A remarkable new family of stinging wasps from the Cretaceous of Myanmar and China (Hymenoptera, Aculeata)
Lepeco, Anderson
Laboratorio de Biologia Comparada de Hymenoptera, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil & Laboratorio de Biologia Comparada e Abelhas, Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras de Ribeirao Preto, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
Barbosa, Diego N.
Laboratorio de Biologia Comparada de Hymenoptera, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil
Melo, Gabriel A. R.
Laboratorio de Biologia Comparada de Hymenoptera, Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil
Journal of Hymenoptera Research
journal article
Trifionyx pilosus Lepeco & Melo
sp. nov.
Fig. 5
Type material.
Holotype female in amber piece DZUP Bur-1906. The specimen is fully articulated, but part of the left fore leg, apex of forewings, and part of metasoma were sanded off. As the metasoma is curved frontwards, it retains part of the sting apparatus. There are no visible syninclusions.
As for the genus.
Holotype female.
: approximate body length: 4.5 mm; maximum head length: 0.9 mm; maximum head width: 1.1 mm; medial clypeus length: 0.2 mm; approximate forewing length: 2.2 mm.
Poorly preserved, apparently dark brown. Apical margin of clypeus darkened, apparently black. Wings hyaline, veins brown.
Head mostly covered with medium-sized setae, except for frons and vertex, apparently glabrous. Setae on hypostomal bridge relatively longer. Antenna densely covered with tiny decumbent setae. Mesosoma mostly with sparse medium-sized setae. Legs mostly covered by short setae; femora with longer setae on inner surface. Forewing with homogeneous coverage of tiny setae; anterior margin with dense tiny setae, setae as long as one-half C+Sc+R width. Apex of metasoma with very long erect setae.
Smooth, where preserved.
Maxillary palp with five palpomeres. Labial palp slightly shorter than maxillary palp, apparently with four palpomeres. Mandible simple, without preapical teeth. Clypeus disc wider than medial length, slightly larger than compound eye; denticles on apical margin barely distinguishable. Frons without carina adjacent to inner orbit; dorsal rim of antennal socket with slight carina directed towards frons. Mid ocellus separated from lateral ocelli by about twice its diameter. Lateral ocellus distanced from inner orbit of eye by about 1.5 times ocellar triangle length. Vertex extending behind lateral ocelli for about 1.5 times ocellar triangle. Hypostomal bridge 3 times as long as basal mandibular width. Scape about 3 times as long as maximum width; pedicel less than 0.5 times as long as F1. Metapostnotum not indicated by sculpturation externally. Profemur about 2.7 times as long as maximum width. Tibial spur formula 1-2-2. Basitarsomere of fore leg as long as 0.8 times protibial length. Basitarsomere of hind leg about as long as 0.8 times metatibial length. Tarsal claws trifid.
The specific epithet means
, in allusion to the abundant pilosity of the type species. The name is an adjective.