The Oleaceae-feeding lace bugs of the genus Perissonemia from Japan (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) Author Souma, Jun 0000-0002-2238-5015 Entomological Laboratory, Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University, 744 Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuokashi, Fukuoka, 819 - 0395 Japan & Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC 1), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2022 2022-12-31 62 2 443 456 journal article 10.37520/aemnp.2022.024 1804-6487 7617092 C9003335-99FA-427E-988A-4A3CC2A73E4A Genus Perissonemia Drake & Poor, 1937 Perissonemia : DRAKE & POOR (1936) : 439 . Unavailable name. Perissonemia Drake & Poor, 1937: 2 . Type species by original designation: Perissonemia torquata Drake & Poor, 1937 . Diagnosis. Recognized among other tingid genera by a combination of the following characters: only macropterous morph known; body oblong; head shorter than its maximum width across compound eyes, generally with five spines (occasionally with two spines); total length of antenna longer than pronotum; antennal segments I close to each other at their bases; bucculae contiguous with each other at anterior ends; pronotum convex in anterior part, tricarinate; hood absent; collar raised towards its apex; pronotal carinae ridge-like; paranotum carinate at level of callus and humerus, not carinate in remaining parts; anterior margins of hemelytra nearly parallel to each other in rest; costal area of hemelytron distinct; subcostal area subhorizontal; discoidal area flat, extending beyond middle part of hemelytron; sutural area completely overlap each other in rest; hypocostal lamina with a single row of areolae throughout its length; Cu (cubital) vein distinct, carinate; R+M (radiomedial) vein distinct, carinate; ostiolar peritreme well-developed, oblong; metasternum narrower than mesosternum; meso- and metasternal laminae curved outward; abdominal sternites IV–VIII in male and IV–VII in female each with a transverse furrow throughout their width; pygophore flat on ventral surface; and ovipositor with well-developed ovivalvula at base. Differential diagnosis. Among the Oriental tingid genera, Perissonemia strongly resembles Eritingis Drake & Ruhoff, 1962 and Ulonemia Drake & Poor, 1937 in general appearance. However, Perissonemia is easily distinguished from Eritingis and Ulonemia by the following characteristics: total length of antenna longer than pronotum (shorter in Eritingis ); hood absent (sometimes present in Ulonemia ); collar raised towards its apex (not raised in Eritingis and Ulonemia ); and paranotum carinate at level of callus and humerus, not carinate in remaining parts (carinate in anterior half and not carinate in posterior half in Eritingis ; carinate throughout its length in Ulonemia ).