The genus Lecithocera (Lepidoptera: Lecithoceridae) from China, with descriptions of twenty-one new species Author Yu, Shuai ED27A3A5-C89F-4341-83F1-8141A0D980C4 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P. R. China. & College of Life Sciences, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252000, P. R. China. Author Wang, Shuxia 648D6695-A0B9-483C-8C19-61F81EB5238D College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P. R. China. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2024 2024-02-29 924 1 74 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2024.924.2447 2118-9773 10803382 C06B6616-6766-4A9E-9FE8-8463FB56449C Lecithocera furvibasis sp. nov. E2004381-51F4-4247-B25E-38F98DAC9409 Figs 2F , 7C , 11F , 16C , 19B Diagnosis The new species is similar to L. castanoma Wu, 1997 and L. tumicuculla sp. nov. in the male genitalia by sharing a widened cucullus. The new species can be distinguished from the above mentioned species in appearance by the forewing having a triangular tornal streak, and in the female genitalia by the rounded signum of the corpus bursae lacking denticles and having a ridge. Lecithocera castanoma has no tornal streak (Park et al . 2016: 296, fig. 3) and L. tumicuculla sp. nov. has a uniformly narrow tornal streak on the forewing, and the ovate signum of the corpus bursae has dense denticles and lacks a ridge (Park et al . 2016: 300, fig. 33). Etymology The specific epithet is derived from the Latin “ furv -” and “ basis ”, referring to the forewing being dark brown basally. Type material Holotype CHINA Yunnan Province ; Gaoligongshan ; 27º41′ N , 98º16′ E ; 380 m a.s.l. ; 28 May 2017 ; K.J. Teng leg.; slide no. YS18169 ; NKU . Paratypes ( 17 ♂♂ , 27 ♀♀ ) CHINA Yunnan Province 8 ♂♂ , 20 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for holotype except 28–31 May 2017 ; slide nos YS18168 ♂, YS18170 ♂, YS18171 ♀, YS20004 ♀; NKU . – Xizang Autonomous Region [Tibet] 3 ♂♂ , 3 ♀♀ ; Médog , 80 K; 2059 m a.s.l. ; 7–8 and 19 Aug. 2017 ; M.J. Qi and X.F. Yang leg.; slide nos YS19069 ♂, YS19070 ♀; NKU 1 ♂ , 4 ♀♀ ; Médog , 80 K; 2076 m a.s.l. ; 6–8 Aug. 2018 ; M.J. Qi leg.; NKU 5 ♂♂ ; Bomi County , Yigong Country ; 2247 m a.s.l. ; 5 Aug. 2017 ; M.J. Qi and X.F. Yang leg.; NKU . Description ADULT ( Figs 2F , 7C ). Wingspan 13.5–15.0 mm. Head dark brown except orange-yellow on frons and lateral sides. Antenna pale yellow. Labial palpus pale yellow on inner surface, dark yellowish brown on outer surface; third palpomere as long as second palpomere. Thorax and tegula dark brown. Forewing with costal margin slightly arched, apex blunt, termen oblique; ground colour orange white except dark brown basally; markings blackish brown: basal streak wide, about ¼ length of costal margin; discal stigma very small; discocellular stigma larger; tornal streak subtriangular, narrowed and meeting discocellular stigma anteriorly; fringe orange white; R 3 close to R 4+5 at base, R 4 and R 5 long-stalked, R 5 to costal margin before apex, M 2 and M 3 free, CuA 1 and CuA 2 short-stalked. Hindwing and fringe pale grey; fringe with orange white basal line; M 3 and CuA 1 coincident. MALE GENITALIA ( Fig. 11F ). Uncus broadly V-shaped, rectangular anteriorly; caudal lobe digitiform, blunt apically. Gnathos with basal plate trapezoidal; median process broad at base, narrowed to distal ¼, then slender, curved ventrad in preapical sector by right angle. Valva broad at base, slightly narrowed to cucullus, ventral margin sinuate; cucullus about half length of valva, elliptical, widened medially, rounded apically, setose on ventral half; costal bar with basal half narrow, widened from middle toward valva, angled at middle; sacculus narrowly taenioid, about ¼ length of ventral margin of valva. Vinculum broad; saccus triangular. Juxta shield-shaped; posterior margin with small notch at middle; anterior margin with small triangular protrusion at middle; posterior lobe narrow taenioid, extending outward. Aedeagus slightly shorter than valva, broad at base, narrowed to basal ¼ where it is curved, then parallel-sided to before blunt apex, with one dorsal denticle, with dense granules in vesica; cornuti consisting of bundle of spines at basal ¼, bar about 2/5 length of aedeagus and rolled sclerite and band of spines distally. SEVENTH ABDOMINAL STERNITE ( Fig. 16C ). Anterolateral rib forked basally, extending obliquely outward, not reaching posterior margin of sixth abdominal sternite; posterolateral lobe semiovate. FEMALE GENITALIA ( Fig. 19B ). Eighth abdominal sternite arched on posterior margin. Apophyses posteriores about 5/3 as long as apophyses anteriores. Antrum cup-shaped, longer than wide, weakly sclerotized, spiculate. Ductus bursae longer than corpus bursae, broad except narrowed posteriorly, wrinkled; ductus seminalis arising from about middle, broadened basally forming sac, then much more slender. Corpus bursae ovate; signum situated posterior to middle, rounded, weakly sclerotized, with horizontal ridge at middle. Distribution China ( Yunnan , Xizang ).