Between areolated and band-shaped spots: a revision of Lacronia Strand, 1942 (Opiliones, Gonyleptidae)
Carvalho, Rafael N.
Departamento de Invertebrados, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista s / n, São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 20.940 - 040, Brazil. & Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia Roberto de Alcantara Gomes, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rua São Francisco Xavier 524, Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 20.550 - 900, Brazil.
Kury, Adriano B.
Departamento de Invertebrados, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista s / n, São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 20.940 - 040, Brazil.
European Journal of Taxonomy
journal article
Lacronia boraceae
Soares, 1942
comb. nov.
Figs 4E
Discocyrtus boraceae
Soares, 1942: 12
Discocyrtus boraceae
– B.
Soares 1944a: 178
, fig. 1; 1946: 514. —
Soares & Soares 1954: 246
. —
Kury 2003a: 160
Lacronia boraceae
comb. nov.
can be differentiated from the other species of the genus by the following combination of characters: 1) mesotergum areas I–IV with areolate spots around the ordinary tubercles (
Figs 6A
); 2) mesotergum area I with ordinary tubercles diffusely distributed on all its extension (
Fig. 7A
); 3) mesotergum area II with ordinary tubercles diffusely distributed on all its extension (
Fig. 7A
); 4) mesotergum area III posteriorly expanded with a paramedian dorsal monticule (
Figs 6A, C–D
7A, C, E
); 5) mesotergum area IV invading the posterior border of the dorsal scutum (
Figs 6A
); 6) Tr IV with a prominent sub-conical tubercle on the prodorsal distal face (
Figs 6A, C
); 7) Mt IV with a dorsal row of conical spines on its entire length, the third spine bifurcated (
Fig. 6E
Type material
; State of
São Paulo
MZSP 114ꜝ
Additional material examined
State of
São Paulo
1 ♂
Jan. 1954
MZSP 1730ꜝ
1 ♂
Estação Biológica de Boracéia
Jan. 1948
L. Travassos-Filho
MNRJ-HS 122ꜝ
1 ♂
; same collection data as for preceding;
5 Sep. 1942
A. Zoppei
MZSP 290ꜝ
1 ♂
1 ♀
; same collection data as for preceding;
3–8 Mar. 1962
MZSP 18185
(MNRJ-HS 122ꜝ)
For the external body illustrations and description (
Figs 4E
) and genitalic illustrations (
Fig. 8A–D
MEASUREMENTS. DS: CW 2.6, CL 2.0, AW 5.0, AL 3.2; Fe I–IV: I = 2.39, II = x, III = 3.78, IV = 4.41; right / left tarsal (distitarsal) counts: 6(3) / 6(3) - x / 12(3) - 7 / 7 - 7 / 7.
DORSUM. DS gamma-pyriform, longer than wide, with lateral borders of the
convex, widest at mesotergum area II and thickest at mesotergum area III, with convex posterior border (
Figs 6A
). DS anterior border with two sets of five acuminated tubercles, divided by a small central projection and a pair of shallow cheliceral sockets (
Fig. 7A, E
). Carapace with tubercles on lateral and posterior portions (
Fig. 7A
). Ocularium elliptical (in dorsal view), high (ca 3 × the eye diameter), forming a 90º angle in relation to the DS, placed in the anterior portion of the carapace (
Figs 6A, C
7A–B, E
). Ocularium with a pair of divergent spines (ca 2.5 × the eye diameter), slightly inclined frontward (
Figs 6A, C
7A–B, E
). Mesotergum divided in four clearly defined areas (
Fig. 7A
). Mesotergum areas I and IV divided into left and right halves by a longitudinal median groove (
Fig. 7A
lateral borders with two rows of tubercles: one external, composed of four or five prominent tubercles at areas II–III (
Fig. 7A
); another internal one with ordinary tubercles from the carapace to mesotergum area III. All areas tuberculate, with almost all tubercles individually covered/surrounded by light colored spots (
Figs 6A
). Mesotergum areas III and IV with ordinary tubercles diffusely distributed on all of their extension (
Fig. 7A, E
). Mesotergum area III posteriorly expanded with a paramedian dorsal monticule bearing a pair of paramedian large spines (ca 2× the ocularium’s spines) (
Figs 6A, C–D
7A–C, E
). DS posterior border and free tergites I–III each with a transversal row of prominent tubercles (
Fig. 7A, E
). Anal operculum covered by two rows of ordinary tubercles (
Fig. 6D
VENTER. Cx I–III sub-parallel to each other (
Fig. 6B
), each with ventral longitudinal rows of 8–11 setiferous tubercles (Cx I rows with higher and sharper tubercles than the others). Cx II with a retroventral distal row of seven acuminated tubercles. Cx III with a retro-ventral distal row of 10 acuminated tubercles. Cx IV much larger than the others, directed obliquely (
Fig. 6B
). Intercoxal bridges wellmarked (
Fig. 6B
). Stigmatic area Y-inverted-shaped, clearly sunken in relation to the Cx IV distal part (
Fig. 6B
). Cx IV covered by ordinary tubercles (
Fig. 6B
). Cx IV posterior border and stigmatic area each with a transversal row of ordinary tubercles. Stigmata visible (
Fig. 6B, D
). Free sternites with a transverse row of ordinary tubercles.
