A revision of Gomphostemma (Lamiaceae) Author Bongcheewin, Bhanubong Author Ingrouille, Martin J. Author Paton, Alan J. text Kew Bulletin 2022 2022-03-30 77 1 27 92 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12225-021-09991-y journal article 10.1007/s12225-021-09991-y 7615581 11. Gomphostemma curtisii Prain (1890: 313) ; Prain (1891: 266) ; Keng (1969: 83 , 1958: 322 ); Murata (1956: 188) ; Walsingham & Bramley (2010: 282); Walsingham (2019: 196) . Type: Malaysia, Perak, Waterloo, 600 m [2000 ft],?ec. 1885, Curtis 1310 (lectotype K [K000301083], selected here; isolectotype SING). Cyrtandromoea repens Ridl. ( Ridley 1911: 52 ). Type: Malaysia, Perak, Temengoh, July 1909, Ridley 12226 (holotype K [K000301082]; isotypes BM, SING [SING0091065]). Perennial herb, decumbent-like, up to 1.6 m tall. Stems ascending, woody at base, obtusely quadrangular with longitudinal grooves, rooting at nodes, tomentose with sessile or a 1-celled stalk stellate hairs, dendroid hairs absent; internodes sometimes wavy. Leaoes petiolate, chartaceous; blades ovate, elliptic-ovate or cordate, 3 – 20 (– 22) × 2 – 11 (– 16) cm, apex acute, margin serrate or shallowly serrate, base cuneate, upper side dark green with sessile stellate or stalked stellate hairs and sparse simple hairs, lower side pale green with stellate hairs; petioles 30 – 60 (– 90) mm long. Inflorescence basal, inserted at the lower nodes where leaves have mostly fallen, with opposite cymes subsessile, congested with axis not visible between flowers or sometimes lax, branched; verticils few – many-flowered; peduncles 0 – 13 (– 23) mm long; bracts ovate or obovate, sometimes asymmetric, keel-like, 5 – 20 × 3 – 10 mm, apex acute or acuminate, margin shallowly serrate at the apical part and entire at the basal part or entire, base attenuate, upper side with sparse stellate hairs at the upper part and glabrous at the basal part, lower side with dense stellate hairs. Flowering calyx dark red or reddish-brown, infundibular, 10 – 13 mm long, 10-ridged, outside with stellate hairs, inside with adpressed shortly simple hairs below and stellate hairs above; tube 2 – 5 mm long; lobes triangular, 6 – 8 mm long, apex subulate, margin slightly revolute. Fruiting calyx cupular, 13 – 23 mm long; tube 3 – 10 mm; lobes 8 – 13 mm long. Corolla white, creamywhite, pinky-white or pale yellow, 30 – 23 mm long, throat inflated, abruptly dilated near the throat; tube incurved, 23 – 33 mm long, outside tomentose with stellate hairs, inside glabrous; posterior lip spreading beyond anterior lip, ovate, 3 – 5 mm long, apex emarginate, margin slightly undulate; anterior lip subequally 3-lobed. Staminal filaments slightly fleshy. Style slender, glabrous, not long beyond anthers with apex subequally lobed. Nutlets 1 – 2, obovate, 2 – 6 mm long, slightly wrinkled. DISTRIBUTION. Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Malaysian Borneo (Sabah, Sarawak), Indonesia (Sumatra). Map 3 . SPECIMENS EXAMINED. THAILAND. Songkhla: Had Yai?istr., Ton Nga Chang Fall [6.923°, 100.2239°], 130 m, Oct. 1993, Vichai s.n. (BKF); Yala: Banang Sta?istr., 100 m, 26 July 1923, Kerr 5326 (BK, BM, K 2 sheets); Ban Lae, 21 Nov. 1961, Chantanamuck 23 (BK, BKF); Bo Hin Forest, 18 Nov. 1961, Suoarnakoset 1692 (BKF); Narathiwat: Khao Nikom Vaeng, 12 Sept. 1966, Sangkhachand & Nimanong 1363 (BKF, K, L, P); Waeng, Hala Bala Wildlife Sanctuary, 3°28&N 101°29&E, 380 m, 13 Aug. 2006, Petrmitr 665 (CMUB). MALAYSIA. Kelantan: Pergau, Sungei Long Intake I [3.5106°, 101.5836°], 530 m, 6 Oct. 1992, Karim & Shah 31 (GH, SING); Pahang: Bentung, Genting Highland, 3°26&N 101°20&E, 1830 m, 2 July 1995, Saw FRI 22850 (SING); Bukit Fraser [3.5165°, 101.53°], 8 Aug. 1935, Franck 1326 (C); Bukit Fraser, Sungei Yel, 810 m [2500 ft], 28 Aug. 1923, Nur 11100 (SING); Cameron Highlands [2.23°, 101.2665°], 1200 m [2000 ft], 8 April 1935, Henderson 32352 (BM, GH); Fraser’ s Hill [3.5165°, 101.53°], 1200 m [2000 ft], 12 Aug. 1935, Corner 33158 (GH, K, SING); Pulau Tioman [2.8°, 102.1833°], Bukit Bagoh, 220 m [800 ft], 28 April 1925, Nur 18356 (K, SING); Pulau Tioman, Kampung Teke [2.8°, 102.13°] to Kampung Juara, 22 Sept. 2000, Kiew 3108 (SING); Telom [2.23°, 101.3833°], Nov. 1908, Ridley 13393 (BM, SING); Perak: Temengoh, July 1909, Ridley 12226 (holotype of Cyrtandromoea repens , K; isotype BM, SING); Gunong Pondok [2.5665°, 100.8333°], 19 Oct. 1922, Haniff 10335 (SING); Grik, Temengor?am [3.2°, 101.3°], Sungei Sera, 323 m, 10 Nov. 1993, Saw FRI 39952 (K, L); Gunong Batu Puteh [2.2165°, 101.23°], Lower Camp, Wray 1233 (lectoparatypes of G. curtisii , K, SING); Maxwell Hill [2.83°, 100.5833°], 300 m, Oct. 1899, W. F. 153 (SING); Thaiping [Taiping, 2.83°, 100.5333°], near the cottage, Feb. – March, Ridley s.n. (SING); Waterloo [2.5665°, 100.8165°], 600 m [2000 ft],?ec. 1885, Curtis 1310 (lectotype of G. curtisii , K; isolectotype SING); Selangor: Ulu Langat, Gadoh 1688 (KEP); Sabah: Keningau?istr., Crocker range [3.2666°, 116.0613°], 21 Aug. 1986, Krispinus SAN 113825 (K); Crocker range Forest Reserve, mile 11, Keningau-Kimanis Road, 18 Nov. 1958, Gibot SAN 85929 (K, L); Crocker range, 19 km W of Keningau, mile 13.3, Kimanis Road, 1100 m, 23 Sept. 1983, 3eaman et al . 5035 (K); mile 8 of Keningau-Kimanis Road, 30 Sept. 1981, Gibot & Sundaling SAN 92230 (K, L); Lahad?atu?istr., Hutan Simpan Sungai Segama, 28 March 1983, Madani & Ismail SAN 108635 (K); Tabin Wildlife Reserve near Wildlife?epartment&s headquarters, 3°11&N 118°30&E, 130 m, 22 Feb. 2000, Kjeldsen et al . 32 (AAU, C); Nabawan?istr., Pensiangan, Sungei Sansiang, a tributary of the Sepulut R., Batu Punggul, 2°38&N 116°38&E, 323 m, 29 April 1982, Sands et al . 2029 (K); Ranau?istr., Kampung Menggis [3.3833°, 113.2165°], 11 Sept. 1996, Rumutom 393 (K). MALAYSIA. SARAWAK . Mt Poi, 1929, Clemens & S. Clemens 20153 (K); Foot of Gunong Berumput, Poi Range, 9 Aug. 1962, 3urtt & Woods B2522 (E); MALAYSIA. UNLOCALISED . Scortechini 922 (lectoparatype of G. curtisii SING ). INDONESIA . SUMATRA . Aceh: Lawe Sigala, near Kutatcane, 23 March 1932, Alston 12680 (BM, GH); North Sumatra: NE of Mt Sibacak, near Bandarbaru, 930 – 1100 m, 9 Oct. 1928, Lorzing 12059 (K, L); By Sibolangit [3.3165°, 98.3833°], 323 m, 20 Jan. 1918, Lorzing 3298 (L); Coven Bandar, Caroe, Sibolangit, 1000 m, 3 Feb. 1915, Lorzing 2650 (L); E Coast [Siantar, Simeloengoen, 1.9665°, 98.5833°], [2 Aug. 1923], Yates 893 (BM, K); West Sumatra: Muaralabuh [-1.2833°, 101.03°], Peconina, 900 m, 13 Sept. 1929, Teruya 1206 (K, SING 2 sheets); Mt Sago [-0.3269°, 100.6506°], near Pacakumbuh, above Halaban Moutain Forest, 800 m, 3?ec. 1933, Meijer 2302 (L); NW Kelling, Gunung Talamau, 600 m, 28 April 1915, 3ünnemeijer 303 [L (L0596120)]. HABITAT. In lowland forest, montane dipterocarp forest, evergreen forest, stream sides, forest edges and roadsides; alt. 100 – 1330 m. CONSERVATION STATUS. Widespread; Least Concern (LC). PHENOLOGY . Flowering April – November. Fruiting October – March. NOTES. Gomphostemma curtisii is a recognised by having subulate calyx lobes, broadly ovate or cordate leaf blades and axillary inflorescences subtended by leaves or in a lower, more basal position where leaves have fallen. Prain agreed with Mr W. B. Hemsley who remarked that this species is similar to G. pedunculatum by having pedunculate inflorescences and large bracts ( Prain 1891 ).