Systematic Notes On Kiotina Klapálek And Hemacroneuria Enderlein (Plecoptera: Perlidae), With Description Of Four New Species Author Stark, Bill P. and Ignac Sivec & Box 4045, Department of Biology, Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi, U. S. A. 39058 E-mail: stark @ mc. edu Author Sivec, Ignac Slovenian Museum of Natural History, Prešernova 20, P. O. Box 290, SLO- 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: isivec @ pms-lj. si text Illiesia 2008 4 17 161 175 journal article a60c41ef-ab6a-406c-af1d-a0cf0face281 1854-0392 4754771 Kiotina Klapálek Acroneuria ( Kiotina ) Klapálek, 1907:8 . Type species, Acroneuria ( Kiotina ) pictetii Klapálek Schistoperla Banks, 1937:271 . Type species, Schistoperla collaris Banks , Synonymy by Uchida (1990) Kiotina remains a poorly known, seldom collected stonefly genus of the Orient and eastern Palearctic despite the efforts of Kawai (1967 , 1968a , 1968b ) and Kawai & Isobe (1979) . The group was proposed by Klapálek (1907) as a subgenus of Acroneuria , but later ( Klapálek 1913 ) it was treated as a valid genus and within three years ( Klapálek 1916 ), four species were included. Illies (1966) and Zwick (1973a) list nine species in the genus but Zwick (1973b) removed Hemacroneuria violacea , where it had been placed by Klapálek (1916) , to Acroneuria , and at least one other species, K. kelloggi Wu & Claassen , should be excluded based on the figures of the female subgenital plate ( Wu & Claassen 1934 ). Wu (1938) and Banks (1939) also described three species in genus Atoperla (now a synonym of Perlinella ) which Du et al. (1999) include in Kiotina , and we add two previously undescribed species, K. bifurcata and K. delicata to the genus. Uchida (1990) considered Schistoperla as a junior synonym of Kiotina , and apparently Du et al. (1999) agreed in this placement with which we also concur, thus adding two species, K. collaris (Banks) and K. decorata (Zwick) , to the genus. The recorded distribution of the genus after the synonymy of Schistoperla is recognized, and the records below are listed, includes Japan , Okinawa , Taiwan , South Korea , North Korea and mainland China . ( Du et al. 1999 ; Kawai 1968a , 1968b ; Uchida 1990 ; Zwick 1973c ). Species list: 1) bifurcata sp. n. , 2) chekiangensis ( Wu, 1938 ) , 3) chiangi ( Banks, 1939 ) . 4) collaris ( Banks, 1937 ) , 5) decorata ( Zwick, 1973c ) , 6) delicata sp. n. , 7) lugubris ( McLachlan, 1875 ) , 8) nigra ( Wu, 1938 ) , 9) pictetii ( Klapálek, 1907 ) , 10) quadrituberculata Wu, 1948 , 11) resplendens Banks, 1939 , 12) riukiuensis Ueno, 1938 , 13) spatulata Wu, 1948 , 14) suzukii Okamoto, 1912 .