Recognizing Panulirus meripurpuratus sp. nov. (Decapoda: Palinuridae) in Brazil — Systematic and biogeographic overview of Panulirus species in the Atlantic Ocean
Giraldes, Bruno Welter
Smyth, David Mark
journal article
Key to Atlantic
—based on morphology
(Adapted from
Abele & Kim 1986
Williams 1986
Holthuis 1991
Melo 1999
1. Antennular plate bearing one pair of strong spines............................................................ 2
- Antennular plate bearing 2 pairs of large spines arranged in a square............................................. 3
2. Abdominal somites 3–5 with complete transverse groove; anterior margin of side plates of somites 2–5 bearing very small teeth. Fully spotted carapace, meri of pereiopods and antennules........................................
P. guttatus
- Abdominal somites 3–5 with incomplete transverse groove (interrupted in the middle). Carapace, meri of pereiopods and antennules not spotted. Meri of pereiopods striped...................................................
P. e c h i n a t u s
3. No transverse groove on abdominal somites 2–5; spotted only on lateral margin of the abdominal somites.....
P. laevicauda
- Abdominal somite 2–5 with transverse groove and with bands or spots on upper surface............................. 4
4. No exopod on third maxilliped. Supraorbital horns short, not reaching the anterior spines on antennular plate. Abdominal somites with conspicuous transverse bands. Pereiopods with continuous longitudinal lines dorsally...............
P. regius
- Third maxilliped with exopod. Supraorbital horns long, overtaking the anterior spines on antennular plate. Abdominal somites with conspicuous ocellated spot on either side of each somite, largest on somites 2 and 6. When present, longitudinal lines on pereiopods are not continuous and dorsal...................................................................5
5. Carapace with deep grooves well defining all regions; very distinct divisions among cardiac, branchial and intestinal regions. Abdominal somites 2–5 with deep transverse groove often faint l medially (not distinctly interrupted); presenting only the scattered spots (not full spotted) and a continuous light line at the end of each somite.............................
P. argus
- Carapace with shallow groove dividing the regions; only cervical groove distinct; and faintly perceptible divisions between cardiac, branchial and intestinal regions. Abdominal somites 2–5 with shallow and incomplete transverse groove, interrupted medially, especially on somite 3; several small spots mixed among the scattered spots; small white spots lining the grooves and posterior margin of each somite.............................................................
P. meripurpuratus