Revision Of Brachystethus (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Edessinae) Author Barcellos, Aline Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, Caixa Postal 1188, 90001 - 970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Author Grazia, Jocélia Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, Prédio 43435.2, 91501 - 970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. text Iheringia, Sér. Zool. 2003 2003-12-30 93 4 413 446 journal article 10.1590/S0073-47212003000400008 32bd22ce-7d3f-4eac-8203-e9f61a19c7f0 1678-4766 3719467 Brachystethus rubromaculatus Dallas, 1851 ( Figs. 2, 3 , 14 , 24 , 34 , 44 , 53-56 , 65, 66 ) Brachystethus rubromaculatus DALLAS, 1851:337 ; SIGNORET, 1851:345 ; STÅL, 1862:118 ; MAYR, 1866:68 ; WALKER, 1868:454 ; STÅL, 1872:48 ; DISTANT, 1880:85 , pl. 8, fig. 6; LETHIERRY & SEVERIN, 1893:187 (cat.); KIRKALDY, 1909:152 (cat.); BRAILOVSKY & BARRERA, 1982:239 (redescription); BRAILOVSKY, 1988:129 , fig. 118 (diagnosis, distr.); BRAILOVSKY et al. , 1992:179 , pl. 24, figs. 1-9 (nymphs, biology); MAES, 1994:8 (cat.). Brachystethus sexmaculatus HERRICH- SCHÄFFER, 1853:310 , fig. 1010; STÅL, 1862:118 (syn.). Figs. 2-13. 2, 3, Brachystethus rubromaculatus Dallas, 1851 ; 4, 5, B. signoreti Stål ; 1872; 6, B. cribrus ( Fabricius, 1781 ) ; 7, B. schuhi sp. nov. ; 8, B. tricolor Bolívar, 1879 ; 9, B. vexillum Breddin, 1903 ; 10, B. geniculatus (Fabricius, 1787) ; 11, B. coxalis Breddin, 1904 ; 12, B. improvisus Breddin, 1905 ; 13, B. vicinus Signoret, 1851 . Magnification 1.63X. Type material of B. rubromaculatus . Lectotype , here designated, labeled: a) Honduras/45123; b) “a”; c) Type ; d) Dyson coll. (BMNH); paralectotype , here designated, labeled: a) Mexico; b) “b” (BMNH). Type locality: Honduras and Mexico. Description. Dorsal surface black, withred spots of variable extension on pronotum, scutellum andcorium (figs. 2, 3). Headentirely black, with conspicuous wrinkles. Punctures sparse; semi-circular stripes little conspicuous, moderately punctured. Antennae black; fourth antennal segment medially swollen, with longitudinal sulcus. Second antennal segment about one and a half as long as first; third slightly longer than second; fourth almost twice as longas thirdand slightly shorter than fifth. Pronotum black, with a large, rounded, red spot medially; in some specimens, extended laterally over most part of disc, except on a narrow black stripe on anterior and anterolateral margins. Punctures black, minute, regularly distributed on the disk of pronotum; among them, sparser and larger punctures. Scutellum black, with a rounded, red spot, which occupies the center of median-apical region; in some specimens, it extends anteriorly and posteriorly, covering the apical 2/3 of scutellum. Surfaceof basalhalf sub-rugose, with large punctures regularly distributed. Apical half with fine punctures, moreconcentrated lateraland apically. Corium without callus, color pattern variable, usually black, with a large red spot on basal third and another on apical third, except along lateral margins. In some specimens, the corium is predominantly red, with black portion restricted to a thin lateral stripe and one small spot near to apex of radial vein. Ventral surface of thorax dark reddish-brown to black, with a red spot near to outer margin of metaepimerum; punctures fine, concolor. Ostiolar rugae extending by 2/3 of distance