Ufocandona hannaleeae gen. et sp. nov. (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from an artesian well in Texas, USA Author Külköylüoğlu, Okan 6F190152-44D5-42FF-98B5-E575DA2D065B Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Science, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey. & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 6 F 190152 - 44 D 5 - 42 FF- 98 B 5 - E 575 DA 2 D 065 B & Corresponding author: kulkoyluoglu _ o @ ibu. edu. tr kulkoyluoglu_o@ibu.edu.tr Author Yavuzatmaca, Mehmet 36CEC965-2BD7-4427-BACC-2A339F253908 Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Science, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey. & Email: yavuzatmaca _ m @ ibu. edu. tr & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 36 CEC 965 - 2 BD 7 - 4427 - BACC- 2 A 339 F 253908 yavuzatmaca_m@ibu.edu.tr Author Akdemir, Derya BD420D2B-A808-46FA-A2A0-97D6B13D3E8E Merdivenköy Mah. Şair Arşi Cad. No: 16 / 14, 34732, Kadıköy, İstanbul, Turkey. & Email: deryadiyar @ gmail. com & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: BD 420 D 2 B-A 808 - 46 FA-A 2 A 0 - 97 D 6 B 13 D 3 E 8 E deryadiyar@gmail.com Author Schwartz, Benjamin F. 609C0760-DDFA-44D8-B4A2-4C81FE71AC61 Edwards Aquifer Research and Data Center, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX 78666, USA. & Department of Biology, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX 78666, USA. & Email: bs 37 @ txstate. edu & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 609 C 0760 - DDFA- 44 D 8 - B 4 A 2 - 4 C 81 FE 71 AC 61 bs37@txstate.edu Author Hutchins, Benjamin T. 69FCCCF9-B899-4C9E-8CB3-C2701E74D774 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, 4200 Smith School Road, Austin, TX 78744, USA. & Email: ben. hutchins @ tpwd. texas. gov & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 69 FCCCF 9 - B 899 - 4 C 9 E- 8 CB 3 - C 2701 E 74 D 774 ben.hutchins@tpwd.texas.gov text European Journal of Taxonomy 2017 2017-11-30 372 1 18 journal article 21954 10.5852/ejt.2017.372 19f79a6f-4f96-49a2-80e3-3fa00576ffdc 2118-9773 3838496 D7888701-184A-403C-A150-BF7A908DF737 Genus Ufocandona gen. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 5E64ABC9-C598-4A4B-B257-C92053E419FD Type species Ufocandona hannaleeae gen. et sp. nov. (genus presently monotypic). Diagnosis In lateral view, carapace strongly asymmetrical: RV sub-triangular, dorsal margin sloping posteriorly; LV rounded, overlapping RV ( Figs 2 A–F, 7A–B). Only known species small (< 0.5 mm ). LV with prolongation (flange) extending dorsally ( Fig. 2 A–B, E). RV with thin spines around marginal zone, except hinge ( Fig. 2 C–D). Maximum height just anterior to center. In dorsal view ( Figs 3A , 7B ), carapace laterally tumid, greatest width around center, both ends laterally compressed, beak-shaped ( Fig. 7B ). Hinge adont. Valve surface slightly smooth at center, but ornamented with semi-hexagonal structures around marginal zones. Shallow pits common in both sexes and juveniles. Central muscle scars not visible on valve surface ( Fig. 2 ), but two dorsal muscle scars present medio-dorsally ( Figs 2E , 3 C–E). Two inner lists present on inner lamella ( Fig. 2E ). Anterior and posterior marginal areas of LV with 5–6 and 3–4 round tubercles on first list, respectively. Second list shorter than first one. Calcified inner lamella (duplicature) about similar in width anteriorly and posteriorly. Uncalcified inner lamella wide. A1 8-segmented. A2 4-segmented in both sexes. Exopod with two very short setae in males and all claws (G1–3, GM, Gm) present on A2 of females. Swimming (natatory) setae absent, as in all Candoninae . Setae t1–4 absent on A2 (diagnostic character). Md-palp 4-segmented, without alpha, beta or gamma setae (diagnostic character). Mxl palp long, with 2+2 well developed smooth setae; two setae extending from apical corner of first segment, and two (one shorter) on terminal segment. T1 modified into clasping organs in males. T2 5-segmented, with one well developed d1 seta. T3 4-segmented, with one seta (d1) on first segment (protopodite). Uropod with thin, spine-like terminal seta (diagnostic character). Hemipenis with rounded medial lobe (h), inner lobe (b) spatula-shaped, outer lobe (a) with triangular end pointing ventrally (diagnostic character). M-process faintly seen, part-g strongly curved. Zenker organ with 4+2 rings of spines. Etymology The acronym UFO is combined with the generic name Candona as Ufocandona , referencing the similarity of the carapace to the stereotypic “flying saucer” shape of “Unidentified Flying Objects”.