Four new species of the genus Luzonomyza Malloch (Diptera, Lauxaniidae) from China Author Li 1, Wenliang College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China Author Chen 1, Xulong College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China Author Feng 1, Keli College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China Author Zhao 2, Shengjuan College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China Author Yang 3, Ding College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China text ZooKeys 2021 2021-12-01 1074 43 59 journal article 1313-2970-1074-43 2494F10ADACB4C0F8C01AB7A8A4E63BB 04B78F8E2A2459CA8FE7E0575B46ABE3 Luzonomyza serrata Li & Yang sp. nov. Figures 17-21 , 22-25 Type material. Holotype . ♂ (CAUC), China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Menglun Zhiwuyuan; 21°55'12"N , 101°16'20"E ; 580 m; 22 Apr 2007; Wenliang Li leg. Paratype . 1 ♂(CAUC), China, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Menglun No. 55 area; 21°56'5"N , 101°14'48"E ; 540 m; 23 Apr 2007; Hui Dong leg. Figures 17-21. Luzonomyza serrata sp. nov. Male 17 head, anterior view 18 wing 19 habitus, lateral view 20 thorax, dorsal view 21 abdomen, dorsal view. Etymology. Latin, serrata , referring to the serrated sides of the phallus. Figures 22-25. Luzonomyza serrata sp. nov. Male 22 syntergosternite and epandrium, lateral view 23 epandrial complex, posterior view 24 phallic complex, ventral view 25 phallic complex, lateral view. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. Diagnosis. Face with 2 brown longitudinal stripes, gena with apical half of inner margin and ventral margin brown. Proboscis apically with a pair of Y-shaped brown spots. Mesonotum with 4 brown stripes extending to tip of scutellum. Legs pale yellow, fore femur with 7 posteroventral setae. Gonopod indistinct; both sides of phallus serrated. Phallus indistinct concave apically. Description. Male. Body length 3.4-4.0 mm, wing length 3.5-3.8 mm. Head (Fig. 17 ) yellow. Face with an angular hump on middle of basal half and 2 brown longitudinal stripes; parafacial with sparse short hairs and with 4 long setae extending to gena, with a black spot between eye and antennal bases, gena with apical half of inner margin and ventral margin brown. Frons ~1.4 x longer than wide and parallel-sided, with a brown median stripe extending from anterior margin to ocellar triangle and with short setulae on anterior half; ocellar triangle grayish black, ocellar setae very small, hair-like; anterior fronto-orbital seta reclinate, shorter than the posterior one. Gena ~half height of eye and with broad brown stripe. Antenna yellow, first flagellomere and arista missing. Proboscis yellow with white and black setulae, and apically with a pair of Y-shaped brown spots; palpus yellow with black setulae. Thorax (Fig. 20 ) brownish yellow, with grayish-white pruinescence. Mesonotum with 4 brown stripes extending to tip of scutellum, occupying most of scutellum. 0+3 dorsocentral setae, anteriormost dorsocentral seta away from scutal suture; acrostichal setulae in 4 rows; a pair of prescutellar setae, all setae on thorax missing. Dorsal margin of anepisternum and katepisternum yellow. One anepisternal seta, 1 katepisternal seta. Legs pale yellow, fore femur and basal half of tibia brown, tarsomeres 4 and 5 pale brown, mid and hind femora and tibiae yellow but pale yellow apically. Fore femur with 7 posterodorsal setae and 7 posteroventral setae, fore tibia with a long dorsal preapical seta and a short apicoventral seta. Mid tibia with a strong dorsal preapical seta and an apicoventral seta. Hind femur with a weak preapical anterodorsal seta; hind tibia with a long dorsal preapical seta and a short apicoventral seta. Wing brown along costal margin, extending to M1, a brown spot on each of the crossveins r-m and dm-cu; subcostal cell brown; costa with 2nd (between R1 and R2+3), 3rd (between R2+3 and R4+5), and 4th (between R4+5 and M1) sections in ratios of 9.0: 1.6: 1.2; r-m beyond middle of discal cell; ultimate and penultimate sections of M1 in ratios of 5.9: 3.0; ultimate section of CuA1 ~1/5 of penultimate. Haltere pale yellow. Abdomen (Fig. 21 ) yellow, tergites 2-6 blackish brown on posterior margin. Male genitalia (Figs 22-25 ): syntergosternite confluent with epandrium, broad dorsally and narrow ventrally. Epandrium with a pair of long black conical dorsoapical processes in lateral view, with a pair of lateral processes on anterior margin. Surstylus absent, ventral margin with setae, hypandrium V-shaped, with a pair of lateral acute processes. Gonopod indistinct; hypandrium, gonopod and phallus confluent together. Both sides of phallus serrated, with a dorsal process apically in lateral view. Phallus indistinct concave apically. Phallapodeme claviform, shorter than phallus. Female. Unknown. Remarks. This new species is very similar to Luzonomyza pseudoforficula from Thailand in the body markings, wing type, and leg color, but it can be separated from the latter by the yellow antenna and the phallus being serrated on both sides. In Luzonomyza pseudoforficula , the antenna is black, and the phallus is not serrated in ventral view. Distribution. China (Yunnan).