CHELICERAE. Basichelicerite elongate (
Fig. 7A
), bulla well-marked, with marginal setiferous tubercles – one ectal, two central posteriors; hand not swollen.
Fig. 6.
Lacronia boraceae
Soares, 1942
comb. nov.
, ♂ (MNRJ-HS 122ꜝ), specimen in alcohol.
. Habitus, dorsal view.
. Same, ventral view.
. Same, lateral view.
. Armature of mesotergum area III, free tergites I–III and anal operculum, posterior view.
. Right Pa–Ti IV, retro-lateral view. Scale bars = 1 mm.
PEDIPALPS. Tr with two geminate ventral setiferous tubercles. Fe with a ventral basal and a mesal apical setiferous tubercle. Pa unarmed. Ti with two rows (ventro-mesal and ventro-ectal) of four spines (IiIi). Ta with two rows of spines: three (III) ventro-mesal and three (IIi) ventro-ectal.
LEGS. Regarding the armature, all the unmentioned podomeres are unarmed or without relevant armature. Tr I–III each with several ventral tubercles. Fe I sub-straight; Fe II straight; Fe III sinuous (
Fig. 6A, D
). Fe and Ti I–III with all faces covered by lonigtudinal rows of small tubercles; Fe II–III with an apical retro-dorsal spur (
Fig. 7D
). Fe III (
Fig. 7D
) and Ti III with two rows (proventral and retro-ventral) of small acuminated tubercles, distally presenting spines (outstanding spines on Ti III). Pa I–III covered dorsally by prominent tubercles. Ti III mace-shaped (
Fig. 6A
). Cx IV reaching the posterior border of DS (
Figs 6A
). Cx IV tuberculate between prodorsal and ventral faces (
Figs 6B
). Cx IV with a thick prolateral distal conical apophysis, posteriorly crenated, with apical portion slightly curved backward (
Figs 6A–B
). Cx IV with a retro-lateral distal spiniform apophysis, fused with a small secondary branch (
Figs 6A–B
). Tr IV square-shaped in dorsal view (
Figs 6A–B
). Tr IV proximal portion with a conical apophysis on prolateral and retro-lateral faces (prolateral largest and curved dorsad) (
Figs 6A–B
). Tr IV prodorsal with a pair of highlighted sub-conical tubercles (proximal one largest) on distal portion, longitudinally arranged (
Figs 6C
7A, F
). Tr IV retro-lateral distal face with a conical apophysis (
Figs 6B
7A, G
). Tr IV ventral face tuberculate. Fe IV almost straight (using the right femur as a reference,in dorsal view), slightly arched on the distal portion towards prodorsal face (
Figs 6A– C
7A, F–G
). Fe IV dorsal face with a row of sub-conical tubercles on the proximal half and four spines (iIiI) on the distal half (
Figs 6A–B
). Fe IV prodorsal face with a row of sub-conical tubercles on the proximal and central thirds and two prominent conical tubercles on the distal third (
Fig. 7A, F
). Fe IV prolateral face with a row of sub-conical tubercles, the three distal more prominent than the others (
Fig. 7A, F
). Fe IV proventral face with a row of subconical tubercles (increasing in size distad) on the proximal and central thirds and five spines (iiiiI) on the distal third (
Fig. 7F–G
). Fe IV retro-ventral face with a row composed of subconical tubercles (increasing in size distad) on the proximal half and five spines (iiIII) on the distal half (
Fig. 7F–G
). Fe IV retro-lateral face with a row of seven conical spines (IIiIIiI) on its entire length (
Fig. 7G
). Fe IV retro-dorsal face with a row of subconical tubercles on its entire length, with an outstanding spine on the distal quarter (
Fig. 7A
). Fe IV distal apex with one prodorsal and a retro-dorsal outstanding spurs (
Fig. 7A, F–G
). Pa IV dorsally covered by acuminated prominent tubercles (
Figs 6C, E
). Pa IV proventral and retro-ventral faces with a row of three spines (proventral = iii; retro–ventral = IiI) (
Fig. 7H–I
). Ti IV dorsal face with ten subconical outstanding spines on its entire length (
Figs 6E
). Ti IV prodorsal, prolateral and retro-dorsal faces with a longitudinal row of ordinary tubercles (
Figs 6E
). Ti IV proventral face with a row of sub-conical tubercles, with two or three spines (ii or iii) on the proximal half and four spines (iiII) on the distal half (
Fig. 7H–I
). Ti IV retro-ventral face with a row of ten spines (iiiiiIIiII) on its entire length (
Fig. 7I
). Ti IV retro-lateral face with six prominent subconical tubercles. Mt IV with a dorsal row of conical spines on its entire length, the third spine bifurcated.
