On some Bats of the Genus Rhinolophus, with Remarks on their Mutual Affinities, and Descriptions of Twenty-six new Forms. Author Andersen, Knud text Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1905 1905-12-31 2 75 145 journal article http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3757451 d81354de-a914-4582-98be-811adbff11df 3757451 17. Rhinolophus refulgens , sp. n. (Plate IV. fig . 6 a , b, c .) Diagnosis. Skull and external characters, essentially of the lepidus-type. But brain-case somewhat higher in front, making the anterior slope of the sagittal crest, towards the postnasal depression, somewhat more abrupt. Forearm 40'6-41'5 mm. Details. Very nearly of the same size as Rh. lepidus , but metacarpals, also proportionately, somewhat shorter; tibia shorter. The horse-shoe is, if anything, slightly broader. * There is no doubt that this is an accidental error. Prof. Peters (who determined Hutton’s Bats) cannot, possibly, have identified the specimen here under consideration (forearm 37'5 mm.) with “ Rh. petersi ” (forearm of type 5 mm.). As already pointed out above (p. 97, footnote), the labels must have been confused; the name “ Rh. petersi ” was, probably, intended for Hutton’s examples of Rh. rou.vi. Colour. ♀ ad., skin; Perak; Marcii ; teeth almost unworn. Very different from Rh. lepidus . General effect of the colour of the upper side: a dark shade of “ Prout’s brown ” with a tinge of “ hair-brown. On closer examination the fur of the upper side proves to be composed of two kinds of hair: longer, thinner, straight hairs, quite black; and somewhat shorter, crinkled hairs of a “ hair-brown colour; the mixture of the colours of these two kinds of hair produces the general effect. Base of hairs of upper side not lighter coloured. The fur of the upper side has a silvery reflection (iridescence). Under side between “broccoli-brown” and hair-brown. A spirit-specimen from Selangor (♂ ad., apparently the same age) is of the same colour. Skull. In addition to the characteristic in the diagnosis: the maxillar width, across the antero-external corner of m’ (a character subject to exceedingly small individual variation in the species of the lepidus -section) is somewhat larger, giving this part of the skull a somewhat broader aspect: 6 5-6 7 mm.; in lepidus 6 2 mm. Gap in front between the maxillary bones somewhat larger. Dentition (two skulls). p3 external. p2 and p4 almost or quite Measurements of Rh. lepidus , monticola , and refulgens .
Rh. lepidus . Rh. monticola . Rh. refulgens ,.
3 specimens, 3 skulls. ad. Type. 2 specimens, 2 skulls.
i • - —. — ■■■ - “-. ■ — — - - ■ » 1 '11^ - 1 Min. Max. Min -ÀÌ-L ATa cl AE V •
Ears, length..................................... greatest breadth.................... Nose-leaves, total length............... •r breadth of horse-shoe F orearm ......................................... 3rd metacarpal................................. I III.1 .................................................. III.2 .................................................. 4-th metacarpal................................ IV.1 .........?...................................... 1 IV.2 .................................... 5th metacarpal................................. V.1..............?...................................... V.2...................................................... Tail .................................................. mm. 15*2 1F5 1 5 7 4 8 30*8 10*8 5 8 3 9 0 30 7 9*8 9*8 7 mm. 15*6 12*2 2 7'2 42 31*2 11*8 16*1 31*2 9*2 10*2 31*6 0 9*8 18'3 mm. • w w • • • • • •?6*2 37’5 28'7 10*9 14*2 28*8 8*3 9*8 28 9*2 9*8 mm. 15*7 2 12*1 7 5 40*6 28*3 10*8 14*2 29*2 8*5 9*5 28*8 9 0 16*7 mm. • •• • • • • • • • • 41*5 29*2 11*5 15*3 30*2 8*5 0 29*7 9 10*2 9
Lower leg ......................................... Foot .................................................. Skull, total length ........................ 16*6 8*3 17'7 7 8 7 • • • 15*3 / Ar.A/* 16*8 15*9 8*3 17*2 6 17*2
,, mastoid width.................... • • • 8*1 • « • 8*4
width of brain-case........... zygomatic width ............... ,, supraorbital length........... width of nasal swellings... Mandible ......................................... Upper teeth ..................................... Lower teeth ..................................... 7'7 8'7 4*5 5 iri 6 6 7 • • • • • • 5 5 11* 5 6'7 7 7'7 8*2 4*4 4*5 1 6*3 6*8 • • 8*3 4*8 4*8 11*4 6*3 6*9 7'8 • • 5 4*8 11*8 6*8 7*1
6 in contact, p2 in row; a small cusp, pointing inwards. In one specimen there is an extremely narrow space between p2 and p4 (the former place of p3). Measurements . On p. 125.
Type . ad. (skin). Gunong Igar , Perak , 2000 ft. ; March 1898 . Presented by A. L. Butler , Esq. Brit. Mus. no. . Distribution. Malay Peninsula: Perak; Selangor.