Entedoninae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) associated with gall-inducing insects (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Panama Author Paniagua, Miguel Author Hansson, Christer Author Medianero, Enrique text Zootaxa 2009 2237 43 58 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.190448 9328a367-44c7-4f98-88aa-359a53eb6448 1175-5326 190448 Chrysonotomyia unimaculata Paniagua & Hansson sp. n. Figure 5 . Etymology. From the Latin uni, one, and macula, spot, in reference to the single infuscate spot in female forewing. Material examined. Holotype female labeled “ Panama : Provincia de Panama , Parque Natural Metropolitano, iv.2006 , M. Paniagua, Cecidomyiidae galls on Phryganocydia corymbosa ” ( LUZM ). Paratype : one male with same label data as holotype ( LUZM ). Diagnosis. Scutellum with median metallic stripe that is parallel-sided from transscutal articulation to the level of scutellar setae, and becoming narrower behind the scutellar setae; female forewing with infuscate spot below stigmal vein; male gaster dark brown, hind margin of tergite 2 and median area of tergite 3 yellowish; vertex with weak reticulation. Description. Length of body female 2.2 mm , male 0.9 mm (head+mesosoma, excl. gaster). Scape yellow with inner surface infuscate and ventral edge dark brown, pedicel pale brown, flagellum dark brown. Frons and vertex yellow, vertex with a narrow metallic stripe close to eyes lateral to lateral ocelli. Pronotal collar golden-green, lateral pronotum yellowish-white, remaining pronotum yellowish-brown. Midlobe of mesoscutum metallic bluish-green, sidelobes yellowish-brown with area lateral to notaular depression metallic bluish-green. Scutellum yellowish-brown with a median bluish-green metallic stripe which is parallel-sided from transscutal articulation to the scutellar setae and becoming narrower behind the setae, not quite reaching the posterior margin of scutellum. Axillae yellowish-brown, without metallic spots. Dorsellum yellowish-brown. Propodeum yellowish-brown with two metallic bluish spots. Fore and mid coxae yellowishwhite, hind coxa white. Fore femur pale brown, mid femur yellow infuscate dorsally, hind femur with basal two thirds weakly infuscate, distal third yellow; tibiae and tarsi yellow. Female forewing with a single infuscate spot below stigmal vein, male forewing completely hyaline. Petiole yellow. Female gaster with first tergite metallic bluish-green, tergites 2–5 yellowish brown with posterior edge brown, tergite 6 entirely yellowish-brown, tergite 7 apically black, apical part of ovipositor sheaths black. Antennae as in Figs 5 a and 5b. Frons with strong small meshed reticulation, frontal suture slightly Vshaped. Vertex with weak reticulation. Ratios: HE/MS/WM = 4.4/1.0/2.4; POL/OOL/POO not measurable due to shrivelled head; WH/WT = 1.2. Pronotum without transverse carina along posterior margin. Mesoscutum with midlobe with strong and large meshed reticulation, sidelobes with strong reticulation but with small meshes. Scutellum with strong and small meshed reticulation, meshes isodiametric. Propodeum with weak median carina, weakly reticulate. Forewing with speculum closed below, with one stigmal hairline. Ratios: LW/LM/HW = 1.8/1.0/1.9; PM/ST = 1.4. Female gaster elongate. Ratio of MM/LG: 0.5 (female). Male digitus as in Fig. 5 c. Host. From lignified galls of Cecidomyiidae on petiole of Phryganocydia corymbosa (Bignoniaceae) . Biology remarks. The galls on Phryganocydia corymbosa were parasitized by Allorhogas sp ( Braconidae ), an unidentified Eurytomidae and C. unimaculata . C. unimaculata was found in 24% of the galls reared. FIGURE 5. Chrysonotomyia unimaculata sp. n. : a) male antenna, b) female antenna, c) male digitus. Distribution. Understorey of Parque Natural Metropolitano, Provincia de Panama , República de Panama . Identification. This species belongs to the C. bimaculata -group (sensu Hansson 2004 ). Using the key from Hansson (2004) the female runs to couplet 57. In order to include C. unimaculata , this couplet should be modified as follows: 57 (52) Gaster elongate, ratio MM/LG = 0.5 – 0.6........................................................................................................ 57a - Gaster ovate, ratio MM/LG = 0.7 – 1.1 .............................................................................................................. 58 57a(52)Ratio MM/LG = 0.6, mesoscutum yellowish-brown, not metallic, with weak reticulation .......................................................................................................................................... C. maculata (Delucchi) - Ratio MM/LG = 0.5, mesoscutum completely metallic bluish-green and strongly reticulate................................ ............................................................................................................ C. unimaculata Paniagua & Hansson sp. n. The male of C. unimaculata runs to couplet 65. To include C. unimaculata the key should be modified as follows: Couplet 64, second alternative leads to 65a, not 65. 65a Midlobe of mesoscutum completely metallic and with strong reticulation ................................................................ ................................................................................................................ C. unimaculata Paniagua & Hansson sp. n. - Midlobe of mesoscutum with posterior part yellow non-metallic and with very weak reticulation ....................... 65