Two new Neotropical species of Djalmabatista Fittkau (Diptera: Chironomidae)
Dantas, Galileu P. S.
Hamada, Neusa
journal article
Djalmabatista wapixana
sp. nov.
Boa Vista
Igarapé Água Boa
; 60°48'39,8"W,
in light trap
, G.P.S. Dantas (INPA). Paratype: 1 male, as holotype.
Male: combination of color pattern of abdomen; two supraalar setae; T IX with 16 dorsal setae; gonocoxite with a cluster of 12–13 short robust setae on dorsomedian surface, arising from a prominent area; and gonostylus bifurcated, with subapical inner lobe larger than apical lobe, a external small spur near the base of the apical lobe, inner margin with a small projection between the apical and subapical lobes.
In reference to the
indigenous ethnic group, which lives in
, the northernmost State of
, where the
were collected. The specific epithet is treated as a noun in apposition.
Male (n= 1–2). Total length
2.80–3.20 mm
. Wing length
1.24–1.38 mm
. Total length/wing length 2.26–2.32. Wing length/length of profemur 2.18–2.20.
Coloration: Head light brown, eyes slightly iridescent, pedicel dark brown, flagellum brown, palps light brown. Thorax: Antepronotum light-brown, pale at superior region; scutum yellow, with pale area anterior to parapsidal suture; scutellum pale, with lateral brown spots; postnotum light-brown; anterior anapisternum II pale with a darker basal band; median anapisternum brown;superior half of preepisternum pale, with a medial cross brown band, inferior half yellow; wing membrane transparent, without macrotrichia, veins yellow, RM with a darkbrown spot; legs light brown, tarsomeres 4–5 slightly darker. Abdomen (
Fig 5
F). TI–VII yellow, with brown spots on anterolateral margins; TIII–TVII with dark brown pattern; TVIII yellow. Hypopygium dark brown, gonostylus dark brown apically.
Head (
Fig 5
A): AR 1.51–1.55. Antenna with 14 flagellomeres; flagellum 875–900 µm long, apical flagellomere 112–120 µm long, 27–30 µm wide at base, apical setae 19–22 µm long. Temporal setae 16, uniserial anteriorly, biserial posteriorly. Clypeus square-shaped, 77–86 µm long, 88–92 µm wide, with 11–15 setae. Tentorium158–164 µm long, 26–31 µm maximum width. Stipes not measurable. Lengths/widths of palpomeres 1– 4 (in µm): 38–45/29–32, 51–58/27–32, 78/29, 125/26; the fifth palpomere is damaged. Eyes bare, separated by 145–150 µm, dorsomedial extension 102–104 µm long, 34–40 µm wide.
Thorax (
Fig 5
B): Antepronotum with1–2 lateral setae and 2 superior setae, tubercle present. Acrostichals 38, biserial, diverging posteriorly; dorsocentrals 9–11, uniserial; prealars4–7, uniserial; supraalar 2. Scutellum with 9– 11 setae, biserial. Anepisternals, preepisternals and postnotals absent. Scutal tubercle absent; medial scar present.
Wing (
Fig 5
C): 440–456 µm wide. VR 1.46; WW 0.33–0.36. Costa produced, reaching apex of wing,
1.27– 1.38 mm
long, costal extension 1.25–132 µm long. R2, R3 and R3+2 present; R2 weak, R3 reaching C. MCu slightly anterior to RM. Cu with petiole. Brachiolum with 2 setae, R with 16–18 setae, R1 with 10–15, R4+5 with 18–20, M1+2 with 12–13, M3+4 with 10–12. Cell r4+5 with about 30 setae, restricted to apical area; m1+2 with about 15 setae, restricted to apical area. Squama with 12–16 setae. Anal lobe well-developed.
