanovskij det. 1981 [printed-written] //
Turanostyphrus ignoratus
sp. n.
/ A. Tishechkin des. 2004 [red label, printed-written] / D07-054 [pink label, written]’ (
Body length: PEL:
1.625 mm
; APW:
0.60 mm
; PPW:
1.25 mm
; EL:
1.075 mm
; EW:
1.475 mm
Body (
Figs. 694–695
) oval, dorsally rather flattened, moderately convex ventrally; cuticle light brown; antennal club and tarsi yellowish.
Antennal scape (
Fig. 697
) imbricate, slightly thickened, asetose; club (
Figs. 7
) ovoid, without visible articulation, apical two-thirds (roughly) with rather sparse short sensilla; basal third of club (roughly) imbricate; sensory structures of antennal club not examined.
Mouthparts. Mandibles with rounded outer margin, mandibular apex acute; terminal labial palpomere truncate, elongate, its width about one-third its length; mentum sub-trapezoid, anterior margin medially with deep notch (
Fig. 138
), surrounded with several moderately long setae; lateral margins as well as disc of mentum with several similar setae; cardo of maxilla with several short setae; stipes triangular, with three short setae; terminal maxillary palpomere truncate, thickened, its width about half its length; remaining mouthparts not examined.
Clypeus (
Fig. 697
) rectangular, rounded laterally, imbricate-punctate; frontal and supraorbital striae absent; frontal disc (
Fig. 697
) imbricate-punctate, posterior third medially with shallow pit; eyes flattened, but visible from above.
Pronotal sides (
Fig. 694
) moderately narrowed anteriorly, apical angles obtuse; pronotal foveae absent; marginal pronotal stria complete, carinate laterally; pronotal disc medially regularly punctate, laterally punctures confluent, creating elongate wrinkles, interspaces imbricate; pronotal hypomeron setose; scutellum small, visible.
Elytral epipleura with short dense setae (
Fig. 700
); marginal epipleural and marginal elytral striae indistinct; humeral elytral stria weakly impressed on basal sixth; inner subhumeral stria well impressed, rather long, situated laterad to humeral elytral stria, almost reaching elytral apex, apically reaching as far as four-fifths of elytral length; elytra with four rather thin, impunctate dorsal elytral striae 1–4, apically reaching about elytral half; fourth dorsal elytral stria basally connected with complete sutural elytral stria; sutural elytral stria well impressed, complete, apically connected with vaguely impressed complete apical elytral stria. Elytral disc entirely covered with sparse, shallow punctures, punctures smaller and sparser apically, interspaces imbricate.
Propygidium partly covered by elytra, transverse, with punctation similar to that of elytral apex, interspaces imbricate; pygidium with similar, if somewhat sparser punctation, interspaces imbricate.
Anterior margin of median portion of prosternum (
Fig. 699
) almost straight, pre-apical foveae absent; marginal prosternal stria present laterally; prosternal process flattened; surface between carinal prosternal striae substrigulate; laterally strigulate-punctate; carinal prosternal striae distinctly divergent on prosternal apophysis, approximate, sub-parallel, slightly divergent apically, vaguely united anteriorly; surface between apices of carinal prosternal striae and anterior prosternal margin distinctly depressed; lateral prosternal striae well impressed, shortened, slightly carinate, convergent anteriorly, attaining carinal prosternal striae, but not united with them; anterior margin of mesoventrite deeply emarginate medially; discal marginal mesoventral stria laterally well impressed, widely obliterated anteriorly; disc of mesoventrite flattened, with shallow scattered punctation; meso-metaventral sutural stria well impressed, sinuate, slightly distanced from meso-metaventral suture; intercoxal disc of metaventrite convex, with irregular sparse fine punctures, becoming larger and denser posteriorly; metaventrite with longitudinal suture. Lateral metaventral stria (
Fig. 700
) well impressed, carinate, slightly sinuate, almost reaching hind coxa; lateral disc of metaventrite (
Fig. 700
) flattened, with scattered shallow punctures, interspaces imbricate; metepisternum (
Fig. 700
) with larger and deeper punctures, interspaces imbricate; fused metepimeron with sparser punctation, several punctures with microscopic setae, interspaces not imbricate.
Intercoxal disc of the first abdominal sternite completely striate laterally; surface of disc with sparse fine scattered punctation, interspaces imbricate.
Protibia (
Figs. 701–702
) dilated, outer margin explanate, almost completely concealing dense row of short rounded denticles continuous along apical protibial margin and well observable only from ventral view (
Fig. 702
); anterior surface of protibia substrigulate; protarsal groove deep; setae of outer and median rows absent; two tiny tarsal denticles present near tarsal insertion; protibial spur tiny, growing out from apical margin of protibia; outer part of posterior surface of protibia (
Fig. 702
) strigulate, separated from glabrous median part of posterior surface by clear-cut boundary; posterior protibial stria absent, inner posterior denticles absent; inner row of setae lamelliform, strongly sclerotized, moderately long.
Mesotibia slender, outer margin slightly explanate, almost concealing two sparse rows of rather short denticles well observable only from ventral view; posterior surface with one row of regular, dense, rather long setae, their affiliation with either outer or median row difficult to determine; posterior mesotibial stria inconspicuous; anterior surface of mesotibia substrigulatepunctate; anterior mesotibial stria complete; inner anterior denticles absent; mesotibial spur inconspicuous, short; apical margin of mesotibia anteriorly without denticles; inner margin of mesotibia asetose; claws of apical tarsomere slightly bent, longer than half of apical-most tarsomere itself; metatibia (
Figs. 703–704
) dilated, posterior surface with single row of dense, long setae, their affiliation with either outer row or median row difficult to determine; posterior metatibial stria vaguely impressed on basal half; outer margin (
Fig. 704
) explanate, completely concealing two rows of morphologically different denticles observable only from ventral view, situated on anterior surface of metatibia: upper row sparse and denticles thin, acutely pointed and rather long, lower row of much denser, shorter rounded denticles; surface between these two rows imbricate; anterior metatibial stria absent; surface between lower row of denticles and inner metatibial margin substrigulate; inner margin of metatibia with single row of moderately dense and long setae; claws of apical-most metatarsomere slightly bent, longer than half its length.
Male genitalia. Eighth sternite (
Figs. 705–706
) weakly sclerotized, completely fused along its entire length, apically with small inflatable membrane (velum), without setae; eighth tergite and eighth sternite fused laterally (
Fig. 707
). Ninth tergite (
Fig. 708
) typical for the subfamily; spiculum gastrale lost during manipulation with genitalia. Aedeagus (
Figs. 709–710
) slender; basal piece of aedeagus rather short, ratio of its length: length of parameres 1: 4.30; parameres fused along their basal two-thirds; aedeagus slightly curved ventrad (
Fig. 710