A Review Of Bopyrids (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae) Parasitic On Caridean Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From China Author An, Jianmei Author Boyko, Christopher B. Author Li, Xinzheng text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2015 2015-12-18 2015 399 1 85 http://www.bioone.org/doi/10.1206/amnb-921-00-01.1 journal article 7638 10.1206/amnb-921-00-01.1 7a5bdc12-35b6-4e41-8681-9cff9df2e91c 0003-0090 4612506 Parabopyrella elongata (Shiino, 1949) Figure 15 Bopyrella elongata Shiino, 1949a: 45–50 , fig. 1 a–c. [ Japan ; infesting “ Crangon bis -incisus (De Haan)” (= Alpheus bisincisus De Haan, 1849 ]. — Bourdon, 1980a: 194–196 , fig. 4, tab. 1 [ Queensland , Australia ; infesting Alpheus sp.] Parabopyrella elongata: Markham, 1985a: 67 [transfer to Parabopyrella ]. —An, 2006: 83–84, fig. 38. MATERIAL EXAMINED: Infesting Alpheus sp., 1 ♀ (CIEAL851001a), 1 ♂ (CIEAL851001b), Xiamen City, 118 ° 15′E , 24 ° 25′N , 15 October 1985 . DESCRIPTION: Female (CIEAL851001a): Length 7.03 mm , maximal width 4.49 mm , head length 1.46 mm , head width 1.63 mm , pereon length 2.84 mm , distorted 21 ° (fig. 15A, B). Head subquadrate, fused with first pereomere except in anterolateral corners, with thin frontal lamina. Black eyes near anterolateral corners (fig. 15A). Antennule of two articles, antenna of three articles, distally setose. Maxilliped (fig. 15C) with short stout setose palp. Barbula (fig. 15D) with two pairs of short smooth lateral projections on each side, small round tubercle near median. Pereon segments distinct, broadest across third pereomere (fig. 15A). Coxal plates and dorsolateral bosses on first four pereomeres. Brood pouch widely open (fig. 15B). Oostegite 1 (fig. 15E, F) with nearly smooth internal ridge, posterolateral point sharp, directed posteriorly. Pereopods larger posteriorly (fig. 15G), bases of all pereopods with small carina. Pleon of six pleomeres, segments indistinct but indicated by dorsal sutures and lateral deep indentations. First five pleomeres with flaplike biramous pleopods and weakly developed lateral plates; uropods absent. Fig. 15. Parabopyrella elongata (Shiino, 1949) , reference female (CIEAL851001a) (A–G): A. Dorsal view. B. Ventral view. C. Right maxilliped, external view. D. Right side of barbula. E. Right oostegite 1, external view. F. Right oostegite 1, internal view. G. Right pereopod 7. Reference male (CIEAL851001b) (H, I): H. Dorsal view. I. Ventral view. Scale: 2 mm (A, B); 1 mm (E, F, H, I); 0.5 mm (C, D); 0.35 mm (G). DESCRIPTION: Male (CIEAL851001b): Length 1.63 mm , maximal width (across pereomere 7) 0.65 mm , pleonal length 0.41 mm (fig. 15H, I). Head ovate, completely fused with first pereomere (fig. 15I), without eyes (fig. 15H). Antenna obscure. Pereomeres 2–7 distinct, with similar pereopods (fig. 15I). Pereomeres subequal in width, lacking midventral projections (fig. 15I). Pleon fused into single piece, without lateral indentations, ventral suture visible and indicative of pleomeres, five tubercular pleopods (fig. 15I), uropods lacking. HOSTS AND LOCALITY: Infesting Alpheus bisincisus De Haan, 1849 , Alpheus sp. (probably more than one species) ( Alpheidae ), Japan , Queensland , Australia , and Fujian Province , China . REMARKS: Shiino (1949a) described Bopyrella elongata infesting Alpheus bisincisus from Seto, Japan , and Bourdon (1980a) reported it infesting Alpheus sp. at Queensland; Markham (1985a) transferred it to Parabopyrella . The present specimens conform well to the redescription of Bourdon (1980a) , but the male differs from both previously reported males of P. elongata . Shiino’ s (1949a) and Bourdon’ s (1980a) males have fused pleon segments but with the pleomeres indicated by lateral indentations. The present male has completely smooth lateral margins and has the pleomeres indicated by ventral sutures. Although the male differs in this respect from the other specimens, the female is very similar to the previously reported females and this material is therefore identified as P . elongata .