Legs. Fore leg: tibia bearing one elongated apical spur, 40–43 µm long, with an elongated apical tooth, curved at apex and 5 smaller inner teeth; tibia 37–44 µm wide at apex. Mid leg: tibia bearing two apical spurs, smaller spur 24–29 µm long, with an apical tooth and 3–4 inner teeth, larger spur 38–45 µm long, with an elongated apical tooth, curved at apex and 4–5 smaller inner teeth; tibia 42–46 µm wide at apex. Hind leg: tibia bearing two apical spurs, smaller spur 25–32 µm long, with an apical tooth and 4 inner teeth, larger spur 48–52 µm long, with an elongated apical tooth, curved at apex, inner teeth not observed; tibia 45–48 µm wide at apex; tibial comb well-defined, with 9–11 bristles. All legs with pseudospurs in ta1, ta2 and ta3; with slender claws, slightly curved at apex. Lengths and proportions of legs in
Table 3
Lengths (in µm) and proportions of leg segments of
Djalmabatista wapixana
sp. nov.
, male (n = 1–2).
Fe |
Ti |
ta1 |
ta2 |
ta3 |
ta4 |
ta5 |
LR |
BV |
SV |
P1 |
555–645 |
736–823 |
520–608 |
240–286 |
167–186 |
111–128 |
97–102 |
0.71–0.74 |
2.94–2.96 |
2.42–2.48 |
P2 |
606–690 |
651–751 |
450–528 |
204–246 |
138–160 |
96–108 |
85–93 |
0.69–0.70 |
3.24–3.26 |
2.73–2.79 |
P3 |
530–600 |
758–898 |
630 |
325 |
215 |
135 |
105 |
0.70 |
2.73 |
2.38 |
Hypopygium (
Figs 5
D–F, 6A–B): Tergite IX with 14–16 scattered setae; lateroposterior margin lobular, rounded shaped. Anal point broad and bilobed apically. Phallapodeme 88–95 µm long. Sternapodeme markedly arched and slender anteriorly. Superior volsella asymmetrically arched, 80–87 µm long. Gonocoxite robust, subcylindrical, 118–135 µm long, 84–91 µm wide, with a cluster of 12–13 short, robust bristles on the dorsomedian surface, arising from a prominent area. Gonostylus as in
Figures 5
F and 6B, bifurcated at apex, 72–88 µm long, 35–36 µm maximum width; external margin rounded, without knee; apical lobe slender, 33–34 µm long, with a small basal outer spur, megaseta rounded at apex, 14 µm long, without dorsal lamella; subapical inner lobe elongated and robust, 39–41 µm long, 16–17 µm wide at base, wider at the base and tapering gradually to the apex, which is conical; inner margin with a small projection situated between the two apical lobes, 7–8 µm long, with an apical bristle; basal inner lobe15–18 µm long, with 4 apical bristles. HR 1.53–1.64. HV 3.64–3.89.
Djalmabatista wapixana
sp. nov.
, adult male. (A) Head. (B) Thorax. (C) Wing. (D) Abdomen, dorsal view. (E) Hypopygium, dorsal view. (F) Left gonostylus, dorsal view.
Djalmabatista wapixana
sp. nov.
, adult male. (A) Hypopygium in dorsal view, with tergite IX removed. (B) Left gonostylus, ventral view.
Female, pupa and larva.
Distribution and biology.
The new species is known only from the
locality in the far north of
. The specimens were collected with light trap in a stream about
15 m
wide, sand bottom, with water temperature approximately 30°C, low electrical conductivity (4.23µS/cm) and neutral
(6.9) in the
savanna) vegetation
Taxonomic remarks.
Djalmabatista wapixana
sp. nov
is similar to
D. director
by having similar abdominal color pattern of abdomen and strongly bifurcated gonostylus. However, the two species have significant differences in the hypopygium morphology:
sp. nov.
has a group of 12–13 bristles on the dorsal surface of gonocoxite arising from a prominent area, sternapodeme markedly arched anteriorly, gonostylus with subapical lobe larger than apical lobe and a small spur in the external margin, near the base of the apical lobe, while
D. director
has a group of 20–30 bristles on the dorsal surface of gonocoxite, sternapodeme slightly arched anteriorly, gonostylus with subapical lobe smaller than apical lobe and the spur in the external margin is absent.