A review of the sinica species group within the genus Lilioceris (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Criocerinae) Author Xu, Yuan Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China & College of Life Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Author Liang, Hongbin Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China lianghb@ioz.ac.cn text ZooKeys 2022 2022-08-31 1119 153 179 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1119.87082 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1119.87082 1313-2970-1119-153 381A108D0C0042D7A7FD2EBE3C0CCB75 B5763371895454C3A27D857382CF5844 Lilioceris thibetana (Pic, 1916) Figs 10 , 11 , 17 , 23 , 29 , 35 , 42 Lilioceris thibetana Pic, 1916: 18 (China, Prov. Thibet, Type / Lectotype, male). ( Crioceris ). Gressitt and Kimoto 1961 : 59 ( Lilioceris ). Type material examined. 1♂, type [MNHN, photo], Thibet, Trianatang / Lilioceris thibetana Pic / n. sp / Type / Museum Paris Coll. M. Pic / TYPE / LECTOTYPE / LECTOTYPE Lilioceris thibetana (Pic, 1916) / MNHN, Paris EC15770. Other material examined. Total 3 specimens . China : Yunnan : 1♂ , Xishuangbanna , Meng-a , 1050-1080 m / 1958.VI.9 , Shuyong Wang coll. ; 1♀ , Xishuangbanna , Menghai , 1200-1600 m / 1958.VII.22 , Fuji Pu coll. ; 1♂ , Lushui , Pianma , 1750 m / 1981.V.27 , Xuezhong Zhang coll. /? Lilioceris gressitti Medvedev , Peiyu Yu det. Figures 12-17. Pronotum, mesoventral disc, abdominal sternites and elytra of Lilioceris spp. 12 L. gressitti , , China ( Yunnan : Kunming) 13 L. rugata , , Japan (Mont Takao) 14 L. sieversi , , China ( Beijing ) 15 L. sinica , , China ( Beijing ) 16 L. theana , , China ( Liaoning : Shenyang) 17 L. thibetana , , China ( Yunnan : Xishuangbanna) A pronotum B mesoventral disc C abdominal sternite D elytra. Diagnosis. Femora black. Pronotum disc with fine punctures; elytral punctures small, slightly diminishing or not diminishing posteriorly; metasternite almost glabrous; abdominal sternites with sparse pubescence, transverse impressions present on sternites 2-5. Redescription. BL = 6.0-7.0 mm, BW = 3.0-3.5 mm. Front part of head, antennae, ventral surface, and legs black; occiput, pronotum, scutellum, and elytra brownish red. Figures 18-23. Male genitalia of Lilioceris spp. 18 L. gressitti , China (Yunnan: Wuding) 19 L. rugata , Japan 20 L. sieversi , China (Beijing) 21 L. sinica , China (Beijing) 22 L. theana , China (Liaoning: Shenyang) 23 L. thibetana , China (Yunnan: Xishuangbanna A aedeagus, lateral view B aedeagus, dorsal view C sclerites in internal sac, lateral view D dorsal sclerite, dorsal view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm ( A, B ); 0.2 mm ( C, D ). Head (Fig. 10 ). HL/HW = 1.1-1.2; vertex without groove in the middle, finely punctate and setose laterally; frontoclypeal area triangular, disc with sparse punctures and setae; labrum transverse, with sparse setae; antennomeres 5-10 each slightly longer than wide (Fig. 35 ). Pronotum (Fig. 17A ). PW / HW = 1.0-1.1, PL / PW = 0.9-1.0; anterior and posterior angle not protruding; sides distinctly constricted in the middle; middle of disc with fine and scattered punctures; anterior and posterior transverse impression indistinct, basal transverse groove shallow. Figures 24-29. Female reproductive organs of Lilioceris spp. 24 L. gressitti , China (Yunnan: Wuding) 25 L. rugata , Japan (Tokyo) 26 L. sieversi , China (Beijing) 27 L. sinica , China (Beijing) 28 L. theana , China (Liaoning: Shenyang) 29 L. thibetana , China (Yunnan: Xishuangbanna) A dorsal view B ventral view C spermatheca. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Elytra (Fig. 17D ). EL/EW = 1.3-1.5; sutural angle rounded; humeri protruding, humeral groove distinct, basal transverse impression indistinct; scutellary striole composed of 5-8 punctures; strial punctures small, slightly diminishing or not diminishing posteriorly; intervals flat; epipleura raised, with row of fine punctures. Mesosternite pubescent . Lateral side of the metasternite nearly smooth (Fig. 17B ); metepisternum densely pubescent. Figures 30-41. Antennae of Lilioceris spp. 30 L. gressitti , ♂, China (Yunnan: Tengchong) 31 L. rugata , ♂, Japan (Kibune: Kyoto) 32 L. sieversi , ♀, China (Beijing) 33 L. sinica , ♂, China (Anhui: Yuexi) 34 L. theana , ♀, China (Liaoning: Shenyang) 35 L. thibetana , ♂, China (Yunnan: Lushui) 36 L. cheni , ♂, China (Guangdong: Shixing) 37 L. egena , ♂, China (Tibet: Medog ) 38 L. impressa , ♂, China (Yunnan: Gongshan) 39 L. laosensis , ♂, China (Tibet: Medog ) 40 L. malabarica , ♂, India (Mahe: Malabar) 41 L. yunnana , ♂, China (Yunnan: Tengchong). Scale bars: 1.0 mm. Abdominal sternites with sparse pubescence; lateral transverse impressions present on sternites 2-5, area outside the impression densely pubescent (Fig. 17C ). Figure 42. Distribution map of Lilioceris spp. ( L. sinica in Korea and L. thibetana in Tibet are not marked because of lack of precise locality data). Legs slender; tibiae with dense punctures and pubescence; femora with dense pubescence on dorsal surface, with sparse pubescence on ventral surface. Male genitalia (Fig. 23A-D ). Median foramen occupying 1/5 length of median lobe (Fig. 23A ); apex rounded (Fig. 23B ); basal piece of tegmen triangular, lateral lobes slightly sclerotized; posterior part of dorsal sclerite in dorsal view in dorsal view widely rounded, directed laterally (Fig. 23C, D ). Female reproductive organs (Fig. 29A-C ). Spiculum gastrale short, Y-shaped, distal part slightly widened, apical margin rounded (it was broken during dissection, Fig. 29A, B ); ovipositor with dense setae, distal part of the ovipositor cylindrical, short, with small protuberance; spermatheca greatly convoluted. Figures 43, 44. Lilioceris gressitti in China (Yunnan: Wuding), 2021.VII.11, photographed by YX 43 larva 44 host plant, Dioscorea sp. Distribution. China (Tibet, Yunnan). Host plant and habitat. Unknown. Remarks. In original labels, the type locality is 'Thibet, Trianatang' . There are at least three villages with similar pronunciation to Trianatang, first village 'Qiunatong' is in Gongshan county, northwestern Yunnan ( 28.09655°N , 98.57368°E , 1816 m), very close to Tibet; the second village 'Qunatang' is in Zayue county, Tibet ( 28.33884°N , 98.58602°E , 2460 m), and the third village 'Qunatang' is in Medog county, Tibet ( 29.46423°N , 95.74406°E , 2084 m). They are not far from each other, and all are possibilities to be the type locality of 'Trianatang' . Figures 45, 46. Lilioceris spp. 45 Lilioceris rugata in Japan, 2003.V.9, photographed by Masakazu Hayashi 46 Lilioceris sieversi in China (Beijing), 2021.VI.12, photographed by Meiying Lin. Lilioceris thibetana was formerly placed in the Lilioceris impressa group ( Tishechkin et al. 2011 ), probably due to its similarity with Lilioceris malabarica as stated in original description by Pic (1916) . In the holotype, the antennae are missing, so it is difficult to determine whether it belongs to the Lilioceris impressa group or the Lilioceris sinica group based on the antennae. Fortunately, we have three specimens from Yunnan which fit well with the type in body size, body color, punctures on pronotum and elytra, pubescence on metasternites and abdominal sternites, and in the shape of the aedeagus (compared with the illustration of Tishechkin et al. 2011 : fig. 29). However, their antennomeres 5-10 are all cylindrical so we moved L. thibetana into the Lilioceris sinica group. Figures 47-50. Lilioceris sinica in China (Beijing), 2021.VII.16 47 larva 48 adult 49 host plant, Dioscorea sp. 50 Habitat 47, 48 photographed by HBL. 49, 50 photographed by YX. This species is similar to Lilioceris gressitti , but differs by having the metaventral disc nearly smooth (in L. gressitti , the metaventral disc has a narrow pubescent strip). Furthermore, in L. thibetana , the spiculum gastrale is Y-shaped, slightly wider in the distal part, and the apical margin is rounded, while in L. gressitti , the spiculum gastrale is X-shaped, strongly widened in the distal part, and the apical margin is straight. Figures 51-54. Biology of Lilioceris theana . China (Liaoning: Shenyang), 2021.V.23, Photographed by Haicheng Shan 51 eggs 52 larvae 53 adults 54 host plant, Dioscorea nipponica .