Review of the Malagasy Anthobosca, the Bizarre and the Sublime (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae: Anthoboscinae) Author Kimsey, Lynn S. text Zootaxa 2009 2175 1 18 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189315 31dc068f-46e2-48bc-b7a0-478c7c9b2495 1175-5326 189315 Anthobosca mahajangaensis Kimsey , new species Figs. 10 , 20 , 30 , Map 4 Diagnosis . Anthobosca mahajangaensis most closely resembles toliaraensis based on the structure of the male genitalia and dimensions of the flagellomeres I, II and IX. However, mahajangaensis can be distinguished by the entirely white clypeus and white paramere apex. Male . Body length 5–10 mm . Head: inner eye margin slightly emarginate; flagellomere I 1.2x as long as broad, flagellomere II 1.5–1.6x as long as broad, flagellomere XI 2.6x as long as broad; flagellomeres viii–x each with one tyloid; clypeus evenly convex medially, apex truncate. Mesosoma: hindleg unmodified. Metasoma: segment 1 longer than broad; sternum VIII thickened apex about 1.5x as broad as long, apical margin spinose. Genital capsule ( Figs. 10 , 20 , 30 ): gonocoxa broadest medially, broadly rounded apically in dorsal view; aedeagus narrow, 7x as broad as long, apical lobes broadly separated; volsella dorsal lobe extending horizontally across top of gonocoxa extending alongside paramere in lateral view; paramere basal part 3.8–4.0x as long as broad and narrowest subapically apical lobe slightly less than twice as long as broad. Punctation: body with dense, small, contiguous punctures. Vestiture: silvery. Coloration: body black, with pale yellow to whitish markings; clypeus entirely white; palps white; mandible white, with dark reddish brown tip; flagellum bicolored black above, paler beneath; scutum, scutellum and metanotum with medial whitish spot; femora and tibiae largely red, with some white; fore and midtarsi whitish; hindbasitarsus whitish basally becoming dark reddish brown apically; apical hindtarsomeres dark brown to black; paramere apex whitish. Female . Unknown. FIGURES 26–35 . Male genital capsule, dorsal view. Abbreviations: gc = gonocoxa, pb = paramere base, pa = paramere apical lobe, pv = penis valve, v = volsella. MAP 4. Distribution of Anthobosca madecassa Krombein , Anthobosca mahajangaensis Kimsey , new species , and Anthobosca micromeria Bartalucci. Type material . Holotype 3: MADAGASCAR : Mahajanga Prov., Parc National de Baie de Baly, 12.4km 337 nnw Soalala, 10m , 26–30/xi/2002 , 160036S 0451554E Fisher, Griswold et al. YPT, BLF6817 ( CAS ). Paratypes : 4 3, same data as holotype ( BME , CAS ). Distribution . Map 4. Etymology . The species name derives from Mahajanga Province where the type series was collected.