Parasitoids of the Australian citrus whitefly, Orchamoplatus citri (Takahashi) (Hemiptera, Aleyrodidae), with description of a new Eretmocerus species (Hymenoptera, Aphelinidae) Author Schmidt, Stefan Author Barro, Paul De Author Jamieson, Lisa text Zootaxa 2011 2873 27 34 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.200545 f0c51af3-2535-4861-b5cf-fff820de259a 1175-5326 200545 Eretmocerus orchamoplati Schmidt , sp. nov. ( Figs 9–12 ) Description. FEMALE. Colour: yellow. Morphology [measurements of holotype in square brackets]: Stemmaticum with rugose-reticulate surface structure. Antenna ( Fig. 10 ) with radicle 3.6–3.8 [3.6]X as long as wide. Scape 3.9–4.7 [4.4]X as long as wide, 1.7– 2.1 [1.8]X length of pedicel, 0.5–0.6 [0.6]X length of clava. Pedicel 2.1–2.7 [2.5]X as long as wide, 0.5–0.6 [0.6]X length of scape, 0.3–0.4 [0.3]X length of clava. First funicular segment transverse, about half as long as its maximum width; second funicular segment slightly broader than long. Clava 3.6–5.0 [4.7]X as long as wide. Apex of clava obliquely truncate ( Fig. 10 ). Mesoscutum with 2 pairs of setae arranged symmetrically ( Fig. 9 ), side lobes with 2 setae each. Distance between anterior pair of scutellar setae slightly less than, or subequal to, distance between posterior pair ( Fig. 9 ). Scutellar sensilla lateral to and closer to posterior than to anterior setae. Fore wing 2.2X as long as width of disc ( Fig. 12 ). Marginal fringe 0.2–0.3 [0.2]X as long as width of disc ( Fig. 12 ). Basal cell without setae. Submarginal vein with 2 setae, marginal vein anteriorly with 4 setae. Marginal vein separated from linea calva by irregular row of 8–10 setae ( Fig. 12 ). Approximately 3–6 tubercles present on ventral surface of wing near posterior end of linea calva. Wing disc posteriorly with an area of less dense setation ( Fig. 12 ). Tergites laterally with the following number of setae: T1: 1, T2: 1 or 2, T3: 2, T4: 2, T5: 2 or 3, T6: 2, T7: 4. Ovipositor longer than midtibia (1.3–1.4 [1.4]X) and 1.4–1.5 [1.5]X as long as clava. Third valvula 0.2–0.3X as long as second valvifer. MALE. Colour: yellow with pronotum, propodeum, and apical margins of gastral tergites brownish. Distribution. Australia : New South Wales , Queensland, Victoria. Host. Orchamoplatus citri (Takahashi) . Material examined. Holotype female, labelled “ AUSTRALIA , Queensland, Mundubbera, Durong Rd, 4626, Benhams Orchard (Joey Citrus P/L), 25.6333°S , 151.2833°E , 140 m , 15.iii.2010 , E. Carlton, D. Papacek & A. Guanilo, DNA-Sample ZSM-HYM-AE415-04” ( ANIC ). Paratypes . New South Wales : 2Ƥ, Burringbar, Howards Rd, 28.4220°S , 153.4786°E , 87 m , 8.ii.2010 (L. Howie, A. Marcora), ex O . citri on orange ( ZSM ); 3Ƥ, 625 Myocum Rd, 28.8180°S , 153.4922°E , 34 m , 8.ii.2010 (L. Howie, A. Marcora), ex O . citri on lemon ( ZSM ); 13, Newybar, 19 Johnston Rd, 28.7244°S , 153.5189°E , 114 m , 8.ii.2010 (L. Howie, A. Marcora ex O . citri on Honey Murcart Mandarins ( ZSM ); 1Ƥ, Bateman's Bay, 4 Peninsula Drive, 35.7082°S , 150.1747°E , 5 m , 14.iv.2010 (A. Chhagan), ex O . citri ( ZSM ). Queensland: 13, 2Ƥ, same data as holotype ( ZSM ); 3Ƥ, Coochin Creek Farms, 1755 Roys Rd, Beerwah, 26.892°S , 153.086°E , 13.v.2009 (L. Howie, A. Marcora), ex O . citri ( NZAC , ZSM ); 2Ƥ, Mundubbera, 25.6°S , 151.3°E , 12.ii.2009 (D. Papacek), collected in close association with O . citri . ( ZSM ); 1Ƥ, Frank Van Der Meer Cnr Steve Irvin Way & Kings Rd, Glasshouse Mtn 26.891°S , 152.962°E , 13.v.2009 (L. Howie, A. Marcora), ex O . citri ( NZAC ); 2Ƥ, Biggenden, Cherelley Rd, 4621, Longatong Orchard (Cooranga Citrus P/L), 25.2862°S , 151.9570°E , 120 m , 1.iv.2010 (E. Carlton, D. Papacek, A. Guanilo) ( ZSM ); 2Ƥ, Indooroopilly, 27.5000°S , 152.9824°E , 21 m , September 2009 (P. De Barro) ( ZSM ). Victoria: 4Ƥ, Mallacoota, Blue Wren Motel, 37.5587°S , 149.7541°E , 19 m (A. Chhagan), ex Aleyrodidae ( ZSM ); 1Ƥ, Lakes Entrance, 9 Prince Hwy, 33.828°S , 144.817°E , 25 m (A. Chhagan), ex Aleyrodidae ( ZSM ). Genbank accession. HQ660514 , HQ660518 , JF750711 - JF750715 , JF750729 - JF750732 . Comments. Eretmocerus orchamoplati sp. nov. was collected at coastal locations from central Queensland south to Victoria. The species can be separated from the other Australian Eretmocerus species by a combination of characters, including the transverse first and slightly broader than long second funicular segments, the short marginal fringe of the fore wing, and the few tubercles on the ventral surface of the fore wing near the posterior end of the linea calva. In the key to Australian Eretmocerus species associated with Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) ( Hemiptera : Aleyrodidae ) ( De Barro et al. 2000 ), E. orchamoplati would key out at the first couplet because of its transverse first funicular segment that is neither cylindrical as in E. mundus Mercet , nor subtriangular as in E. warrae (Naumann & Schmidt) or E. queenslandensis (Naumann & Schmidt) . As in the other two parasitoid species examined, the 28S-D2 sequence data did not exhibit any intraspecific variation between populations from several locations in Queensland (Beerwah, Brisbane, Mundubbera), New South Wales (Batemans Bay), and Victoria (Mallacoota). The COI sequences exhibited an overall mean distance of 1.0%, with a maximum of 1.7% between populations from Biggenden (Queensland) and Mallacoota (Victoria).