Saxifraga kegangii (Saxifragaceae), a new species from Hunan province of central China Author Zhang, Meng-Hua Author Zhang, Xiao-Shuang Author Nie, Ze-Long Author Zhang, Dai-Gui Author Meng, Ying text Phytotaxa 2017 2017-06-13 309 2 159 165 journal article 302375 10.11646/phytotaxa.309.2.7 e002142e-4b06-450a-8033-79bd57db7acc 1179-3163 13700417 Saxifraga kegangii D. G. Zhang, Y. Meng & M. H. Zhang , sp. nov. (Figs 2, 3) Type:CHINA . NW Hunan , Baojing county, Lüdong Mountain, wet limestone under of gully, 28°27 N , 109°39 E , elev. 990 m , 20 April 2016 , D. G . Zhang et al. BJ 4668 ( holotype JIU !). Description: —Perennial herbs, 8–45 cm tall. Stolons absent. Stem glabrous or with sparse glandular piliferous. All basal leaves arranged in a compact, basal rosette. Basal leaves with petiole to 10cm , glabrous or with short glandular piliferous; leaf fan-shaped to orbicular, 1–10 × 1–13 cm , base shallowly cordate or suborbicular, margin entire or 8–10- crenate, apex undulate, lobes margin with irregularly dentate 1–4. Leaf leathery and slightly succulent. Young leaves, both surfaces glandular hairy; Mature leaves, adaxially glabrous, dark green, waxy inlustre; abaxially gray-green, glabrous or sparsely hispid and yellow-green spotted. Veins of abaxially leaf, palmate extending to the leaf marginand slightly protruding. Cauline leaves lanceolate, ca.1–4 × 1–2 mm . Inflorescence paniculate, ca. 7–38cm , 7–56-flowered; branches 2.4–14 cm , sparsely glandular pubescent, 2 or 3-flowered, flowers zygomorphic; pedicels slender, 0.5–4 cm , glandular pubescent. Sepals spreading to reflexed, triangular lanceolate, 1.5–5 × 1–1.8 mm , abaxially and marginally glandular hairy, 3-veined; veins confluent at apex. Petals 5, white, of which largest two lanceolate-oblong, 3–7-veined, base clawed, apex acute, pinniveined, longer petal, ca. 2–2.5 cm × 2–4 mm ; longest petal, ca. 0.7–2 cm × 2–4 mm ; smallest three petals ovate, yellow spotted, 2–4 × 1.3–2 mm , 2–4-veined. Stamens 4–5.2 mm . Ovary ovoid, with a semiannular disc; styles divergent ca. 1–4 mm . Fl. and fr. Apr–May. Distribution and ecology: —It is only found in northwestern Hunan province in Wuling Mountains region of central China . Within sect. Irregulares only two species have been found in Wuling Mountains region ( S. stolonifera Meerb. (1775: 67) and S. rufescens Balfour (1916: 74) ). S. stolonifera is widely distributed in China , and S. rufescens mainly occurs in southwest China with recent records in Hunan province at the Longshan county. The new species grows usually together with S. stolonifera . Etymology: —The species epithet honors Prof. Ke-Gang Li, ex-Director of the College of Biology and Environmental Sciences, Jishou University, Hunan , who made great contributions in understanding the plant diversity from the Wuling Mountains. Additional specimens examined:CHINA . NW Hunan , Baojing county, Lüdong Mountain, elev. 990 m , 2 May 2013 , D.G. Zhang et al.1288 (JIU!).