Between areolated and band-shaped spots: a revision of Lacronia Strand, 1942 (Opiliones, Gonyleptidae)
Carvalho, Rafael N.
Departamento de Invertebrados, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista s / n, São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 20.940 - 040, Brazil. & Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia Roberto de Alcantara Gomes, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rua São Francisco Xavier 524, Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 20.550 - 900, Brazil.
Kury, Adriano B.
Departamento de Invertebrados, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista s / n, São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, 20.940 - 040, Brazil.
European Journal of Taxonomy
journal article
Strand, 1942
Mello-Leitão, 1923a: 518
[junior homonym of
Schmidt, 1922 (Hemiptera)
Luederwaldtia serripes
Mello-Leitão, 1923
, by original designation].
originally in Pachylinae.
Strand, 1942: 397
[available replacement name for
Mello-Leitão, 1923
Mello-Leitão 1926: 337
1932: 166
1935a: 99
. —
Roewer 1929: 218
. —
Kästner 1937:
. —
Soares & Soares 1954: 269
. —
H. Soares 1966: 286
. —
Muñoz-Cuevas 1973: 226
Kury 2003a: 174
2003b: 29
. —
Kury & Orrico 2006: 148
s. str.
due to: 1) stylus straight on the glans (
Fig. 11A–B
); 2) apical portion of the stylus only as an undifferentiated extension of its stem (
Fig. 3A–D
); 3) ventral process of the glans with the same diameter of the stylus (
Fig. 20A, D
); 4) ocularium height (in lateral view) with thrice or more the eyes diameter length (
Fig. 7B, E
); 5) Fe II–III with a retro-dorsal distal spur (
Fig. 3A
); 6) Pa IV covered by acuminated tubercles on the dorsal view (
Fig. 12G–H, J
can be differentiated from
s. str.
by: 1) mesotergum area III (on males) with a pair of paramedian spines (a pair of subconical structures in
L. ceci
) (
Fig. 4B–G
); 2) mesotergum area IV of the mesotergum not invading the posterior border of the dorsal scutum (area IV invading the posterior border of the dorsal scutum in
comb. nov.
) (
Fig. 4A–D, F–G
); 3) Ti III maceshaped (
Fig. 12D
); 4) Cx IV with acuminated tubercles on the prolateral border (
Fig. 12A
); 5) Cx IV with a prodorsal apophysis crenated on the posterior portion (
Fig. 12A
); 6) Cx IV with a prodorsal apophysis transversally inserted in relation to the main body axis (
Fig. 7A
); 7) Tr IV approximately quadrangular-shaped (
Fig. 12G, I
); 8) Fe IV approximately straight (in dorsal view) (
Fig. 17F
in honor of German born Brazilian zoologist Herman Luederwaldt (1858–1938). Gender feminine.
of obscure origin, possibly from a proper name ‘Lacrona’. Gender feminine.
Included species
Lacronia boraceae
Soares, 1942
comb. nov.
Lacronia camboriu
Kury, 2003
Lacronia ceci
Kury & Orrico, 2006
Lacronia nigra
(Mello-Leitão, 1923)
comb. nov.
Lacronia ricardoi
Kury, 2003
Lacronia serripes
(Mello-Leitão, 1923)
species) and
Lacronia tenuis
Roewer, 1917
comb. nov.
Geographic distribution
: states of
Rio de Janeiro
Santa Catarina
São Paulo
Fig. 5
Key for males of species of
1. Ocularium convex (in frontal view) without medial depression, with a pair of tubercles/spines fused at the base; mesotergum area II invading laterally the posterior portion of the area I; mesotergum area III with a pair of spines with acuminated apex; Fe and Mt IV dorsally armed with spines ..... 2
– Ocularium convex (in frontal view) with medial depression, with an independent pair of tubercles; mesotergum area II not invading laterally the posterior portion of the area I; mesotergum area III with a pair of spines with rounded apex; Fe and Mt IV dorsally unarmed ....
L. ceci
Kury & Orrico, 2006
2. Glans’ stylus with apical portion swollen in relation is stem; mesotergum without areolate pattern of spots surrounding the tubercles; mesotergum area III with a pair of spines with slight distal inflection to ventral portion; free tergites I–III with a transversal row of ordinary tubercles; Fe IV with proximal and distal portions with approximately the same diameter; Ti IV dorsally covered by regular tubercles ................................................................................................................................ 3
– Glans’ stylus with apical portion without an undifferentiated apex; mesotergum without areolate pattern of spots surrounding the tubercles; mesotergum area III with a pair of straight spines; free tergites I–III with a pair of highlighted tubercles on the paramedian portion; Fe IV with distal portion larger (in diameter) than the proximal; Ti IV dorsally covered by acuminated tubercles and/ or spines ............................................................................................................................................ 5
3. Mesotergum with band-shaped marks contrasting the background color; mesotergum areas II–IV without ordinary tubercles; mesotergum area II not invading laterally the anterior portion of the area III; Tr IV prolateral proximal apophysis hook-shaped .............................................................. 4
– Mesotergum with uniform background color; mesotergum areas II–IV with ordinary tubercles (contrasting with the background color) on the paramedian portion; mesotergum area II invading laterally the anterior portion of the area III; Tr IV prolateral proximal apophysis isosceles-triangleshaped with a medial anterior bud ..................................................
L. serripes
(Mello-Leitão, 1923)
4. Scutal areas III–IV with band-shaped marks contrasting the background color; mesotergum area I with a pair of conspicuous tubercles; leg III with twice or more the diameter of the leg II; Pa IV retro-ventral portion unarmed ......................................................................
L. camboriu
Kury, 2003
– Scutal areas III–IV with uniform background color; mesotergum area I without tubercles; leg III with 1.5× the diameter of the leg II; Pa IV retro-ventral portion with a row of tubercles ................. .........................................................................................................................
L. ricardoi
Kury, 2003
5. Mesotergum area I with one or two pair(s) of highlighted tubercles; mesotergum area III without any dorsal expansion; Mt IV dorsal row of spines composed only by regular spines or tubercles ......... 6
– Mesotergum area I covered by ordinary tubercles; mesotergum area III posteriorly expanded with a paramedian dorsal monticule; Mt IV dorsal row of spines with the third spine bifid ........................ ...........................................................................................
L. boraceae
Soares, 1942
comb. nov.
Fig. 5.
Southeasten and Southern regions of Brazil, showing the distribution of the
The area shaded in green represents the Atlantic province, as proposed by
et al.
6. VP without macrosetae A on the medial portion; mesotergum tubercles and areolate spots with same color; mesotergum area I with a pair of conspicuous tubercles; Cx IV prolateral apophysis with a tiny spine on the apex; Tr IV prolateral distal portion with a hook-shaped apophysis ....................... ...........................................................................................
L. nigra
(Mello-Leitão, 1923)
comb. nov.
– VP with macrosetae A1 on the medial portion; mesotergum with tubercles’ color contrasting with the areolate spots; mesotergum area I with two pairs of conspicuous tubercles; Cx IV prolateral apophysis regular, without a tiny spine on the apex; Tr IV prodorsal distal portion with transversal apophysis (covered by four prominent tubercles) ...................
L. tenuis
Roewer, 1917
comb. nov.