Annotated catalogue of the types of Triphoridae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Natural History Museum of the United Kingdom, London Author Albano, Paolo G. Department of Palaeontology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A- 1090 Vienna, Austria Author Bakker, Piet A. J. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR Leiden, The Netherlands Author Sabelli, Bruno Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna, via Selmi 3, 40126 Bologna, Italy text Zoosystematics and Evolution 2019 2019-04-22 95 1 161 308 journal article 1860-0743-1-161 0F66F482B7AB4A5CA61168EC01012D41 643B8504FF9AFFF3FF97FF9FFFF1FF82 2654003 Triphora eupunctata G.B. Sowerby III, 1907 Figure 92 Triphora eupunctata G.B. Sowerby III 1907 : 301, pl. 25, fig. 7. Type locality. New Caledonia. Type material. Lectotype : NHMUK 1907.8.28.46, here designated. Paralectotype : NHMUK 1907.8.28.47: 1 specimen , New Caledonia . A third specimen NHMUK 1907.8.28.48 may not belong to this species; see Remarks . Original description. Testa sinistrorsa, elongata, convexiuscula, ad apicem acuminata, pallide rufo-fusca, nitens, fusco seriatim punctate; anfractus 16-17, planati, vix convexi, cingulis 3 eximie gemmiferis, cingula tertia gemmis fusco interpunctatis ornati, sutura canaliculata creno-lirata discreti; ultimus brevis, infra obtuse angulatus, ad basin liris 2 angustis crenulatis munitus; rostrum breve, crassum, obliquum; apertura oblique subquadrata. Long. 10, diam. 2.5 mm . Hab.- New Caledonia (Bouge). Shell light reddish brown, shining, closely and beautifully beaded in three rows on each whorl, spotted with brown between the beads of the lower rows; the whorls are separated by a channelled suture, in which may be observed a crenulated ridge; the last whorl has two narrow crenulated keels at the base. Translation of the Latin text. Elongated and rather convex sinistral shell with acuminate apex, shining, light reddish brown spotted with brown; 16-17 strongly convex whorls with three strong beaded rows, with the third row spotted with brown between the beads, channelled suture with a crenulated ridge; last whorl obtusely angulated and with two narrow crenulated keels at the base; siphonal canal short, large, deviate; subquadrate, oblique peristome. Length 10, diameter 2.5 mm . Locality: New Caledonia (Bouge) Diagnosis. Lectotype height 7.6 mm . Shell slightly cyrtoconoid with flat whorls. Teleoconch of 12 whorls with three spiral cords with tubercles at the intersection with orthocline axial ribs. The second cord starts on the fifth whorl as a fine thread and is fully developed on the last three whorls only. A fourth smooth suprasutural cord is visible as well as very fine spiral and faint axial threads in interspaces. An additional spiral cord runs on the peristome between the second and the third. Siphonal canal short. The base has one additional weakly granulated spiral cord and an obsolete one running on the siphonal canal. Protoconch missing in the type series. Background colour yellowish to light brown; the third spiral cord bears a characteristic colouration of white tubercles and brown interspaces. Remarks. The lot NHMUK 1907.8.28.46-48 contains three specimens: the lectotype (1907.8.28.46) and the paralectotype (1907.8.28.47), here designated, and a third specimen (1907.8.28.48) very similar in overall shape and sculpture, but with a thin brown line on the third spiral cord rather than white tubercles with brown interspaces. It is unclear if this difference has relevance to discriminate between species, but because Sowerby clearly specified the presence of brown spots between the tubercles rather than a continuous line, we have selected a lectotype fitting the original description to stabilize the nomenclature. Figure 92. Triphora eupunctata G.B. Sowerby III, 1907, New Caledonia. A-E, H, I Lectotype NHMUK 1907.8.28.46: front ( A , B ), side ( C, D ), back ( E ), aperture ( H ), peristome ( I ). F Original figures. G Original labels. J-N NHMUK 1907.8.28.48 (probably not T. eupunctata ): front ( J, K ), side ( L, M ), back ( N ). O Paralectotype , NHMUK 1907.8.28.47: front. Scale bars: A-E, J-O : 1 mm ; H, I : 0.5 mm .