Callitrichiade Author Russell A. Mittermeier Author Anthony B. Rylands Author Don E. Wilson text 2013 2013-03-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 3 Primates 262 346 book chapter 3265 10.5281/zenodo.5730714 4631fcfb-1c02-43ca-add6-eba909339b4a 5730714 5 . Snethlage’s Marmoset Mico emiliae French: Ouistiti de Snethlage / German: Snethlage-Seidenaffchen / Spanish: Titi de Snethlage Other common names: Emilia’s Marmoset Taxonomy . Hapale emiliae Thomas, 1920 , Maloca, upper Rio Curua, upper Rio Iriri, Rio Xingu, Para State, Brazil . Considered by P. Hershkovitz to be a dark form of Mico argentatus . Monotypic. Distribution . Brazilian Amazon, S from the Rio Iriri at least as far as the S (left) margin of the Rio Peixoto de Azevedo (E tributary of the Rio Teles Pires), the S limits are not beyond the headwaters and upper Rio Paraguay (c.14° 30’ S), the upper Rio Teles Pires evidently marks the W limit. Descriptive notes . Head-body 19-9 cm, tail 30-8 cm; weight unknown. Snethlage’s Marmoset is similar to the Black-tailed Marmoset ( M. melanurus ), but with a pink, slightly pigmented muzzle and no light thigh stripe. Its shoulder and upper dorsum are silvery gray, darkening to orange-brown on the rump and outer thighs. Hairs of ventral surface are silvery pale gray. The crown has a dark blackish patch, and the brow, cheeks, and chin are whitish. Ears are large, without tufts but with thin scattered brown hairs. Arms and legs are gray- to orange-brown and whiter on the inside. Lower arms and hands and lower legs and feet are blackish brown. The tail is black except for a couple of centimeters basally, which is brownish like the rump. Habitat . Primary and secondary lowland rainforest. Food and Feeding . Snethlage’s Marmoset eats small fruits, nectar, gums, and small animal prey. Breeding . There is no information available for this species. Activity patterns . There is no information available for this species. Movements, Home range and Social organization . There is no information available for this species. Status and Conservation . CITES Appendix II. Classified as Data Deficient on The [UCN Red List. Snethlage’s Marmoset is locally common and has a comparatively large geographic distribution. It occurs in the Cristalino State Park (184,900 ha) on the right bank of the Rio Teles Pires, Brazil . Bibliography . de Avila-Pires (1986), Fialho (2010), Hershkovitz (1977), Martins et al. (1988), Napier (1976), Pimenta & Silva (2005), Rylands et al. (1993, 2009), Thomas (1920).