Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico Author Bousquet, Yves Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada text ZooKeys 2012 2012-11-28 245 1 1722 journal article 1313-2970-245-1 FFFF52503A0AFF882450FFB66D45FF8E 578462 Ellipsoptera blanda (Dejean, 1831) Cicindela blanda Dejean, 1831: 238. Type locality: "Amerique septentrionale" (original citation), herein restricted to Lynches River State Park, Florence County, South Carolina (see Cartwright 1935: 75). Syntype(s) in MHNP. Cicindela tarsalis LeConte, 1852b: 66. Type locality: "Canootche river, Georgia" (original citation). Holotype [by monotypy] (♂) in MCZ [# 39]. Synonymy established by LeConte (1856a: 49). Distribution. This species, also known as the "Sandbar Tiger Beetle", is endemic to the Coastal Plain ranging from southeastern North Carolina to the Florida Panhandle west to southeastern Mississippi and southwestern Louisiana [see Pearson et al. 2006: Map 97]. Records. USA : AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC