Braconid imagobionts from the tribe Cosmophorini (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Euphorinae) in the fauna of South Korea
Belokobylskij, Sergey A.
Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg 199034, Russia
Ku, Deokseo
The Science Museum of Natural Enemies, Geochang 50147, Republic of Korea
Journal of Hymenoptera Research
journal article
Cryptoxilos (Cryptoxiloides) ulleungus
sp. nov.
Figs 7
, 8
Type material.
: female, "Korea (GB), Dosolam, Naesujeon-gil, Ulleung-up, Ulleung-gun, V.27.2017 (Sweeping), Ku Deokseo" (NIBR).
: 1 female, same label as in holotype (SMNE).
Length of body 1.6-1.8 mm, length of fore wing 1.4-1.6 mm.
: Width of head (dorsal view) 1.7-1.9 times its medial length, 1.1 times width of mesoscutum. Occipital carina complete and rather distinct, joining with hypostomal carina weakly upper base of mandible. Temple behind eyes (dorsal view) weakly convex in anterior 1/3-1/2, than distinctly evenly narrowed. Length of eye in dorsal view 1.3-1.4 times length of temple. Ocelli arranged in almost equilateral triangle; POL 1.4-1.6 times OD, 0.4 times OOL. Eye covered by rather long and dense setae. Face narrow and convex, its minimum width 0.6 times width at level of antennal sockets, almost equal to medial height (without clypeus). Clypeus narrow, its width 3.8 times maximum height; ventral margin of clypeus weakly concave. Distance between tentorial pits almost 8.0 times distance between pit and margin of eye. Malar space 0.4 times basal width of mandible. Mandible relatively slender, distinctly twisted in apical half. Length of maxillary palp 0.8 times height of head; maxillary palp with 5 segments, third, fourth and fifth segments almost same length.
Figure 7.
Cryptoxilos (Cryptoxiloides) ulleungus
sp. nov. (female, holotype
A, C-H
; paratype
habitus, lateral view
head, front view
head, dorsal view
antenna, lateral view
mesosoma, dorsal view
head and mesosoma, lateral view
propodeum and first tergite of metasoma, dorsal view
hind leg.
: Antenna 12-segmented, weakly thickened, weakly setiform, 0.7 times as long as body. Scape 1.4-1.5 times longer than wide, 1.3-1.5 times longer than pedicel. First flagellar segment 2.4-2.7 times longer than its maximum width, approximately as long as second segment and wider than it. Length of second flagellar segment 2.8-3.2 times its width. Penultimate segment 3.6-3.7 times longer than wide, almost as long as first and apical segments; apical segment slender and acuminated.
: Length of mesosoma 1.6 times its height. Mesoscutum transverse, weakly protruding anteriorly, 0.6 times as long as maximum width. Notauli distinct, complete, shallow, crenulate-rugulose. Prescutellar suture relatively wide, with six carinae and with dense and fine rugosity between carinae. Scutellum slightly convex, rugose laterally and posteriorly. Precoxal sulcus distinct, wide, long, weakly evenly curved or almost straight, posteriorly fused with mesopleural suture, entirely widely crenulate-rugose. Propodeum postero-medially weakly and widely concave.
Figure 8.
Cryptoxilos (Cryptoxiloides) ulleungus
sp. nov. (female, holotype)
hind wing
body, lateral view
metasoma, lateral view
metasoma, dorsal view.
: Fore wing 2.6 times longer than wide. Pterostigma wide, 2.0-2.4 times longer than maximum width. Metacarp (1-R1) 0.5 times length of pterostigma. Radial vein (r) arising from middle of pterostigma. First radial abscissa (r) present but very short, first radiomedial vein (2-SR) arising from radial vein (r) closely to pterostigma. First radiomedial vein (2-SR) strongly desclerotised and mainly discolored, incomplete and visible in anterior half only. First abscissa of medial vein (1-SR+M) mainly discolored and curved. Mediocubital vein (M+CU1) sclerotized but distinctly discolored, strongly curved. Nervulus (cu-a) discolored, distinctly postfurcal. Recurrent (m-cu), cubital (1-CU1, 2-CU1, 3-CU1), parallel (CU1a) and second abscissa of longitudinal anal (2-1A) veins absent or strongly desclerotised. Hind wing 4.0-4.3 times longer than wide, its hind margin with long and dense setae. Second abscissa of costal vein (1-SC+R) practically absent. Radial vein (SR) discolored, distinctly curved basally; radial (marginal) cell narrowed distally.
: Hind femur elongate-oval, 3.5-3.7 times longer than its maximum width. Hind tibia rather distinctly widened posteriorly. Hind tarsus almost as long as hind tibia. Basitarsus of hind leg 0.5-0.6 times as long as second to fifth segments combined; second segment 0.5-0.6 times as long as basitarsus, 0.9-1.0 times as long as fifth segment (without pretarsus).
: First tergite of metasoma weakly widened distally, its ventral margins not connected below and with distinct gape, 2.3 times longer than its apical width, almost 2.0 times longer than propodeum; maximum apical width 2.0-2.3 times its minimum subbasal width; its spiracular tubercles weakly or distinctly protruding and situated submedially, dorsope and laterope absent. Suture between second and third tergites absent medially on wide distance, shortly present laterally. Combined second and third tergites large, almost complete or mostly covered all posterior tergites; medial length of these tergites 1.8-1.9 times basal width of second tergite, 1.3 times their maximum width. Ovipositor weakly curved in posterior half, compressed, distinctly narrowed towards apex. Ovipositor sheath relatively long, covered by sparse, long and almost erect setae, 0.45-0.50 times as long as metasoma, 0.6 times as long as mesosoma, 0.25 times as long as fore wing.
Sculpture and pubescence
: Temple, vertex and frons smooth, face finely and rather densely punctate. Side of pronotum almost smooth in upper half, remainder distinctly rugose. Mesoscutum densely punctate-granulate anteriorly on vertical surface, mainly smooth on horizontal surface, with wide and dense rugosity in subtri-angular medio-posterior area. Scutellum widely smooth. Mesopleuron smooth in large oval upper area below rugose subalar depression and large area below precoxal sulcus. Propodeum entirely rugose-reticulate, sculpture weak in basolateral 1/3. Hind coxa dorsally distinctly coarsely rugose with transverse curved striation; hind femur smooth. First metasomal tergite longitudinally striate, with dense and coarse rugosity between striae; following tergites smooth and glabrous. Vertex almost entirely covered by rather dense, semi-erect pale setae directed in sides, usually glabrous medio-posteriorly. Meso-scutum entirely with dense, semi-erect pale setae. Fore wing entirely densely setose.
: Body dark brown to black, face, clypeus, lower and lateral parts of head dark reddish brown. Palpi and ovipositor yellow. Antenna mainly brown to dark brown, basal three-four segments paler, reddish brown or brownish yellow. Fore and middle coxae yellowish brown, hind coxa dark reddish brown; all femora reddish brown or partly dark reddish brown and paler distally; tibiae and tarsi yellowish brown or pale brown. Wing membrane hyaline with dense dark setae; pterostigma brown or dark brown with short pale basal and apical areas; veins pale brown to nebulose. Ovipositor sheaths dark brown to black.
Comparative diagnosis.
This new species is similar to the Chinese
Cryptoxilos (Cryptoxiloides) pallipes
Chen, He, van Achterberg & Ma, 2001 (
Chen et al. 2001
), but differs from it by having the eye in dorsal view 1.3-1.4 times longer than the temple (1.8 times in
C. pallipes
), POL 1.4-1.6 times OD (equal to OD in
C. pallipes
), clypeus width 3.8 times its maximum height with its ventral margin weakly concave (only 2.8 times and with its ventral margin straight in
C. pallipes
), first flagellar segment 2.4-2.7 times longer than its maximum width and approximately as long as the second segment (4.0 times longer than its maximum width and 1.2 times longer than second segment in
C. pallipes
), prescutellar suture with dense rugosity between carinae (without rugosity in
C. pallipes
), first radial abscissa (r) of the fore wing present but very short and the first radiomedial vein (2-SR) arising from radial vein (r) very close to the pterostigma (first radial abscissa (r) not developed and the first radiomedial vein (2-SR) arising from pterostigma in
C. pallipes
), first metasomal tergite 2.3 times longer than its apical width (1.8 times in
C. pallipes
), and ovipositor weakly curved in posterior half (straight in
C. pallipes
This species is named after its type locality, the Ulleung Island in the East Sea.