The distribution of the genus Sphecodes Latreille (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) of the Arabian Peninsula and surrounding countries with description of hitherto unknown female of S. atlanticus Warncke, 1992 and male of S. dathei Schwarz, 2010 Author Astafurova, Yulia V. Author Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu. Author Schwarz, Maximilian text ZooKeys 2019 872 13 40 journal article 1313-2970-872-13 DCDEFCB1E33D476F90D7178BC08C311A Sphecodes intermedius Bluethgen , 1923 Figure 11 Sphecodes intermedius Bluethgen , 1923: 500 (lectotype ( designated here ): ♂, Type <red label> // Caucas Portz // Sph. intermedius ♂, Type., P. Bluethgen det. // <blue circle> // Lectotypus, Sphecodes intermedius Bluethgen , 1923, ♂, des. Astafurova & Proshchalykin, 2018; paralectotype: ♀, Type <red label> Sph. intermedius ♀, Type, P. Bluethgen det. // Paralectotypus, Sphecodes intermedius Bluethgen , 1923, ♀, des. Astafurova & Proshchalykin, 2018; ISZP, examined, Fig. 11 ). Sphecodes lactipennis Meyer, 1925 (Synonym). Diagnosis. See Astafurova et al. 2018a : 20. Material examined. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: 1 ♂, Hatta (Hotel), 28. IV.1989, (NHMUK 013380370); 1 ♂, idem, 23.VIII.1991 (NHMUK 013380409); 1 ♂, idem, 14.IV.1990, I. L. Hamer [D. Baker det., 1992 as S. punctatissimus Meyer] (NHMUK 013380361); ISRAEL: 1 ♀, Jerusalim, 16.VII.1930, S. Bodenheimer [det. Bluethgen ] (MNHB); 1 ♀, Tiberias, 200 m, 22.III.1975, K.M. Guichard (NHMUK 013380410); 1 ♀, Jericho (Hisham Palace), 200 m, 8.III.1975, K.M. Guichard (NHMUK 1975-248, 013380408); JORDAN: 1 ♀, N. Shuna env., 20-22.IV.1996; 1 ♀, idem, 29-30.IV.1996, M. Halada ( OOELM ) Published records. Ascher and Pickering 2019 (Israel) Distribution. *United Arab Emirates, Israel, *Jordan; North Africa, South Europe (east to Ukraine), Russia (south of the European part, Urals), Caucasus, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Pakistan, China (Gansu). Remarks. Sphecodes intermedius Bluethgen , 1923 was described from specimens of both sexes collected in "Caucas" [Caucasus] ( Fig. 11 ). There are two specimens (female and male) in ISZP from this locality, which correspond to the original description of P. Bluethgen . One of these specimens (male) is designated here as a lectotype of S. intermedius to avoid any confusion about the status of the type specimens and to properly diagnose this species.