Revision of the New World genus Quichuana Knab, 1913 (Diptera: Syrphidae), including descriptions of 24 new species Author Ricarte, Antonio Author Marcos-García, M. Ángeles Author Hancock, E. G. Author Rotheray, Graham E. text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2012 Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 2015-06-02 166 1 72 131 journal article 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2012.00842.x 0024-4082 5408533 2A5804AC-E5F7-405D-80A7-F8C2799C0CEB QUICHUANA MARILIAE RICARTE & HANCOCK SP. NOV. FIGURES 47–50 Description Male Head: Upper quarter of eyes with dense, brownish white hairs; occasional white hairs at the middle of the eyes; lower margin of eyes with sparse, straight, short black hairs dorsally; metatrochanter with a conspicuous process bearing apically a row of black setae ( Fig. 50 ); metatibia inflated towards the apex, constricted ventrally and with an apical, short process bearing black, adpressed hairs ( Fig. 49 ); metafemur with long yellow hairs, longer on anterior surface; a few short, spiny, black setae on ventral third of femora; metatarsus yellow, with black setae dorsally; wings extensively microtrichose, with small, bare areas in cells bc, C, and CuP; wings with light-brown pigmentation in cells SC and R 1 , and in cells R 2+3 and R anteriorly; ventral calypteres white centrally, but black with short, black hairs in the margin; halteres whitish yellow apically, brown on the basal third. Figures 47–50. Quichuana mariliae sp. nov. 47, female, right antenna, lateral inner view; 48, female, thorax, dorsal view; 49, male, apical half of femur, tibia, and basotarsomere of the left metaleg; 50, male, left metatrochanter. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (Figure 47); 1 mm (Figures 48–50). white hairs; vertical triangle with long, black hairs; a row of long, golden yellow hairs just posterior to the ocellar triangle; frontal triangle black, with long, anteriorly directed, golden yellow hairs laterally and scattered, long, black hairs centrally; antenna elongate, basoflagellomere 1.3 ¥ longer than pedicel and pedicel 2.7 ¥ longer than scape; ventral surface of frontal prominence yellowish laterally; face black, with lateral, white pollinosity delimiting a central, rhomboidal, shiny area; long, bright-yellowish white hairs on both the pollinose and shiny surfaces of face, except for a median, narrow, bare stripe; occiput with long, golden yellow hairs, shorter and paler when further down the occiput (upper section of occiput with a row of black setae intermixed with yellow hairs); from the midpoint of the occiput to the lower end, hairs progressively longer and sparser. Thorax: Scutum with two grey pollinose stripes, nearly reaching the posterior margin of scutum; scutum with golden yellow hairs as long as those on scutellum; NP, PAPT posterodorsally, and PC with a tuft of golden yellow hairs; scutellum brownish black, with long, golden yellow hairs; proleg red, except for the black coxa and trochanter; profemur narrowly yellow apically; meso- and metaleg red, except for the black coxa, trochanter, and basal two-thirds of the femur; pro- and mesofemur and tibia with long, yellow hairs posteriorly; tibiae with black hairs dorsoapically (in mesoleg also ventro-apically); tarsi with Abdomen: All terga dull, bronzy black, except for shiny surface of terga I and II anteriorly; tergum I with a moustache arrangement of long, golden yellow hairs; tergum II only with yellow hairs, very long on the anterior section of lateral margins; tergum III only with golden yellow hairs; tergum IV with golden yellow hairs and scattered black hairs posteriorly; tergum V with both whitish yellow hairs and scattered black hairs; sternum I with long white hairs; sterna II and III with long yellowish white hairs; sternum IV with very few lateral hairs, both pale and black intermixed. Genitalia: Superior lobes short and more or less conical; secondary processes of hypandrium developed with respect to those in the genitalia of species