Four New Species of Phyllophaga from Mexico and Central America (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) Author Morón, Miguel-Angel Author Riley, Edward G. text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2005 2005-09-30 59 3 391 399 journal article 10.1649/828.1 1938-4394 10105234 Phyllophaga ( Phyllophaga ) nandalumia Morón and Riley , new species ( Figs. 14–18 ) Description. Holotype . Male. Body shiny brownish black. Antennal club as long as the preceding five segments. Anterior half of lateral border of pronotum crenulate. Elytra densely and Figs. 14–18. Phyllophaga nandalumia . 14) Genital capsule, lateral view; 15) parameres and aedeagus, lateral view; 16) phallobase, parameres and aedeagus, dorsal view; 17) parameres and aedeagus, ventral view; 18) parameres, distal view. Scale line ¼ 1 mm. deeply punctate, without setae. Abdominal sternite with erect setae at sides. Sternites 3 to 5 convex, smooth, near midline, with scattered short setae at sides. Pygidium moderately convex, densely punctate, without setae. Tarsal claws with short, acute ventral tooth located toward basal dilatation. Other external characters as in the species group ‘‘ schizorhina ,’’ subgroup 7 ( sensu Morón 2003). Phallobase enlarged, distal border slightly asymmetrical, deeply notched; basal border rounded ( Figs. 14, 16 ). Parameres nearly as long as width of phallobase, with external sides widened, blade-like, prominent, distal half briefly curved toward mid-line and apex rounded ( Figs. 14–18 ). Aedeagus mainly symmetrical, with wide tube-like, strongly sclerotized support, compressed laterally and strongly expanded toward apex, with one subapical spur ( Figs. 14–17 ). Length of genital capsule from apex of parameres to border of basal piece: 5.3 mm . Total body length: 20 mm . Humeral width: 8 mm . Female. Unknown. Type Series. ( Described from one male ). Holotype male; MEXICO : Chiapas , 7.5 km N Berriozabal , 12-IX-1990 , taken at light, 1,000 m , R. W. Jones ( IEXA ). Type Locality. Mesa de Ocozocuautla , Meseta Central de Chiapas , state of Chiapas , México (approx. 16 8 52 9 N ; 93 8 28 9 W ) . Biological Data. This species inhabits the remnants of tropical deciduous forest located near 1,000 m altitude. The single known specimen was collected during September. Remarks. Phyllophaga nandalumia belongs to the species group ‘‘ schizorhina ,’’ subgroup 7 ( sensu Morón 2003). Externally the new species is similar to P. ocozocuana Morón from Ocozocuautla and El Bosque, Chiapas , Mexico , but the body size is smaller and the male genital capsule is much different, having the phallobase not expanded dorso-basally and the sclerotized support of the aedeagus not twisted as in P. ocozocuana . Etymology. Derived from part of the name of the ancient Chiapa indigenous settlement ‘‘ Socton Nandalumi ,’’ located near Chiapa de Corzo (Vega et al. 1984).