between the inner margin of ostiolum and lateral margin of metapleura. Metasternum, in profile, strongly elevated anteriorly. Legs dark reddish-castaneous to black. Connexival segments entirely black; punctures fine, moderate and regularly distributed. Venter black to dark reddish-castaneous, with 1+1 oblong red spots of variable length, generally extendingfrom anterior margin of fourth sternite onto a little bit beyond the anterior margin of seventh. In some specimens, the spots can become coalescent, making the abdomen almost totally red, only with a lateral black stripe. Punctures fine, very sparse, if present restricted to medial area. Spiracles black. Male genitalia. Pygophore trapezoidal, wider apically. Lobes of dorsal rim conspicuous, slightly projected posterad, rounded at apex. Genital cup processes moderately visible dorsally (figs. 14, 24). Parameres with wide apex, anterolaterally directed, a little wider than half length of tenth segment (fig. 44). Ventral rim broadly Vshaped (fig. 34). Phallus as described for the genus (figs. 53-55). Measurements (n=10). Headlength 2.08 (1.92-2.44) ± 0.15, width 3.02 (2.88-3.28) ± 0.14; interoculardistance 1.59 (1.52-1.76) ± 0.08; anteocularlength 0.68 (0.6-0.8) ± 0.07; lengthof antennalsegments: I - 0.81 (0.72-0.88) ± 0.06; II - 1.24 (1.04-1.48) ± 0.14; III - 1.45 (1.28-1.68) ± 0.11; IV - 2.79 (2.4-3.28) ± 0.24; V - 3.28 (2.96-3.8) ±0.25; pronotallength 4.36 (4.01-4.84) ± 0.25, width 9.74 (8.85-10.69) ± 0.53; scutellarlength 6.66 (6.01-7.35) ± 0.43, width 6.16 (5.68-6.76) ± 0.35; coriumlength 9.16 (8.52-10.02) ± 0.45; abdominalwidth 10.99 (10.02-12.36) ± 0.79; totallength 14.69 (13.78-15.87) ± 0.70. Female genitalia. Gonocoxites 8 with posterior borders convex andsutural borders parallel and contiguous, except at apex (fig. 56). Gonocoxites 9 more than three times wider across arms apices than long medially; anterior border broadly U-shaped. Arms of gonocoxites 9 with length equal to 1/4 of plate width across apices of arms. Thickening of vaginal intima digitiform. Ductusreceptaculi thin, about one and a half longer before than after vesicular area. Capsula seminalis globose. Annular crests convergent (figs. 65, 66). Figs. 14-19. Pygophore, dorsal: 14, Brachystethus rubromaculatus ; 15, B. signoreti ; 16, B. cribrus ; 17, B. schuhi ; 18, B. tricolor ; 19, B. vexillum (dor, dorsal rim; gcp, genital cup process; ldor, lobe of dorsal rim; pa, paramere; vr, ventral rim; X, tenth segment). Scale, 1 mm. Measurements (n=10). Headlength 2.19 (2-2.44) ± 0.16, width 3.25 (3.08-3.44) ± 0.14; interoculardistance 1.71 (1.56-1.84) ± 0.09; anteocularlength 0.74 (0.64-0.92) ± 0.10; lengthof antennalsegments: I - 0.88 (0.76-0.96) ± 0.06; II - 1.40 (1.28-1.6) ± 0.10; III - 1.60 (1.28-1.92) ± 0.18; IV - 3.01 (2.76-3.36) ± 0.21; V - 3.41 (3.28-3.56) ± 0.09; pronotallength 4.91 (4.51-5.34) ± 0.34, width 10.97 (10.10-11.77) ± 0.63; scutellarlength 7.46 (6.68-8.18) ± 0.57, width 7.02 (6.35-7.60) ± 0.47; coriumlength 10.31 (9.35-11.36) ± 0.68; abdominal width 12.46 (11.27-13.69) ± 0.88; totallength 16.15 (15.03-17.37) ± 0.90. Material examined. MEXICO , Veracruz : Atoyac ( Paso del Macho, 5 mi. Southwest ),, 24,25. VI.82 , tropical forest 2500’, Rolf L. Aalbu col. ( DARC ) ; Santiago ( 7 mi. North Tuxtla ),, 8.VII.63 ( DARC ); ( Est. Biol. Los Tuxtlas ),, 4.VII.1988 , C. Mayorga ( AMNH ) ;, 22.VIII.1982 , C. O’Brien, L. O’Brien & Wibmer , 250’ ( DARC ) ; Las Cabañas ,, 28.V.1953 , L. Vazquez ( AMNH ) ; Fortin ,, 23.VII. 1989 ( DARC ) ; La Buena Ventura ,, 14.VII.09 , M.Y.B. ( AMNH ) ; Catemaco ( 5 mi. East ),,, 2-4.VII.1971 , Murray, Hart & Schaffner ( DARC ) ; Lake Catemaco ,, 23.VII.1955 , P. & C. Vaurie , 1000’ ( AMNH ) ;, 16.VI.1969 , Bright & Campbell ( DARC ) ; Yucatán : Chichén-Itzá ,, 10.VIII.1990 , D.A. Rider ( DARC ) ; Oaxaca : Matias Romero ( 17 mi. North ),, 27.VI.1971 , C.W. O’Brien ( DARC ) ; Tehuantepec : Isth. of Tehuantepec ,, Sumichrast, Collection Ashmead ( USNM ) ; Cinta Lapa Valley ,, V.44 , E. Hernandez ( USNM ) ; Quintana Roo : Klan Nuevo ,, 6, 7.VI.1959 , P. & C. Vaurie ( AMNH ) ; Tabasco : Villahermosa ( 5 mi. South ),, 13.VI.65 , Burke, Meyer & Schaffner ( DARC ) ; Chiapas : Ruins at Palenque ,, 26-30.VI.1959 , P. & C. Vaurie ( AMNH ) ; Huatimac ,, V.1958 , Patiño col. ( MZSP ) . GUATEMALA , Garcia ( Dona Maria Zacapa ),, 20.IX.81 ( DARC ) ; Retalhuleu : S. Sebastian , 25 o ,, L. Thiel ( USNM ) ; Alta Verapaz : Chacoj ,, Champion col., ex Godman & Salvin ( BMNH ) ; Verapaz , Teleman ,, Champion, ex. Godman & Salvin ( AMNH ) . HONDURAS , Yoro : Subirana ,, II, Stadelmann ( AMNH ) . NICARAGUA , Zelaya : El Recreo ,, X.1984 , J.M. Maes ( SEAN ) . COSTA RICA ,, ( AMNH ) ; Guanacaste : La Cruz ( 6 mi. North ),, 19.VI.1974 , C.W. O’Brien, L. O’Brien & Marshall ( DARC ) ; Alajuela : Zapote de Upala (vic. Bijagua ),, 8.XII.1972 , R. Ortiz ( DARC ) ; Heredia : Puerto Viejo ,, 8.VIII.1965 , G.W. Frankie ( DARC ) ; ( 2 Km South , La Sielva Biol. Sta. ), 2, 2, 3-5.VI.1984 , Riley, Rider & Le Doux ( DARC ) ; Cartago : Iica ( Turrialba ),, VIII .1963 , C.C. Porter ( AMNH ) ; Port Parker ( Elena Bay ),, 13.I.1938 , Zcca Exped. Acc. 37483 ( AMNH ) ; Puntarenas : Santa Elena ( 6 Km South ),, 6, 7.VI. 1983 , J.E. Wappes ( DARC ) ; Ricon de Osa ( Osa Peninsula ), 7, 2, 14-26.VII.1969 , Toby Schuh & Janet Crane ( AMNH ) ; San José :, C.P. Dodge ( AMNH ) . PANAMA , Chiriquí : David ,, Champion ( AMNH ) ; , ex Godman & Salvin ( AMNH ) ; V. de Chiriquí ,, ex Godman & Salvin , 25-4000ft ( AMNH ) ; Panama : Summit ,, XII.1953 , N.L.H. Krauss ( AMNH ) ; Madden Forest ,, 18.V.1980 , Riley & Le Doux ( DARC ) ; F.T. Kobbe ,, 28.VI.1974 , C.W. O’Brien, L. O’Brien & Marshall , at night ( DARC ) . No data:, F 1672 ( AMNH ) ;, Brachystethus rubromaculatus det. Dallas, H.G.B. , F 1673 ( AMNH ) ;, F 1672;, 1955 ( MNHN ) ; ( MZSP ) . Distribution. Mexico (Veracruz, Yucatán, Oaxaca, Tehuantepec, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Chiapas), Guatemala (Retalhuleu, Alta Verapaz), Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Alajuela, Heredia, Cartago, Puntarenas, San José), Panama (Chiriquí, Panama). Comments. Brachystethus rubromaculatus is the sister group of the clade formed by B. signoreti , B. cribrus and B. schuhi , sharing with these species the fourth antennal segment medially swollen, the metasternal carina strongly elevated anteriorly and the little projected lobes of dorsal rim of pygophore ( BARCELLOS & GRAZIA, 2003 ). It can be easily distinguished by the most frequent color pattern, dorsally black, with rounded red spots and venter black, with 1 + 1 spots extending from the anterior margin of fourth sternite until anterior margin of seventh. However, in specimens in which the red spots are coalescent, B. rubromaculatus can be confounded with B. signoreti , but easily