New species of the genus Sparedrus (Coleoptera: Oedemeridae) from Bulgaria Author Švihla, Vladimír text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2006 2006-11-06 46 123 125 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5325322 0374-1036 5325322 Sparedrus bulgaricus sp. nov. ( Figs. 1, 3 ) Type locality. Northeastern Bulgaria , Zlatni Pyasatsi, ca 10 km NE of Varna . Type material. HOLOTYPE : , ‘ Bulharsko [= NE Bulgaria ], Zlaté Písky [= Zlatni Pyasatsi], Jan Víša lgt. [handwritten] // 17.v.1971 [on the reverse of the label, handwritten] ’. Paratype : , ‘ Bulgaria [= NE Bulgaria ], Albena (z pavučiny na dubu) [= collected in cobweb on oak], , leg. Luboš John’. Both the holotype and the paratype are deposited in the National Museum, Praha. Description. Coloration. Body entirely terra-cotta, tips of mandibles sepia ( Fig. 1 ). Female. Eyes large, slightly protruding, head across eyes very slightly narrower than pronotum, frons between eyes ca twice as wide as length of antennomere 2, head behind eyes moderately and arcuately narrowing posteriorly. Antennae reaching about two thirds of elytral length, antennomere 3 ca twice as long as antennomere 2, antennomeres 3-5 elongate triangular, 6-11 elongate triangular with slightly arcuate inner margin. Last palpomere of maxillary palpus as in Fig. 3 . Surface of head semilustrous to mat, sparsely punctate on frons, densely punctate on vertex, covered by sparse, long, recumbent, pale lemon yellow pubescence. Pronotum ca as long as wide, slightly cordiform, its anterior margin widely rounded, anterior corners rounded, lateral margins sinuate, moderately narrowing posteriorly, posterior corners slightly projecting, acutely rounded, posterior margin nearly straight. Surface of pronotum mat, densely punctate, punctures confluent in ca posterior two thirds of pronotum, cov- ered by sparse, long, recumbent, pale lemon yellow pubescence. Elytra parallel-sided, moderately narrowing posteriorly from about two thirds of their length, apex of each elytron nearly rectangular, slightly rounded. Elytral striae absent. Surface of elytra semilustrous, more sparsely and more finely punctate than that of pronotum, covered by similar pubescence. Figs. 1-4. 1-2 – habitus of female. 1 – Sparedrus bulgaricus sp. nov. ; 2 – S. orsinii Costa, 1852 . 3-4 – last palpomere of female maxillary palpus. 3 – S. bulgaricus sp. nov. ; 4 – S. orsinii . Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Male unknown. Length: 12.9 mm ( holotype ), 14.6 mm ( paratype ). Differential diagnosis. Sparedrus bulgaricus sp. nov. is very similar both in its coloration and the body form to S. orsinii , from which it differs by the absence of small glabrous areas on the elytra ( Figs. 1-2 , best visible in the apical third of elytra) and in the longer last palpomere of the female maxillary palpus ( Figs. 3-4 ). In the identification key by VÁZQUEZ (2002) it also keys to S. orsinii . Etymology. Patronymic, named according to the country of its origin. Distribution. Northeastern Bulgaria .