A Review Of Bopyrids (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae) Parasitic On Caridean Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From China Author An, Jianmei Author Boyko, Christopher B. Author Li, Xinzheng text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2015 2015-12-18 2015 399 1 85 http://www.bioone.org/doi/10.1206/amnb-921-00-01.1 journal article 7638 10.1206/amnb-921-00-01.1 7a5bdc12-35b6-4e41-8681-9cff9df2e91c 0003-0090 4612506 Argeia Dana, 1852 DIAGNOSIS (modified from Markham, 1977 ): Female: Body ovoid, about 3/4 as wide as long, slightly distorted, all body regions and segments distinct; head subrectangular, wider than long; maxilliped palp setose (sometimes articulated); barbula with two or three short projections on each side; pereomeres either bearing coxal plates or prominently divided laterally; oostegites surrounding but not covering marsupium, oostegite 1 with large rounded posterolateral lobe, not tapered; pleon of six pleomeres, first five produced into prominent oval to lanceolate lateral plates; pleopods uniramous, exopodites often reduced to knobs on ventral surface, especially posteriorly; uropods uniramous, of same size and shape as lateral plates. Male : Body approximately three times as long as wide; head usually much narrower than pereon; pereomeres distinctly separated, subequal in width; pleon triangular, ending in rounded point. TYPE SPECIES: Argeia pugettensis Dana, 1852 , by monotypy. OTHER SPECIES: Argeia atlantica Markham, 1977 . REMARKS: Argeia lowisi Chopra, 1923 , and A . nierstraszi Shiino, 1958 , do not belong in Argeia . Females of both A . pugettensis and A . atlantica have an oostegite 1 with a rounded (not tapered) posterior lobe, the first 5 pleomeres with lateral plates and a pair of uniramous pleopods on pleomeres 1–5. However, females of A . lowisi and A . nierstraszi both have an elongate and tapered oostegite 1 posterior lobe (similar to that seen in Stegoalpheon kempi Chopra, 1923 ), no lateral plates or biramous pleopods. Although the oostegite 1 is very similar in A . lowisi , A . nierstraszi , and S . kempi , the presence of five or six pairs of uniramous lateral plates and five pairs of biramous pleopods in S . kempi precludes the inclusion of A . lowisi and A . nierstraszi in that genus. Therefore, we erect Stegoargeia , n. gen. ( type species Argeia lowisi Chopra, 1923 ), for the type species as well as A . nierstraszi . The hosts for both Argeia species are crangonids, while those of Stegoalpheon and Stegoargeia , n. gen. , are alpheids. The males of all three genera are very similar and suggest a close relationship between the genera.