Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylininae: Cremnorrhinini) Author Randall T. Schuh Author Michael D. Schwartz text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2016 401 1 279 journal article 39161 10.5281/zenodo.269465 4e88a985-9cb4-4912-9b10-71db96ba36f5 269465 Spinivesica mardathuna , new species Figure 87, map 22, table 1, plates 28, 29 DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by the entirely weak yellow coloration (in preserved specimens), lack of markings on hemelytron (pl. 28); endosoma sigmoid with a short, lateral spine at midpoint, a long, erect subapical spine, opposite secondary gonopore at right angles to body of vesica, and an apical, weakly sclerotized, marginally microtrichiate plate; ventral and dorsal straps conspicuously separated medially; a small marginally serrate flange on left side of ventral strap lateral to secondary gonopore (fig. 87, pl. 29). Endosoma similar to that of S . tompricensis , but that species distinguished by flattened microtrichiate plate with a rolled apicalmost edge and attenuate proximal extension surpassing secondary gonopore; in S . mardathuna apicalmost edge flat and proximal extension of flattened microtrichiate plate terminating even with the secondary gonopore projection. Fig. 87. Male genitalic structures of Spinivesica mardathuna . DESCRIPTION: MALE : Mean total length 3.17, mean pronotum width 1.01. COLORATION (pl. 28): Weakly yellow, including all appendages (in preserved specimens); corium and membrane without markings. SUR- FACE AND VESTITURE (pl. 28): Dorsum clothed with recumbent, pale, simple setae. STRUCTURE: Head (pl. 28): Eye occupying two-thirds height of head in lateral view; antenna inserted just above ventral margin of eye, eye emarginate at insertion; antennal segment 2 short (0.58), 0.77 times width of head; labium reaching apex of procoxa. Thorax (pl. 28): Pronotum with lateral margins nearly straight, posterior margin weakly concave; mesoscutum broadly exposed. Hemelytron : Short, corial margin weakly convex, overall form ovoid; cuneus short. GENI- TALIA (fig. 87, pl. 29): Pygophore: As in generic description. Endosoma: Straps conspicuously diverging medially and merging again even just proximal to secondary gonopore; dorsal strap at about midpoint with a short lateral spine, subapically with one long, narrow, distally projecting spine originating just distad of secondary gonopore, and apically with a flattened finely microtrichiate plate with undulating margin, projecting parallel with plane of endosoma; apicalmost portion of plate with flat edge; proximal end of microtrichiate plate extending to even with secondary gonopore; ventral strap terminating in transverse sclerotized flange with serrate margin even with secondary gonopore, sometimes flange truncate; secondary gonopore subapical. Phallotheca: Distal portion smooth, moderately sclerotized; dorsal crest well developed. Parameres: Left paramere with dorsoposterior margin somewhat produced posteriad. Right paramere with medially placed terminal point and a weak prominence on posterior angle. Female (pl. 28): Coloration as in male; differing from male as in generic description; mean total length 3.05, mean pronotum width 1.02. ETYMOLOGY: From the place name Mardathuna , Western Australia, near the type locality; a noun in apposition. HOST: Recorded from Eremophila fraseri (Scrophulariaceae) . DISTRIBUTION ( MAP 22 ): Known from type locality, Kennedy Range National Park NE of Shark Bay, Western Australia. HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: ca. 107.7 km SE of North West Coastal Hiway, on Mardathuna Rd (W of Kennedy Range National Park), 24.66376°S 114.7821°E, 163 m, 0 1 Nov 2004, Cassis, Wall, Weirauch, Tatarnic, Symonds, Eremophila fraseri F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH6990185, 1d (AMNH_PBI 0 0 412 641) (WAMP). PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: ca. 107.7 km SE of North West Coastal Hiway, on Mardathuna Rd (W of Kennedy Range National Park), 24.66376°S 114.7821°E, 163 m, 0 1 Nov 2004, Cassis, Wall, Weirauch, Tatarnic, Symonds, Eremophila fraseri F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. PERTH staff PERTH6990185, 1d (00412642), 2♂ (00412644, 00412647) (AM), 1♂ (00412646) (AMNH), 2♂ (00412643, 0 0 41 2645) (WAMP).