The Doryctinae (Braconidae) of Costa Rica: genera and species of the tribe Heterospilini Author Marsh, Paul M. Author Wild, Alexander L. Author Whitfield, James B. text ZooKeys 2013 347 1 474 journal article 1313-2970-347-1 52232D18DD784A84882CACA428B4A9D2 52232D18DD784A84882CACA428B4A9D2 Heterospilus reagani Marsh sp. n. Figure 275 Female. Body size: 4.0-4.5 mm. Color: head dark brown; scape yellow or light brown with lateral longitudinal brown stripe; flagellum brown with apical white an nulus , apical 5-8 flagellomeres brown; mesosoma usually brown, occasionally dark brown; metasomal terga dark brown; wing veins including stigma light brown; legs yellow. Head: vertex smooth, rarely with weak striations around antennal bases; frons transversely striate; face rugose; temple in dorsal view narrow but somewhat bulging behind eye, width equal to 1/2 eye width; malar space greater than 1/4 eye height; ocell-ocular distance about twice diameter of lateral ocellus; 30-34 flagellomeres. Mesosoma: mesoscutal lobes smooth; notauli scrobiculate, meeting posteriorly in triangular costate area; scutellum smooth; prescutellar furrow with 5 cross carinae; mesopleuron smooth at least above precoxal sulcus, occasionally weakly granulate dorsally; precoxal sulcus smooth, shorter than mesopleuron; venter smooth; propodeum with basal median areas margined, smooth, basal median carina absent, areola not margined, areolar area areolate, lateral areas mostly rugose with small smooth area basally. Wings: fore wing vein r shorter than vein 3RSa, vein 1cu-a beyond vein 1M; hind wing vein SC+R present, vein M+CU shorter than vein 1M. Metasoma: first tergum longitudinally costate, length greater than apical width; second tergum longitudinally costate, width about 4 times length, with raised smooth median area at basal border; anterior transverse groove present, slightly sinuate; posterior transverse groove present; third tergum costate basally, smooth apically; terga 4-7 smooth; ovipositor as long as metasoma. Holotype female. Top label (white, printed) - Costa Rica: Alajuela, ACA [;] San Carlos, Res. F. Arenal [;] Sendero Pilon, 600m, Malaise [;] 14. x- 3.xii.1998, G. Carballo [;] L.N. 269100-457900 #53365; second label (red, partially printed and hand written) - HOLOTYPE [;] Heterospilus [;] reagani [;] P. Marsh. Deposited in ESUW. Paratypes . 3 ♀♀, same data as holotype (ESUW). 1 ♀, Costa Rica: Puntarenas [;] San Vito - Las Cruces [;] 22-IV to 5-V-1988 [;] P. Hanson (TAMU). Comments. The large size of the body, the antennae with apical white annulus, the smooth mesoscutum and the raised smooth area at the base of metasomal tergum 2 are distinctive for this species. Etymology. Named for the 40th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. Figure 275. Heterospilus reagani Marsh, sp. n.: A-C paratype D-E holotype.