Gibbalaria: A new genus of Olethreutini from the Afrotropical Region (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae), and a new combination in Cosmopoda Diakonoff Author Brown, John W. 0000-0001-5610-9855 Department of Entomology, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC 20013 - 7012, USA. tortricidae. jwb @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5610 - 9855 Author Aarvik, Leif Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, P. O. Box 1172 Blindern NO- 0318 Oslo, Norway. Author Timm, Alicia Department of Agricultural Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-04-05 5263 2 217 239 journal article 244282 10.11646/zootaxa.5263.2.3 8c282ab2-3f26-45ca-a990-4258d37c92c8 1175-5326 7801028 2B1317DB-B3DE-47DF-9DE9-D884A884ECC3 Gibbalaria bagamoyo ( Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2014 ) , new combination Figs 17 , 27 , 35 Afroploce bagamoyo Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2014: 212 . Diagnosis. The male of Gibbalaria bagamoyo has a dark blackish gray patch of androconial scales on the underside of the hindwing and a dense patch of spiniform setae basal of the flange in the male genitalia. Gibbalaria bagamoyo can be separated by the more attenuate and dorso-posteriorly narrowed tegmen, the short uncus, and especially by the location of the patch of spiniform setae basal to the flange of the sacculus. The patch of male secondary scales on the underside of the hindwing is more compact and darker than in G. scabellana . Redescription . Head: Brownish. Thorax: Brownish with darker markings. Forewing length 5.5‒7.0 mm (n = 19); forewing slightly expanding distally; costa nearly straight; apex rounded; termen straight, somewhat oblique. Ground color cream sprinkled and suffused grayish brown; a diffuse dark median fascia with blackish brown median and costal spots; subterminal and apical fascia concolorous. Fringe damaged. Hindwing cream gray; cilia [remnants] creamish. Abdomen: Male genitalia ( Fig. 27 ) with uncus short, tapering distally; socius broad, fused to tegumen laterally, densely hairy; gnathos weakly sclerotized, simple; valva broad to end of sacculus which is convex postbasally, with a plate-shaped ventroterminal lobe beyond which there is a strong, socketed spine; a second spine dorsad to latter at base of cucullus; patch of bronzy orange setae above concavity of sacculus; basal cavity broad with small hairy prominence subdorsally. Phallus large, slender, tapering distally; vesica with 3‒5 non-deciduous cornuti. Female genitalia ( Fig. 35 ) generally as in G. scabellana ; antrum with variably developed diverticulum; signum an oval dentate plate with 5‒7 larger anteriorly directed teeth. DNA barcodes . The four sequenced specimens form a BIN with the nearest neighbor as G . scabellana . Type. Holotype ♁, Tanzania , Mandera , 150 km W Bagamoyo , 15 Dec 1988 , J. Wojtusiak , GS 1471 ( MJUK ). Additional Material Examined . Kenya : Rift Valley Province : Nakuru District , 5km ENE of Gilgil , 00°29’03.8”S , 36°21’53.9”E , 2108 m , 27 Nov‒1 Dec 2010 (1♁), T . Gilligan ( TGC ). The same locality as the previous, 22‒24 Nov 2008 (1♁), L. Aarvik , D. Agassiz , A. Kingston , NHMO slide 4150 ( NHMO ). Malawi [Nyasaland], Limke , [no date] (1♁), H. Barlow , USNM slide 145,637 ( USNM ). Tanzania : Morogoro : Uluguru Mountains , road to Nyandira , 10 Jul 2009 (1♁, 1♀ ), J. & W. De Prins , USNM slide 144,519 ( RMCA ). Mazimbu Orchard , 500 m 10 May 2010 (1♁), J. & W. De Prins ( RMCA ) . Morogoro Distr. & Town , 550‒600 m , 14 Nov 1991 (1♁), slide LA 2006 ( NHMO ); same data 15‒29 Nov 1992 (6♁, 1♀ ), slide NHMO 4119 (♁) and 4116 ( ); same data (2♁), 20 Dec 1992 , slide NHMO 4115 and 4151; same data ( 1♀ ), 22 Jun 1993 , slide LA 2307 ( NHMO ) . Morogoro Distr. : Mindu Forest Reserve , 600 m , 24 Jan 1993 (1♁), L. Aarvik ( NHMO ) . Uganda , Mpigi District : Mpanga Forest , 1200 m , 25–29 Oct 2014 (2♁), L. Aarvik & K. Larsen , slide NHMO 4114 ( NHMO ) . Zimbabwe : Bulawayo , [ 20.1325°S , 28.6265°E ], 15–23 Dec 1919 (1♁), A. J. T . Janse , USNM slide 145,796 ( DMP ). Remarks . Although identified as the holotype , the adult illustrated by Razowski & Wojtusiak (2014 : fig. 12) is not the holotype of G. bagamoyo (J. Razowski, personal communication); it is a second specimen that likely is not conspecific with the holotype . It differs dramatically from its congeners in facies. Razowski & Wojtusiak (2014) describe the facies of the female and state that it has a wing span of 27 mm , over twice that of the male holotype (i.e., 12 mm ); dimorphism in size of other congeners is exceedingly limited, and none show such a great difference in forewing length. Razowski & Wojtusiak (2014) provide neither an illustration of the female nor a description of its genitalia (perhaps it has no abdomen), and do not cite its collection data in the specimens examined. Hence, we suspect it may not be conspecific with the holotype . Our concept of this species is based solely on the text description of the male, the illustration of its genitalia, and correspondence with J. Razowski.