Cryptotermes (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae) on Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu: Redescription of Cryptotermes albipes (Holmgren & Holmgren) and description of Cryptotermes penaoru sp. n. Author Roisin, Yves text ZooKeys 2011 148 31 40 journal article 1313-2970-148-31 Cryptotermes penaoru sp. n. Remarks. Samples of this species were previously identified as Cryptotermes tropicalis Gay & Watson ( Roisin et al. 2011 ), but further examination revealed them to belong in an undescribed species. Material examined. Holotype, soldier: VANUATU:Sanma: Espiritu Santo, 09.xi.2006 (coll. det. Y. Roisin), in standing dead wood, on forested slope above Penaoru village, alt. 100m a.s.l. ( 14°57.69'S , 166°37.90'E ) (ULB #Santo003; RBINS #15589: type colony). Paratypes: alates, 1 soldier and immatures from type colony (same data as holotype); ibidem, 18.xi.2006 (coll. det. Y. Roisin), 1 male (dealate), 3 soldiers, immatures (ULB #Santo080). Imago. (Figs 1b, 1d, 1f) Overall colour medium brown; head, pronotum and wing scales darker; legs paler, with femora paler than tibiae; abdominal sternites palest. Wings brown, paler than tergite colour, with pimple-like nodules. Head parallel-sided, almost ciruclar behind. Eyes large; ocelli large, oval, contiguous to eyes. Antennae of 14-16 segments in alates, broken down to 7 segments in dealate of colony #Santo080. Pronotum almost as wide as head, widely concave anteriorly, with convex sides narrowing posteriorly, posterior margin biconvex. Pilosity of head and pronotum sparse and short. Wings with subcosta, radius and radial sector sclerotized, and slight sclerotization of cubital branches. Media unsclerotized, except at junction with radial sector, beyond half length of wing. Arolium present. Measurements of paratypes: 4 alates from type colony (#Santo003) and 1 dealate from colony #Santo080 (parentheses): ED: 0.265-0.295 (0.275); OD: 0.100-0.115 (0.090); HLP: 0.950-1.000 (0.950); HWE: n.a. (0.935); HWI: 0.695-0.730 (0.705); PW: 0.810-0.910 (0.865); T3L: 0.745-0.870 (0.825); FWL: 6.82-7.15 (n.a.). Soldier. (Figs 2b, 2d, 2f, 3b)Head capsule from ferruginous posteriorly to black in frontal area. Mandibles almost black, antennae and labrum dark orange. Head quadrangular, distinctly longer than wide, with straight parallel sides and convex posterior margin. Frontal flange prominent only on sides, extending as low ridges backwards at an angle of ~45° with sagittal plane. Frons-vertex ridge concave, delimiting with posterior extensions of frontal flange a triangular depression anteriorly on vertex. Frons falling steeply on postclypeus. Frontal horns stout, prominent, blunt. Genal horns very small, blunt. Slight lateral depression and rugosity posterior to frontal flange. Eyes visible as distinct pale spots. Mandibles long, with prominent external hump at basal third. Marginal teeth small but distinct. Antennae of 10-15 articles. Pronotum widely and angularly notched, with thickened anterior margin. Measurements of holotype, paratype from type colony [brackets] and 3 paratypes from colony #Santo080 (parentheses). HLP: 1.755 [1.675] (1.610-1.650); HLG: 1.615 [1.645] (1.560-1.580); HW: 1.250 [1.165] (1.135-1.175); PW: 1.175 [1.055] ( 1.035-1.095); LML: 1.025 [0.950] (0.955-0.995); LW: 0.320 [0.270] (0.260-0.325); HD: 1.025 [0.920] (0.925-0.950); T3L: 0.920 [0.875] (0.775-0.815). This species comes clearly close to Cryptotermes tropicalis , from Queensland, but can be distinguished by its more elongated head. Distribution, etymology and biology. Cryptotermes penaoru was found in a single site in lowland forest near Penaoru village, hence its name. The type colony was collected from a small standing dead tree.