Review of the Malagasy Anthobosca, the Bizarre and the Sublime (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae: Anthoboscinae) Author Kimsey, Lynn S. text Zootaxa 2009 2175 1 18 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189315 31dc068f-46e2-48bc-b7a0-478c7c9b2495 1175-5326 189315 Anthobosca micromeria Bartalucci Figs. 11 , 21 , 31 , Map 4 Anthobosca micromeria Bartalucci 2005 :1083 . Holotype 3; Madagascar : Tulear Morondava (LONDON). Diagnosis . The most distinctive feature of micromeria is flagellomere VIII lacking a tyloid. Other diagnostic features include the all-white clypeus and paramere apex, and the apical flagellomere twice as long as broad. Male . Body length 3–10 mm . Head: inner eye margin slightly emarginate; flagellomere I as long as broad; flagellomeres II and XI 1.6– 2 x as long as broad, flagellomeres ix–x each with one tyloid; clypeal apex narrowly truncate apically, with short ventrally facing flattened surface. Mesosoma: hindleg unmodified. Metasoma: segment 1 longer than broad; sternum VIII thickened apex broadly triangular, slightly longer than broad, apical margin spinose. Genital capsule ( Figs.11 , 21 , 31 ): gonocoxa broadest basally, narrowed medially, broadly rounded apically in dorsal view; aedeagus narrow, about 10x as broad as long, apical lobes narrowly separated; volsella dorsal lobe extending horizontally from behind dorsal lobe of gonocoxa toward paramere; paramere basally strongly tapering toward base, 4x as long as broad, apical lobe about twice as long as broad in ventral view. Punctation: dense, tiny, nearly contiguous. Vestiture: silvery. Coloration: head, mesosoma and metasoma black, with pale yellow to whitish markings; clypeus white; mandible white, with dark apex; underside of scapal apex whitish; whitish band along inner eye margin; flagellum bicolored, top black, underside orange; small whitish spot behind eye near vertex; pronotum with wide transverse whitish band along posterior margin and ventral whitish spot; scutum with medial whitish spot; tegula and wing vein bases yellowish to white; tarsi, palps and tibial spurs whitish; tibiae and trochanters partly whitish; femora apically and basally whitish; paramere apical lobe whitish. Female . Unknown. Distribution . Mahajanga Prov.: Forêt de Tsimembo, Morondava. Three specimens were examined in addition to the holotype (Map 4). Specimens were collected in November, February and April.