such as Q. angustiventris ; surstyli slender, narrowed at the base, but widening towards the apex; base of the surstyli with a tooth in the interior side. Female Same as male except upper fourth of eyes with sparse hairs; basoflagellomere 1.6 ¥ longer than pedicel, and pedicel 2.1 ¥ longer than scape ( N = 4) ( Fig. 47 ); ocellar triangle with black hairs; frons shiny black; anterior part of the frons with long, anteriorly directed, golden yellow hairs, and posterior part with long, posteriorly directed, golden yellow hairs; frons with an anteriorly directed chevron of pollinosity; scutum with two strong grey pollinose stripes reaching the posterior margin ( Fig. 48 ); scutum with hairs shorter than those on scutellum; metatrochanter and metatibia without processes or constrictions; dorsoapical third of protibia darkened; basal half of mesofemur sometimes black; metafemur with long, white to yellow hairs, longer ventrally; metatibia with short, black hairs intermixed with yellow hairs; wing membrane weakly pigmented in cells bc and C, sometimes nearly hyaline; tergum II usually with scattered black, adpressed hairs posteriorly; posterior quarter of tergum III usually with black, adpressed hairs; tergum V with only whitish yellow hairs; shiny surface of tergum II smaller than that in male; sterna I–III with long white hairs centrally; sternum IV with yellowish-white hairs all over. Etymology The epithet ‘ mariliae ’ refers to ‘Marili’, the nickname for Dr M. Ángeles Marcos-García. This species is named for her because she collected some material and, in addition, encouraged me to undertake this revision (A Ricarte). Material examined Holotype : 1m , Costa Rica , Prov. Guanacaste , Rincón de la Vieja , Upala , Dos Ríos , San Cristóbal, 600– 620 m , 17.v.1998 , leg. F.A. Quesada , en flor, L_N_ 318056383200#63528/INB0003341160 ( INBio ). Paratypes : COSTA RICA : 1m with puparium, Las Flores , Alajuela , Upala , 2.ii.2008 (puparium 21.ii.2008 , adult 2.iv.2008 ), ex liquid contained in a live bromeliad, leg. MAM ( CR170 ) ; 1m with puparium, El Pilón, 700 m , ex bromeliad, larva, puparium 17.vii.09, adult 25.vii.2009 , leg. MAM (ref. 718) , CEUA00089988 ; 2m with puparia, Guatuso , Finca Blanco , ex bromeliad, larva, puparium 2.vii.2009 ( 1m ) & 7.vii.2009 ( 1m ), adult 2.vii.2009 , leg. MAM (ref. 717 and 719) , CEUA00089987 and 89989; 1m , Albergue Heliconias , Volcán Tenorio , 2.ii.2008 , leg. MAM , collected with a light trap , CR181, CEUA00089984 ( CEUA ); 4f with puparia, Las Flores , Alajuela , Upala , ex live bromeliads, larva 2.ii.2008 , puparium 13.ii.2008 , adult 27.ii.2008 (CR172); puparium 14.ii.2008 , adult 1.iv.2008 (CR168); puparium date not recorded, adult 14.iv.2008 (CR174) (for CR172 breeding site unknown), leg. MAM ; 1f, Las Flores , Alajuela , Upala , ex bromeliad, larva 2.ii.2008 , adult 1.iii.2008 , leg. MAM ( CR162 ) ( CEUA ); 1f, Prov. Alajuela , P.N. Volcán Tenorio , Sector El Pilón , 700–800 m , 29–31.vii.2003 , L N 298212 427913#74561, leg. J. Azofeifa with light trap ( INB0003743854 ) ( INBio ); 1f, Est. Pitilla , 700 m , 9 km S, Sta. Cecilia , P.N. Guanacaste , Prov. Guanacaste , 1 to 11.ix.1992 , L-N 330200, leg. C. Moraga ( INBio CRI 000849090) ( INBio ) . Range Costa Rica . Taxonomic notes Medium size species ( 10.2 mm , holotype ) with slender abdomen; males of this species can be readily separated from males of any other species by the presence of a conspicuous process on the metatrochanter ( Fig. 50 ), as well as by having the apical section of the metatibia inflated and then constricted ventrally, to end with a short but conspicuous process ( Fig. 49 ); the long pedicel and basoflagellomere (bf = 2.3, holotype ; for female, see Fig. 47 ) separate this species from similar species such as Q. angustiventris , Q. picadoi , or Q. quixotea , but females of Q. mariliae sp. nov. are readily distinguishable amongst females of species with a slender abdomen by the presence of two strong pollinose stripes reaching the posterior margin of the scutum ( Fig. 48 ).