North American species of Agrostocynips Diaz (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Eucoilinae), parasitoids of Agromyzidae (Diptera): bionomics and taxonomy Author Buffington, Matthew L. Author Scheffer, Sonja J. text Zootaxa 2008 1817 39 48 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.274371 49b0c40d-c5ca-4ee2-ad7e-2a83218b6363 1175-5326 274371 Agrostocynips robusta (Ashmead) Figure 2 A–D Diagnosis. Differs from A. clavatus by the lack of an indication of the mesoscutal keel at the anterior margin of the mesoscutum (distinctly present in all specimens examined of A. clavatus ); from A. diastrophi by the smaller and posteriorly truncate scutellar plate ( Fig. 2 C ) (longer and rounded posteriorly in A. diastrophi , Fig. 1 E–F ), as well as the presence of 4-6 perimeter teeth on the dorsal surface of the scutellar plate ( Fig. 2 B ) (7- 8 present in A. diastrophi , Fig. 1 E ); further differentiated from A. diastrophi by the weak to absent orbital furrows on the inner margins of the eyes (nearly always well developed in A. diastrophi ). FIGURE 1. A–F, Agrostocynips diastrophi (Ashmead) . A, habitus, female; B, close-up of head and mesosoma, female; C, SEM of female head, anterior view; D, SEM of female head, posterior view; E, SEM of female mesosoma, lateral view; F, SEM of female mesosoma, dorsal view. Redescription. As in description of genus, with: orbital furrows poorly developed, often entirely absent; scutellar plate with 4-6 perimeter tubercals present on dorsal surface, always in pairs; posterior margin of scutellar plate shortened, truncated. Material examined. Holotype . [first label] St. Vincent , W[est] I[ndies], H.H. Smith, [second label] Type No. 2336 USNM [third label] Chrestosem robusta Ashm. [in Ashmead’s hand], [fourth label] Agrostocynips robusta (Ahm.) , Det. By M.L. Buffington 2003. The holotype is a male, in poor condition, consisting of only the metasoma and hind legs glued to a card point. Deposited in USNM . Additional material . Several specimens from the following US states and Canadian province (deposited in TAMU , UCRC and USNM ): CAN- ADA : Ontario. U.S.A. : Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia , Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachussets, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Washington D.C. FIGURE 2. A–D, Agrostocynips robusta (Ashmead) . A, habitus, female; B, close-up of head and mesosoma, female; C, female mesosoma, dorsal view; D, forewing of female, ventral view. E, A. diastrophi (Ashmead) , forewing of female, ventral view. F, sympatric holly leafminers on Ilex cassine : linear mine (l) of Phytomyza opacae Kulp contrasted with two blotch mines (b) of Phytomyza n. sp. 1, a host of A. robusta . Biology. Reared from Phytomyza n. sp. 1 ( sensu Scheffer & Wiegmann, 2000 ) on Ilex cassine and I. myrtifolia (holly, Aquifoliaceae ; SJS reared material, Fig. 2 F); from Phytomyza sp. on Solidago (goldenrod, Asteraceae ); from Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) on Solanum americanum P. Mill. (American black nightshades, Solanaceae ) and L. trifolii on Capsicum anuum L. (jalapeno and Cuban hots peppers, Solanaceae ). Also recorded from an undetermined leafminer on Symphoricarpos (snowberry, Caprifoliaceae ); this species has also been observed host searching on Celtis (hackberry, Ulmaceae ; MLB, pers. obsv.). Distribution. Southwestern, Central and Eastern United States , South Eastern Canada and the Carribbean (see material examined). Specimens of this species have also been examined from Baja as well as central and Southern Mexico . The species is likely present throughout Central America .