An annotated checklist of Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) of Israel with description of two new species Author Bidzilya, Oleksiy Author Karsholt, Ole Author Kravchenko, Vasiliy Author Šumpich, Jan text Zootaxa 2019 2019-09-30 4677 1 1 68 journal article 25340 10.11646/zootaxa.4677.1.1 96befb78-0a83-49f3-aa2c-50621311f7c7 1175-5326 3468862 11BCCBB0-1FB1-4890-A07C-15C1477EAFD2 Oxypteryx jordanella Rebel, 1911 Fig. 40 Oxypteryx jordanella Rebel, 1911 —Verh. zool-bot. Ges. Wien 61: 151. Records. Amsel 1933: 126 ; Amsel 1935c: 265 ; Bodenheimer 1937: 101 . Material examined. 1 ♂ , Jericho , Palästina , 22.ii.1931 ( Amsel ) (gen. slide 84/19 O. Bidzilya ) ( SMNK ) . Remarks. The genus Oxypteryx Rebel, 1911 was established as monotypic for the new species O. jordanella described on the basis of two females collected in Jordan . The genus was considered as a synonym of Acompsia by Meyrick (1925: 142) or as a separate genus by Amsel (1935c: 265) . The male genitalia of Oxypteryx ( Fig. 30 ) agree in all details with Eulamprotes Bradley, 1971 so that the following synonymy is proposed: Eulamprotes Bradley, 1971 syn. nov. of Oxypteryx Rebel, 1911 . Here we describe the male genitalia of O. jordanella for the first time. Male genitalia. Uncus very small, hump-shaped, with a few apical setae; gnathos reduced; tegumen trapezoidal, as long as broad at base, anteromedial emargination four times as broad as long, subrectangular; valva elongated, parallel-sided to 2/3 length, then narrowed towards pointed apex, with subapical fold; sacculus short, subtriangular, 1/3-1/4 length of valva; transtilla lobes rounded; vinculum band-shaped; saccus short, weakly narrowed towards rounded apex; phallus three times as long as broad, slightly longer than valva, distal 1/3 weakly narrowed, with subovate membranous area in basal portion, vesica without cornuti. Remarks. Oxypteryx jordanella is well recognized externally by its large size and for Eulamprotes unique wing pattern. The short saccus is the most characteristic feature in the male genitalia. Distribution. Israel , Jordan , Saudi Arabia ( Amsel 1961: 59 ).