Notes on Michael Schuelke's pselaphine collections from China. - Tyrini. I. genera Labomimus Sharp, Linan Hlavac and Pselaphodes Westwood (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae) Author Yin, Zi-Wei Author Li, Li-Zhen text ZooKeys 2012 251 83 118 journal article 1313-2970-251-83 Labomimus paratorus Yin & Li sp. n. Figs 1D5 Type material (3 ♂♂). Holotype: ♂, labeled 'China: Shaanxi, Qin Ling Shan / 108.47E, 33.51N, Mountain W / pass at Autoroute km 70, 47 km / 2500-2600 m, sifted / 26.-27.08.1995, leg. M. Schuelke // Sammlung / M. Schuelke / Berlin // M. SCHUELKE Coll. / Staphylinidae , Pselaphinae / Labomimus sp. 5 / S. Nomura det., 2005' (cSch). Paratypes: 1 ♂, same label data as holotype, with additional identification label ' Labomimus Sharp sp. / det. Brachat 2. 99' (SNUC); 1 ♂, labeled 'CHINA (S-Shaanxi) Qingling Shan / mount. range W pass on rd. Xi'an / - Shagoujie, 45 km SSE Xi'an , / 33°52'N , 108°46'E , 2675 m / (N-slope, Abies , Betula , Larix , / subalp. meadows, along road) / 25.VII.2001 Wrase [20] // Sammlung / M. Schuelke / Berlin // M. SCHUELKE Coll. / Staphylinidae , Pselaphinae / Labomimus sp. 14 / S. Nomura det., 2005' (cSch). Diagnosis. Reddish brown; length 3.55-3.87; postgenae rounded; antennomeres IX-XI enlarged, IX modified in the male; pronotum with lateral margins slightly angularly expanded laterally; metaventral processes roundly broadened apically; metacoxae simple; aedeagus with asymmetric median lobe. Description. Male (Fig. 1D). Length 3.55-3.87. Head longer than wide, HL 0.74-0.76, HW 0.66-0.69; eyes each composed of about 40 facets. Antennal clubs as in Fig. 5A. Pronotum (Fig. 5B) about as long as wide, PL 0.68-0.70, PW 0.69-0.71, with lateral margins slightly angularly expanded. Elytra wider than long, EL 0.92-0.93, EW 1.25-1.28. Metaventral processes moderately elongate, apically roundly enlarged (Fig. 5C). Procoxae with short thick ventral spine, protrochanters with small ventral spine, profemora with large blunt spine at ventral margin (Fig. 5D), protibiae (Fig. 5E) with small apical tubercle; mesotrochanters (Fig. 5F) with small spine at ventral margin, mesotibiae (Fig. 5G) with short truncate apical tubercle; metatrochanters and metafemora (Fig. 5H) simple. Abdomen broad at base and narrowed apically, AL 1.21-1.48, AW 1.40-1.43. Sternite IX as in Fig. 5I. Aedeagus length 0.81, median lobe elongate, asymmetric (Figs 5 J-L ). Female. Unknown. Comparative notes. A reexamination of the holotype of Pselaphodes torus Yin, Li & Zhao clearly showed the presence of a median metaventral fovea in that species, a character state that is shared by Labomimus , Linan ,and Indophodes Hlavac of the Pselaphodes -complex. Combined with the short tarsomeres II not extending to beneath the III, the distinct frontal and vertexal foveae, and the presence of a pronotal median antebasal fovea, Pselaphodes torus is here moved to Labomimus , comb. n. Labomimus paratorus is placed closest to Labomimus torus , they share a similar general appearance, the placement of spines on the legs, and even similar aedeagal form. The two species can be separated only by reddish-brown body coloration and the short apical projections of pro- and mesotibiae in Labomimus paratorus , in contrast Labomimus torus has black body coloration and much longer apical projections of the first two pairs of tibiae. Distribution. Norwest China: Shaanxi. Biology. Individuals were sifted from leaf litter of mixed forests. Etymology. The species name indicates a close relationship to Labomimus torus . Figure 5. Diagnostic features of Labomimus paratorus . A antenna B pronotum C median meteventral process, in lateral view D procoxa, protrochanter and profemur E apical portion of protibia F mesotrochanter and mesofemur G apical portion of mesotibia H metatrochanter and metafemur I sternite IX J aedeagus, in dorsal view K same, in lateral view L same, in ventral view. Scales (mm): A, B, D, F, H = 0.3; C, J, K, L = 0.2; I = 0.1; E, G = 0.05.