distinguished by the color pattern of legs, uniformly black, the finer punctuation of scutellum and by genitalia, especially the size of parameres in relation to X segment. Legs uniformly black also distinguish B. rubromaculatus from B. cribrus and B. schuhi . Brachystethus signoreti Stål, 1872 Figs. 20-23. Pygophore, dorsal: 20, Brachystethus geniculatus ; 21, B. coxalis ; 22, B. improvisus ; 23, B. vicinus (dor, dorsal rim; gcp, genital cup process; ldor, lobe of dorsal rim; pa, paramere; vr, ventral rim; X, tenthsegment). Scale, 1 mm. ( Figs. 4, 5 , 15 , 25 , 35 , 45 , 57 , 67 ) Brachystethus geniculatus SIGNORET , 1851:345 (preoccupied, not Fabricius, 1787 ); WALKER , 1868:455 . Brachystethus signoretii STÅL , 1872:48 (new name); KIRKALDY , 1909:152 (cat.); GRAZIA , 1984:74 . Brachystethus signoreti ; LETHIERRY & SEVERIN , 1893:187 (cat.) . Typematerial. Lectotype , heredesignated, labeled: a) Laguaira, Coll. Signoret; b) geniculat . det. Signoret ( NHMW ); paralectotype , heredesignated, labeled: a) Laguaira, Coll. Signoret; b) geniculata det. Signoret ( NHMW ). Typelocality, Venezuela (“ LaGuaira ”) . Description. Dorsal surface dark- to reddish-castaneous ( figs. 4, 5 ). Head dark- to reddish-castaneous, with conspicuous wrinkles. Punctures of median stripe sparse; semicircular stripes moderately punctured. Antennae black; fourth antennal segment medially swollen, with a longitudinal sulcus. Second antennal segment about one and a half as long as first, third about one and a quarter the second, fourth almost twice the third and fifth slightly longer than fourth. Pronotum dark- to reddish-castaneous. Punctures fine regularly distributed, interposed with coarse punctures, more concentrated behind cicatrices; medium-sized punctures densely distributed before cicatrices. Scutellum concolor with pronotum; coarse punctures distributed on basal 3/4, among them, fine punctures, denserlaterally. Coriumwithout callus, dark- to reddish-castaneous; on the reddish-castaneous specimens, present two darker, grayish stripes, along outer margin and entad to radial vein. Ventral surface of thorax with black, medium-sized punctures. Ostiolar rugae extendingby 2/3 of distance between inner margin of ostiolum and lateral margin of metapleura. Metasternum, in profile, strongly elevated anteriorly. Legs dark-castaneous to black, yellowish at apexof femora and baseof tibiae. Connexival segments dark- to reddish-castaneous. Venter dark- to reddish-castaneous, in this case with reddish areas around and entadto spiracles andlittle less conspicuous sub-medially. Punctures fine, concolor, regularly distributed, but rare on medial fifth of abdomen. Spiracles black. Male genitalia. Pygophore trapezoidal, wider apically. Lobesof dorsal rim conspicuous, little projected posterad, rounded at apex. Genital cup processes moderately visible dorsally ( figs. 15, 25 ). Parameres very wide apically; apexantero-laterad directed, slightly longerthan mediallengthof tenthsegment ( fig. 45 ). Ventralrimopenly U-shaped ( fig. 35 ). Measurements (n=10). Headlength 1.93 (1.84-2.04) ± 0.06, width 2.95 (2.88-3.12) ± 0.09; interoculardistance 1.55 (1.44-1.6) ± 0.06; anteocularlength 0.66 (0.60-0.72) ± 0.05; lengthof antennalsegments: I - 0.82 (0.80-0.88) ± 0.03; II - 1.22 (1.08-1.4) ± 0.08; III - 1.51 (1.24-1.68) ± 0.15; IV - 2.93 (2.72-3.2) ± 0.17; V- 3.35 (3.28-3.44) ± 0.07; pronotallength 4.23 (4.01-4.51) ± 