Katydids of Costa Rica / Vol. 1, Systematics and bioacoustics of the cone-head katydids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Conocephalinae sensu lato). Author Piotr Naskrecki text 2000 The Orthopterists Society at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA book 10.5281/zenodo.270035 647046fe-0ee5-401d-b4f8-aea0355fde7f 270035 Eriolus acutipennis Saussure et Pictet, 1898 Figs. 32 E-G, Map 16 1898 Saussure and Pictet, Biol. Centr. Amer. Orth. 1: 384; type locality: Panama , Bugaba, 800-1500 ft .; type depository: The Natural History Museum, London – holotype female. 1999 Naskrecki and Otte, Illustr. Cat. Orthop. I ( CD ROM ) >> holotype illustrated Diagnostic description.— Body small, with wings in both sexes extending beyond apices of hind femora by less than 1/3 of their length. Fastigium of vertex small, blunt, about as long as eye diameter. Prosternum unarmed. Male stridulatory file and left stridulatory area damaged in the only available male specimen; mirror approximately rectangular, with rounded corners. Tenth tergite in both sexes with two small, roughly triangular lobes; male cercus straight, slightly thickened subapically, with small sub-basal tooth internally ( Fig. 32 E); female cercus simple, elongately conical, somewhat curved. Male titillators elongate, flattened, with subapical, round dilatations, apices truncated ( Fig. 32 G). Male subgenital plate with deep, rectangular incision, resulting in styli being situated on long, widely separated lobes; styli long and thin; female subgenital plate wider than long, with minute, triangular lobe on its hind margin. Ovipositor short, sickle-shaped, about as long as half of hind femur (ratio ovipositor/hind femur 0.53) ( Fig. 32 F). Coloration .— General coloration light green; clypeus and mandibles green; pronotum in both sexes with two thin, yellow stripes on dorsal edges of pronotum; posterior edge of metazona in male with two small, brown, rectangular markings. Measurements .— Table 23 . Distribution .— This species is known only from the southernmost portion of Puntarenas Prov. ( Map 16 ) and adjacent areas of Panama (Bugaba). Material examined.— COSTA RICA : Puntarenas Prov. , Las Alturas, 15 July - 15 August 1991 (coll. J. Doubles) - 1 female ( UMMZ ); Valle de Coto Brus, Las Cruces, Wilson Botanical Gardens, elev. 700 - 1000 m , 1 - 6 December 1995 (coll. P. Naskrecki) - 1 male ( ANSP ); PANAMA : Bugaba, 800-1500 ft ., Champion – 1 female ( holotype ) ( BMNH ).