A new genus and two new species of galling aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) from Distylium (Hamamelidaceae) in Taiwan Author Ko, Chiun-Cheng text Zootaxa 2017 2017-09-21 4323 2 209 218 journal article 32030 10.11646/zootaxa.4323.2.4 363faa19-736a-4fd0-993f-2e82f8bb8c3d 1175-5326 898924 3Ca6831A-201A-4Fd8-Afd3-Ae0Cb035319A Monzenia minuta Yeh sp. n. ( Fig. 1 , 2 ) Apterous viviparous adult. (Description is based on 12 specimens). ( Fig. 1B–D ; Fig. 2A,2B ). Body oval, cuticle soft, 0.72–0.9 mm long. Head with 8–12 minute setae, without horns or dagger-like setae. Antennae 5-segmented, 100–148 µm long; last segment with 1 circular sensorium and 4 terminal setae. Eyes with 3 facets. Ultimate rostral segment pointed, about 1.20 (1.04–1.27)-times length of 2nd segment of hind tarsus. Foreleg with 1 capitate and 2 fine long setae on dorsum of 2nd tarsal segment; mid- and hindlegs each with 2 capitate and 2 fine long setae on dorsum of 2nd tarsal segment. Abdominal tergites I–V with 4–9 minute setae; abdominal tergite VIII lightly sclerotized, with 7 or 8 setae arranged in a row; abdominal tergites II–V each with a pair of spiracles which on small sclerotic plates. Siphunculi ring-like, slightly larger than spiracular plates. Cauda and anal plate not well demarcated from each other. FIGURE 1. Monzenia minuta sp. n. (A) induces closed spherical galls on tWigs of Distylium racemosum ; (B) body, (C) head, and (D) abdomen of an apterous adult; (E) body, (F) head, (G) abdomen, and (H) Wings of an alate adult. FIGURE 2. Monzenia minuta sp. n. (A) Head, (B) anal plate (left-upper), cauda (left-bottom) and siphunculi (right) of an apterous adult. (C) Head+antennae segments I, II, (D) antennae segments III–V, (E) Wings, (F) anal plate (upper) and cauda (bottom) of an alate adult (Scale bar=0.1 mm.) Alate viviparous adult. (Description is based on 27 specimens). ( Fig. 1E–H ; Fig. 2C–F ). Descriptions are based on the morphology of alate viviparous adults in the gall generation. Body length about 1.01–1.20 mm. Head width (distance between 2 apices of ocular tubercles) 0.25–0.26 mm. Antennae 5-segmented, segment III about 125–140 µm long, segment IV 60 –75 µm, segment V 35 –40 µm, total length of antennae about 1.19 (1.15–1.24)- times width of head; segment III a little broadened near basal part, with 7–9 annular secondary sensoria except on basal 1/5 or 1/7, which gradually narrows to a constricted base; segment IV with 4–6 annular secondary sensoria; segment V with 1 small circular sensorium and 4 terminal setae, with 2 or 3 annular secondary sensoria. Wings almost hyaline, broad, stigma lanceolate; media vein unbranched on forewings. Tibiae imbricate, with distinct spinules; tarsi with some spinules, 1st tarsal segments with 3-3-3 setae, 2nd tarsal segments with 3-4-4 capitate distal setae. Abdominal tergites II–V each with a pair of spiracles which on small sclerotic plates. Siphunculi slightly elevated, ring-like, slightly larger than spiracular plates. Cauda with a medial process, with many spinules at base. Anal plate bilobed, with 4–6 setae on each lobe. Material examined. Holotype , one alate viviparous adult & one apterous viviparous adult, Yuanshan Township, Ilan Co., Taiwan , on D. racemosum , 23-ix-2006 , H. T. Yeh (#505). ( The individuals of holotype are marked by circles on the slide.) Holotype-specimen deposition: NTU , Taipei , Taiwan . Paratype , 27 alate viviparous adults & 12 apterous viviparous adults (on 7 microscope slides), Yuanshan Township, Ilan Co. , Taiwan , on D. racemosum , 23-ix-2006 , H. T. Yeh (#505)( BMNH , NMNS , NTU , TARIIC ) . 4 alate viviparous adults, Yuanshan Township, Ilan Co., Taiwan , on D. racemosum , 26-ix-2009 , G. S . Tung (#701)(NTU). Etymology. The species epithet is a Latin word, ‘ minuta ’, meaning minute or small, emphasizing the small body size of the alate viviparous adult. Remarks. This species induces closed spherical galls on twigs of D. racemosum ( Fig. 1A ). The morphologies of alate viviparous adults of M . minuta sp. n. can be distinguished from those of M . globuli (Monzen) and M. ihai Sorin as follows:
Characters* M. minuta sp. n. M. globuli M. ihai
body size (mm) 1.01–1.20 1.60–2.00 1.78
ratio of lengths of antennal segments III–V to head Width 1.19 (1.15–1.24) 1.60–1.70 1.70
numbers of antennal secondary rhinaria on III, IV, and V 7–9, 4–6, and 2 or 3 18–23, 9–12, and 6–10 21–28, 10–15, and 9–12
media vein on foreWings unbranched once-branched once-branched
* Based on the original descriptions by Monzen (1934) for M. globuli and by Sorin (1996) for M. ihai .