0.18, width 9.44 (8.85-10.10) ± 0.39; scutellarlength 6.42 (6.01-6.93) ± 0.31, width 6.01 (5.68-6.35) ± 0.22; coriumlength 9.19 (8.85-9.69) ± 0.30; abdominalwidth 10.55 (10.02-11.02) ± 0.35; totallength 14.35 (13.78-15.03) ± 0.46. Female genitalia. Posterior borders of gonocoxites 8 convex over laterotergites 9. Sutural borders of gonocoxites 8 parallel and contiguous, except at apex ( fig. 57 ). Gonocoxites 9 almost three and a half times wider across arms apices than long medially; anterior border broadly U-shaped. Length of arms equalto 1/6 of plate width. Thickening of vaginal intima digitiform. Ductus receptaculi thickafter vesiculararea, and about one and a half longer before than after this area. Capsula seminalis elongated, digitiform. Annular crestsparallel ( fig. 67 ). Measurements (n=10). Headlength 2.09 (1.92-2.28) ± 0.12, width 3.11 (3.04-3.20) ± 0.06; interoculardistance 1.61 (1.52-1.68) ± 0.06; anteocularlength 0.70 (0.60-0.80) ± 0.06; lengthof antennalsegments: I - 0.94 (0.84-1.12) ± 0.08; II - 1.40 (1.28-1.52) ± 0.08; III - 1.68 (1.36-1.84) ± 0.15; IV - 3.18 (2.76-3.36) ± 0.18; V - 3.62 (3.56-3.68) ± 0.08; pronotallength 4.72 (4.51-5.01) ± 0.14, width 10.60 (10.19-11.02) ± 0.25; scutellarlength 7.18 (6.93-7.35) ± 0.13, width 6.75 (6.51-7.01) ± 0.20; coriumlength 10.27 (9.94-10.69) ± 0.22; abdominal width 11.87 (11.44-12.36) ± 0.28; totallength 16.30 (15.53-17.20) ± 0.56. Material examined. VENEZUELA ,, pres. by Perth Museum ( BMNH 1953-629 ) ;, Schauf. col. , Coll. Mayr ( NHMW ) ; San Julian , 2, VII .1900 , W. Robinson Bequest ( USNM 1929 ) ; Rancho Grande , 3, 2, 19,26,27. IV .1945 ( AMNH ) ; Aragua : Villa de Cura (Est. Exp. Cataurito, (± 1000m ),, 27.X.81 , J.L. Garcia ( IZAV ) ; Maracay ( 450m , en luz ), 2, 22.V.1963 , E. Osuna ( AMNH , IZAV ) ; Mérida : Mérida, 4, 3 ( AMNH ) ; Tachira : San Cristobal ( River Black ),, 7.III.1980 , Miguel G. ( IZAV ) ;, 5.I.1982 , Gaban ( IZAV ) ; (Colon) ,, 1.IV.1982 , Gaban ( IZAV ) ;, 10.X.1981 , Ramirez ( IZAV ) . ECUADOR , Pichincha : Santo Domingo de los Colorados (amazonian rainforest),,, X.1981 , G. Onore ( BMNH 1982-246 ); La Union , 2,, 12.VII.1984 , R. Haswell ( DARC ) ; Cotopaxi : ( 1500 m , tropical rainforest general collecting),, X.1982 , G. Onore, ( BMNH , 1982-246 ); Paramba ,, “ Coll. I.R. Sc. N.B. ” ( DARC ) ; 4, Rosemberg col. ( USNM ) ; (3500’, dry season),, II.97 , Rosenberg ( BMNH ) ; Balrahamba ,, F. Campos ( USNM ) ;, 18.V.1935 , F. Campos ; J.C. Lutz Collection ( USNM 1961 ) ; Pastaza : Canelos ,, Schouteden ( DARC ) ; Tungurahua : Ambato ,, 2, Coll. Noualhier 1898 ( MNHN ) ;, E. de Ville & M.R.Belg col., Coll. Noualhier 1898 ( MNHN ) . No data: ( BMNH ) ; , Coll. Mayr ( NHMW ) . Distribution. Venezuela ( Aragua , Mérida , Tachira ), Ecuador ( Pichincha , Cotopaxi , Pastaza , Tungurahua ). Comments. Brachystethus signoreti is the sister group of the clade composed by B. cribrus and B. schuhi , sharing the homoplastic character of color pattern of legs, apex of femoraand base of tibiae yellowish ( BARCELLOS & GRAZIA, 2003 ). Itcan bedistinguished from these species by the absence of calli on the corium and from B. cribrus , especially, by the color of venter, lacking yellow spots. Brachystethus signoreti is also close to B. rubromaculatus , distinguished by the color pattern of legs, the coarser punctures of scutellum and, on male genitalia, especially by the larger parameres.