Bloszykiella africana gen. nov., sp. nov., a new mite genus from East Africa (Acari: Mesostigmata: Uropodidae) Author Kontschán, Jen Ő text Zootaxa 2010 2525 63 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.196405 e207a111-e64e-47b0-9663-9a326d45dec2 1175-5326 196405 Bloszykiella africana sp. nov. ( Figs 1–16 ) Material examined . Holotype . Female, Tanzania , South Pare Mts, Erica arborea heath on summit ridge of Shengena, at 2400–2460 m a.s.l., 19 May 1990 . T. Pócs coll. Paratypes . One female and one deutonymph, same data as for holotype . Holotype and deutonymph paratype deposited in HNHM , one female paratype deposited in NHMG . FIGURES 1–5. Bloszykiella africana gen. nov. , sp. nov. , female. 1. Dorsal idiosoma; 2. Dorsal setae; 3. Setae on marginal shield; 4. Ventral idiosoma; 5. Peritreme (Scale bar: 100 µm). FIGURES 6–10. Bloszykiella africana gen. nov. , sp. nov. , female. 6. Ventral view of gnathosoma; 7. Epistome; 8. Tritosternum; 9. Chelicera; 10. Leg I (Scale bar: 100 µm). Description. Female . Length of idiosoma 1140–1190 µm, width 690–700 µm (n=2). Idiosoma oval, dorsally domed. Dorsal idiosoma ( Fig. 1 ). Marginal and dorsal shields fused anteriorly. Dorsal shield cosmotrichous, all dorsal setae short (20–24 µm) with pilose edges ( Fig. 2 ). Margins of idiosoma with reticulate sculptural pattern and numerous pilose setae ( Fig. 3 ). Submarginal shield without setae, posteriorly reduced; pygidial shield trapezoidal, bearing one pair of pilose setae, surface of submarginal and pygidial shields smooth. One pair of short, c-shaped furrows and one of pair long, 2-shaped, strongly sclerotised dorsal furrows and irregular web-like sculptural pattern present on lateral and central surface of dorsal shield. Ve n t r a l idiosoma ( Fig. 4 ). Five pairs of sternal setae needle-like and smooth. St1 inserted at the level of the anterior margin of coxae II, St2 at the level of the central region of coxae II, St3 at the level of the central region of coxae III, St4 at the level of the posterior margin of coxae III, St5 at the level of the posterior margin of coxae IV. St1 double the length of the other sternal setae. Sternal shield without ornamentation. Ventral shield with numerous, short (20–25 µm) marginally pilose setae. Alveolar ornamentation present near pedofossae and caudal part of ventral shield. Two pairs of adanal setae and unpaired postanal seta similar in length and shape to ventral setae. Genital shield triangular, situated between coxae III and IV, with a rounded anterior edge and straight posterior edge. Peritremes L-shaped ( Fig. 5 ). Tritosternum ( Fig. 8 ) with vase-like base, laciniae subdivided into six pilose branches. FIGURES 11–16. Bloszykiella africana gen. nov. , sp. nov. , deutonymph. 11. Dorsal idiosoma; 12. Dorsal setae; 13. Margin al setae; 14. Ventral idiosoma; 15 Marginal setae, ventral ventral aspect; 16. Ventral view of gnathosoma, tritosternum and coxae I (Scale bar: 100 µm). Gnathosoma ( Fig. 6 ). Corniculi small, smooth and horn-like, internal malae smooth, with one lateral spine. Hypostomal setae h1 long ( ca . 90–91 µm), pilose in central one-third, distally and basally smooth; h2 short ( ca . 20–21 µm), needle-like; h3 longer than h2 ( ca. 29–30 µm); h4 as long as h2, h3 and h4 needle-like and smooth. Fixed digit of chelicerae as long as movable digit, bearing several large short teeth. Chelicerae without internal sclerotised nodes ( Fig. 9 ). Trochanter of palp bearing two long and serrate ventral setae ( Fig. 6 ). Epistome marginally serrate, apically subdivided into two pilose branches ( Fig. 7 ). Legs . Leg I without abulacral claws and with serrate setae on trochanter and smooth setae on other segments ( Fig. 10 ). Deutonymph . Length of idiosoma 980 µm, width 670 µm (n=1). Shape of idiosoma oblong. Dorsal idiosoma ( Fig. 11 ). Dorsal shield with Y-shaped dorsal furrows, bearing short marginally pilose setae ( Fig. 12 ). Central and marginal regions of dorsal idiosoma with reticulate sculptural pattern and numerous short marginally pilose setae ( Fig. 13 ). Ve n t r a l idiosoma ( Fig. 14 ). Sternal shield with irregular pits between coxae II. Sternal setae short and marginally pilose, St1 placed near anterior margin of sternal shield, St2 at the level of the posterior margin of coxae II, St3 at the level of the posterior margin of coxae III, St4 at the level of the anterior margin of coxae IV, St5 near the posterior margin of the sternal shield. Ventri-anal shield with alveolar ornamentation in the central region and numerous short, marginally pilose setae. Adanal setae similar to ventral setae, postanal seta absent. Margins of idiosoma with ventrally-directed marginally pilose setae ( Fig. 15 ). Tritosternum with vaselike base, tritosternal laciniae subdivided into pilose branches ( Fig. 16 ). Gnathosoma ( Fig. 16 ). Corniculi horn-like, internal malae smooth, with one lateral spine. Hypostomal setae h1 long ( ca. 105–108) µm, basally smooth and apically pilose, h2 much shorter than h1 ( ca. 19–20 µm), marginally pilose, h3 very short ( ca. 9–10 µm), smooth, h4 similar in shape and length to h2. Chelicerae and epistome not clearly visible. Trochanter of palp bearing two long serrate ventral setae ( Fig. 16 ). Etymology . The name of the new species refers to the continent where it was collected.