Discovery of a new Afrotropical genus of flat wasps Ifrika gen. n. (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) Author Dondoni Colombo, Wesley Author Azevedo, Celso Oliveira text Journal of Natural History 2023 2023-11-06 57 29 - 32 1472 1494 journal article 10.1080/00222933.2023.2258605 1464-5262 10594454 Ifrika pauculihirta ( Benoit, 1957 ) comb. n. ( Fig. 6 ) Pseudisobrachium pauculihirtum Benoit 1957: 28 ; Gordh and Móczár 1990: 259. Dissomphalus pauculihirtus [ sic ]: Azevedo et al . (2018): 86; Alencar et al . (2018) : appendix S4. Diagnosis This species differs from the others of the genus by having the genitalia with the basal appendicular process subrectangular, the median projection wide in lateral view and widening apically and mediodorsal fold with base slender and long, widening abruptly apically, apex oval. Redescription Male. MALE. Body ~ 3.8 mm long. Forewing ~2.0 mm long. Antenna ~ 1.5 mm long. Colour . Head, clypeus and mesosoma castaneous; antenna, mandible, palpi and legs. Head . Oval, about as long as wide. Mandible with four teeth, two ventral-most sharpened and larger, otherwise rounded and short,progressively increasing in length ventrad.Clypeus with median lobe acute; median carina absent. Antenna with dense erect pubescence, about as long as flagellomeral diameter, with some outstanding erect setae on first five flagellomeres. Vertex crest straight. Frons polished and coriaceous. Ocellar triangle with frontal angle obtuse, anterior ocellus almost crossing to supra-ocular line. Mesosoma . Dorsal pronotal area polished, with some irregularly sized large punctures, posterior area much wider than anterior one. Anteromesoscutum with notauli well impressed, reaching anterior margin of anteromesoscutum and not reaching posterior one, weakly converging posterad. Parapsidal signums well impressed,but missing anteriorly, straight.Metascutellum polished and coriaceous,with some irregularly sized small punctures, lateral margin straight, surface convex; metanotal fovea almost rectangular. Mesoscuto-scutellar sulcus strongly straight medially. Metapectal-propodeal disc longer than wide, metapostnotal median carina incomplete, not extending posteriorly,lateral marginal carina distinguishable from background texture. Propodeal declivity irregularly alveolate. Mesopleuron with posterior oblique sulcus poorly delimited and shallow. Wings . Hind wing with four distal hamuli. Metasoma . Hypopygium with spiculum not surpassing inner membrane apically. Posterior margin strongly excavated forming two round lobes, excavation about two-fourths as long as hypopygeal plate. Genitalia . Harpe with dorsal arm 2× wider than ventral arm basally; basal appendicular process subrectangular, as long as wide; aedeagus subrectangular with apex narrower than base in dorsal view, dorsal valve with ventral margin apex not emarginated in lateral view, mediodorsal fold with base slender and long, widening abruptly apical, apex oval, median projection widening apically, laminar, dull, wide; basal cover plate heart-shaped, all margins incurved; apodeme strongly dorsally curved and not touching basal cover plate in lateral view. Female. Unknown. Material examined Type material. Holotype : male, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO , Haut-Uele , Paulis , x.1947 , P.L.G. Benoit , BE_ RMCA _INS. Hym. 048453 ( MRAC ) . Paratypes : 1 male , DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO , Kivu , N′Dalage , Parc . Nat. Albert, 8.viii. 35, Dr . H. Damas , BE_ RMCA _INS .Hym. 048454 ( MRAC ); 1 male , Kivu , Rutshuru , Lubirizi , 13 . vii .1935, 1.285 m , G. F. de Witte : 1964, BE_ RMCA _INS .Hym. 048455 ( MRAC ). New material : UGANDA , 1 male , Kibale National Park , Kanyawara , Makerere University Biological Field Station , 1582 m , 0°33.823 ʹ N 30°21.490 ʹ E , 12–26 .viii .2008, S. van Noort , UG08 -KF3-M13, Malaise trap , primary mid-altitude Rainforest (SAM-HYM-P101794); 1 male , Kibale National Park , Kanyawara , Makerere University Biological Field Station , 1500 m , 0° 33.784 ʹ N 30°21.617 ʹ E , 2–12 .viii .2008, S. van Noort , UG08 -KF4-M04, Malaise trap , primary mid-altitude Rainforest (SAM-HYM-P101793); 1 male , Kibale National Park , Kanyawara , Makerere University Biological Field Station , 1506 m , 0°33.891 ʹ N 30°21.468 ʹ E , 4–26 . viii .2008, S. van Noort , UG08 -KF7-Y06, Yellow pan trap , primary mid-altitude Rainforest (SAM-HYM-P101796); 1 male , Kibale National Park , Kanyawara , Makerere University Biological Field Station , 1484 m , 0°34.405 ʹ N 30°21.646 ʹ E , 12–26 .viii .2008, S. van Noort , UG08 -KF10-M20, Malaise trap , primary mid-altitude Rainforest , near stream ( SAM-HYMP101792 ); 1 male , Kibale National Park , Kanyawara , Makerere University Biological Field Station , 1505 m , 0°33.859 ʹ N 30°21.630 ʹ E , 31vii–3viii .2005, S. van Noort , UG05 -Y33, Yellow pan trap , primary mid-altitude Rainforest (SAM-HYM-P101795) . Distribution Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda ( Figure 3A ).