Fruits depressed globose, ca. 4 mm long, 5- |
6 mm wide, olive-green when dry, pubescent, 3- |
lobed, the lobes more or less rounded, without or |
with very faint dorsal ridges along each lobe; |
dehiscence of septa apparently irregular but
difficult to establish as septa are extremely thin and |
brittle. Fruiting pedicel (15-)20-50 mm long, |
0.5-0.6 mm wide at the base, 1-1.2 mm wide at |
the apex. Columella ca. 6 times longer than the |
narrowest width, 4 mm long, 0.7 mm wide in the |
middle, base thickened to 2 mm, apex thickened |
to 1.2-1.5 mm. Exo- and mesocarp together ca. |
0.2 mm thick when dry, reticulate on inner
surface. Endocarp ca. 0.4 mm thick, brownish
yellow. Seeds 3.5-4 mm long, 2.5-3 mm wide, very |
dark brown, rugose, with 6-7 sharply defined, |
slightly sinuous folds running at right angles |
from the raphe to the dorsal part of the seed, |
some of them branching, resulting in 10-12
anastomosing folds running across the dorsal part, |
folds 2-3 times narrower than the flat ridges |
between them, extending on the inside of the |
seed-coat ca. 0.7 mm deep into the endosperm, |
raphe only slightly impressed, extending ca. |
0.2 mm deep into the endosperm. Cotyledons |
oblong, apically nearly truncate, 2.5
1.5 mm;
radicle 1.8 mm long, 0.4 mm in diameter. — |
Fig. 2. |
Fig. 3. — Geographic distribution of
Andrachne cerebroides
ETYMOLOGY. — The epithet refers to the
slen(triangles) and
Andrachne gracilipes
derness and length of the petiole and pedicel of |
this species. |
Andrachne ovalis
(Sond.) Müll. Arg.
D ISTRIBUTION. — Madagascar, Toliara province, around the Analavelona massif and the Fiherenana river. — Fig. 3. ECOLOGY. — Dry deciduous forest, over basalt and sandstone. As Madame CHAUVET almost certainly collected the type at 250-300 m altitude (J. BOSSER, pers. comment), this species ranges between ca. 250 and 1250 m altitude. Subarid bioclimatic zone of
CORNET (1974)
Linnaea 32: 78 (1863); in DC., Prodr. 15(2): 233 (1866); Burtt Davy, Man. Pl. Transvaal: 298 (1932); Hutchinson in Thiselton-Dyer, Fl. Cap. 5(2): 386 (1925); Compton, Fl. Swaziland: 306 (1976); Coates Palgrave, Trees of Southern Africa, ed. 2, rev.: 394 (1983); Radcliffe-Smith in Pope, Fl. Zambesiaca 9(4): 27 (1996). —
Savia ovalis
(Sond.) Pax & K. Hoffm.
in Engl., Pflanzenr. 81: 182 (1922). —
Phyllanthus ovalis
Sond., Linnaea
23: 135 (1850). — Type:
Zeyher 3819,
Swartkops River (lecto-, K!, here designated).
V ERNACULAR NAMES AND USES. — None recorded. |
Phyllanthus dregeanus
Scheele, Linnaea
25: 585 (1852). —
(Scheele) Baill., Adansonia 3: 164 (1863). — Type:
Drège 8220,
PARATYPES. — MADAGASCAR, Toliara province:
, Forêt d’Analavelona au N du Fiherenana, sur basalte et grès, 950-1250 m, Mar. 1934 (P!);
, Forêt d’Analavelona
inter Morley et Omtata locis lapidosis, 1000’-2000’ alt., Majo (lecto-, K!, here designated; isolecto-, G!, K!).
Andrachne capensis
Baill., Adansonia
3: 163 (1863). —
(bassin du Fiherenana), forêt tropophile sur basalte, 1000-1200 m, 15-19 Dec. 1946 (P!). |
Zeyher 246
(herb. Juss.), South Africa, Cap (lecto-, P, here designated; isolecto-, HBG!).