Seven New Species Of Phanoperla Banks From Vietnam And Thailand (Plecoptera: Perlidae) Author Sivec, Ignac Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Prešernova 20, P. O. Box 290, SLO- 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: isivec @ pms-lj. si Author Stark, Bill P. Box 4045, Department of Biology, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi, U. S. A. 39058 E-mail: stark @ mc. edu text Illiesia 2010 6 10 98 112 journal article 3c7c2c9b-5ab5-45aa-92f5-f99f8456a1b4 1854-0392 4759732 Phanoperla huang sp. n. ( Figs. 4-10 ) Material examined. Holotype and 1♀ paratype from Thailand , Loei Province , Na Heaw National Park , Namtok Tat Huang , 100° 59’ N, 17° 33’ E, 500 m , 22 October 2002 , I. Sivec ( PMSL ). Additional paratypes : Thailand : Boripat Waterfall , 100° 09’ N, 06º 59’ E, 1200 m , 27-28 April 1993 , H. Malicky , 1♂ ( PMSL ) . Mae Hong Son Province , Namtok Mae Surin National Park , Mae Nam Pai , 97° 59’ N, 19° 221’ E, 310 m , 19 March 2002 , I. Sivec , 1♂ ( PMSL ) . Figs. 4-7. Phanoperla huang . 4. Head and pronotum. 5. Male terminalia, dorsal. 6. Aedeagus, oblique ventrolateral. 7. Female terminalia. Adult habitus. Biocellate, ocelli large and very close together. Head yellow brown with darker markings behind ocelli and on both sides of pale M-line ( Fig. 4 ); antennal scape bicolored, base yellow; antennal flagellum brown. Pronotum pale with darker rugosities. Femora pale, tibiae dark along outer margin; apical tarsal segment dark brown. Basal cercal segment pale, rest of cerci brown. Male. Forewing length 9 mm . Tergum 8 with small mesal lobe; posterior margin darkened and slightly emarginate. Tergum 9 with lateral sensilla basiconica patches well developed, mesal patch reduced to a few sensilla ( Fig. 5 ). Processes of hemitergal lobes short, wide to midlength and curved laterad. Aedeagal tube more sclerotized in apical half and armed near tube apex on either side of sclerite with a small patch of variably sized spines ( Fig. 6 ); aedeagal sac tubular, without lobes; armature developed into a complete wide band of variably sized spines near midlength of sac and continuing beyond band with irregular row of slightly larger spines along both margins. Female. Forewing length 11 mm . Subgenital plate slightly produced as a small triangle with wide notch ( Fig. 7 ). Egg. Oval with short, wide collar ( Fig. 8 ); egg length ca. 344 µm , width ca. 218 µm , collar length ca. 25 µm , collar width ca. 89 µm . Sides of collar and upper egg body with a series of narrow ridges ( Fig. 9 ); lid below micropylar line covered with small pores ( Fig. 10 ). Micropyles simple. Larva. Unknown. Etymology. The species name, used as a noun in apposition, is based on the stream name of the type locality in Na Heaw National Park. Diagnosis. This species is a member of the P. pallipennis (Banks) species group as defined by Zwick (1982) and is most similar in aedeagal structure to P. malayana Zwick. In that species the largest aedeagal sac spines form a discrete, fairly regular subapical ring of a few spines whereas in P. huang , the largest spines are much smaller than these and are arranged in two linear clusters along the ventrolateral margins extending from the broad band of small spines at midlength of the sac to the apex. The egg is very similar to that of P. uchidai described below.