The Noctuinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, U. S. A. Author Pogue, Michael G. text Zootaxa 2006 2006-05-26 1215 1 1 95 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1215.1.1 1175­5334 5064764 B89D6B58-561B-48A5-B7D7-51B5C30B93CC 20. Lycophotia phyllophora (Grote) Two­spot Dart ( Fig. 61 , Map 38) Identification: Forewing length 16.0–19.0 mm. Forewing ground color is pinkish brown, basal area mixed with white scales, and the median and subterminal areas darker than rest of wing. Orbicular spot is mostly white mixed with ground color and reniform spot is obscure, usually represented by a thin, white, proximal border. Antemedial and postmedial lines are reddish brown. Terminal area is pinkish brown. Hindwing is gray and discal cell is absent. Flight period: Collected from late June to early August. Collected localities: North Carolina : Haywood Co. , Purchase Knob N of house forest; Swain Co. , Big Cove Road site p. ( 3 specimens ) Elevation range: 2040 and 4998 ft. (622 and 1523 m ) General distribution: This species is distributed across southern and central Canada from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia to western Ontario , and in the northern United States from Maine to Minnesota, south to Ohio, and along the Appalachians to western North Carolina ( Lafontaine 1998 ) . MAP 38. Collecting localities of Lycophotia phyllophora . Larval hosts: Reared on willow ( Salix sp. , Salicaceae ), birch ( Betula sp. , Betulaceae ), alder ( Alnus sp. , Betulaceae ), blueberry ( Vaccinium spp. , Ericaceae ), viburnum ( Viburnum sp., Caprifoliaceae ), cherry ( Prunus avium (L.) L., Rosaceae ), and meadowsweet ( Spiraea sp. , Rosaceae ) ( Crumb 1956 ).