The case of Holopyga gogorzae Trautmann, 1926 and revision of the H. miranda group (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) Author Rosa, Paolo Author Pavesi, Maurizio text Natural History Sciences 2020 2020-11-18 7 2 39 56 journal article 10.4081/nhs.2020.474 2385-0922 12753933 Holopyga bifrons Abeille de Perrin, 1878 Holopyga bifrons Abeille de Perrin, 1878: 3 . Holotype , Algeria : Bône ( MNHN ). Material examined. Algeria . Annaba : holotype , Bône [= Annaba] ( MNHN ) ; Laghouat : 1♂ , Tadjemout , , leg. Linsenmaier ( NMLU ) . Tunisia . Medenine : 1♂ , Djerba , 14 km SE Houmt Souk , 33°50’N , 11°00’ E , 7.v.1992 , leg. J. Gusenleitner ( NMLU ) ; 1♀ , Djerba , Malboubine env., 7.iv.2002 , leg. P. Rosa ( PRC ) . Distribution. Algeria , Tunisia ( Linsenmaier, 1999 ). Remarks. Holopyga bifrons was included by Linsenmaier (1999) in the H. miranda group; it conversely belongs to the H. amoenula group (see below). Apart from colouring features, namely blue face, contrasting with the red head in dorsal view, and mesosoma ventrally metallic, both unlike H. miranda , tarsal claws multidentate instead of bifid are a diagnostic feature of the H. amoenula group (tarsal claws examination based on non type specimen).