Fig. 7.
Lacronia boraceae
Soares, 1942
comb. nov.
, ♂ (MNRJ-HS 122ꜝ).
. Habitus, dorsal view.
. Ocularium, frontal view.
. Armature of mesotergum area III, posterior view.
. Right Fe III, prodorsal view.
. Habitus, lateral view.
. Left Fe IV, proventral view.
. Right Fe IV, retro-ventral view.
. Right Pa–Ti IV, proventral view.
. Right Pa–Ti IV, ventral view. Scale bars: A, E = 4 mm; B–C = 1 mm; D, H–I = 2 mm; F–G = 3 mm.
COLOR (in alcohol) (
Fig. 6A, C
). Ocularium, Cx I–IV and Tr IV
Strong Greenish Yellow
(99). DS background
Vivid Greenish Yellow
(97), with areolate spots
Light Yellow Green
(119) around the tubercles. Ch and Pp background Brilliant Yellow Green (116), with honeycombed
Moderate Olive Brown
(95) reticle. Tr–Ta I–III background
Light Yellow Green
(119), with honeycombed
Moderate Olive
(107) reticle. Cx IV distal portion and Tr IV
Light Olive Brown
(94). Fe–Ta IV background
Strong Greenish Yellow
MALE GENITALIA. VP slightly divided into a distal half forming a rectangle with latero-apical flaps, and a proximal half elliptical (
Fig. 8A, C
). VP ventral surface entirely covered with microsetae of
1 (
Fig. 8B–C
). All macrosetae inserted on ventro-lateral face of VP. MS A1–A3 cylindrical, thick, and acuminate, forming a triangle in lateral view (A1 on the basal portion of the distal half, A2–A3 on the proximal half, A2 placed ventralmost) (
Fig. 8A–C
). MS B1 small, inserted ventrally, posterior to A3 (
Fig. 8B–C
). MS C1–C3 (or C1–C4) similar to the MS A (slightly smaller than MS A), forming a triangle (with C2 more dorsal than others) or a square (C1–C2 and C3–C4 transversely matched) on the distal third of VP in lateral view (
Fig. 8A–C
). MS D1 small, -close to C3 (
Fig. 8A–B
). MS E1–E2 small, on the laterodistal flange of VP – E1 between MS C1–C2, E2 posterior to C3 (
Fig. 8B–C
). Glans sac arising from the middle bulge on the podium, not extended as a dorsal process (
Fig. 8A–B
). Stylus and its ventral process axis fused basally, forming a prominent pedestal (
Fig. 8B
). Stylus cylindrical, almost straight (apex slightly bent ventrally), inserted on pedestal forming a 45º angle, without conspicuous head, with a few small sub-distal tiny spines (
Fig. 8A–D
). Ventral process is ¾ of the stylus’ length, almost sigmoid, with an apical flabellum curved ventrad (
Fig. 8A–D
). Flabellum scallop-shaped with serrulations, with approximately 40% of the ventral process stem length (
Fig. 8A–D
Fig. 8.
Lacronia boraceae
Soares, 1942
comb. nov.
, ♂ (MNRJ-HS 122ꜝ), penis, distal part.
. Dorsal view.
. Lateral view.
. Ventral view.
. Detail of stylus and ventral process apex, dorsal view. Scale bars: A = 50 μm; B–C = 100 μm; D = 10 μm.
(MZSP 114ꜝ) (
Fig. 9A
DS, measurements: CW 3.0, CL 2.1, AW 5.2, AL 3.4; Fe I–IV measurements: I = 2.26, II = 4.58, III = 3.61, IV = 4.88; right / left tarsal (distitarsal) counts: 6(3) / 6(3) - 11(3) / 10(3) - 7 / 7 - 7 / 7.
DS gamma
. Mesotergal area III same as in male, but the pair of outstanding spines less curved posteriorly. Cx IV narrower than in males, with the prodorsal distal apophysis reduced to a single spine and without the retro-lateral apophysis. Tr IV prolateral proximal portion unarmed. Tr IV retro-lateral face with a proximal apophysis slightly smaller than the distal one. Fe IV thinner than in male. Pa–Ti dorsally covered by acuminated tubercles. Mt IV dorsally covered by ordinary tubercles.
Intraspecific variation
The material studied does not present
minor morph males
. It was also not found intraspecific variation among the
major morph males
or among females.
Without further data.
Geographic distribution
: state of
São Paulo
: Salesópolis (
Fig. 5