A Review Of Bopyrids (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae) Parasitic On Caridean Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) From China Author An, Jianmei Author Boyko, Christopher B. Author Li, Xinzheng text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2015 2015-12-18 2015 399 1 85 http://www.bioone.org/doi/10.1206/amnb-921-00-01.1 journal article 7638 10.1206/amnb-921-00-01.1 7a5bdc12-35b6-4e41-8681-9cff9df2e91c 0003-0090 4612506 Bopyrione multifeminae , n. sp. Figures 9 , 10 Bopyrione multifemina An, 2006: 87–88 , fig. 41, pl. 5 (unavailable name). MATERIAL EXAMINED: Infesting Alpheus sp., holotype ( CIEAL 991101), allotype ( CIEAL 991103), Jiaozhou Bay , Stn. 1, 120 ° 21′E , 36 ° 10′N , 6 m , 10 November 1999 , coll. Zhang. Paratypes : 1 ♀ ( CIEAL991102 ), same locality and same branchial chamber as holotype ; 3♀♀ , host infested in both branchial chambers ( CIEAL981101 ), 1 ♂ (CIEAL98 1102), Jiaozhou Bay , Stn. 8, 120 ° 14′E , 36 ° 02′N , 20 m , 6 November 1998 , coll. Zhang ; 2 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ host infested in both branchial chambers ( CIEAL111941 ), southern Yellow Sea , Stn. 11194, 120 ° 30′E , 34 ° 30′N , 17 m , 14 June 2004 , coll. Hongfa Wang ; 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ from right branchial chamber ( CIEAL 111942 ), southern Yellow Sea , Stn. 11194, 120 ° 30′E , 34 ° 30′N , 17 m , 14 June 2004 , coll. Hongfa Wang. DESCRIPTION: Holotype female (CIEAL 991101): Length 5.01 mm , maximal width 3.12 mm , head length 1.56 mm , head width 1.38 mm (fig. 9A, B). Head triangular, posteriorly acute, distinctly separated from first pereomere. Frontal lamina and eyes lacking (fig. 9A). Antennule of three articles, antenna of four articles, both nonsetose (fig. 9C). Maxilliped triangular, without palp, spur sharp (fig. 9D). Barbula with two pairs of acute falcate lateral projections on each side, smooth near median (fig. 9E). Pereon broadest across third pereomere (fig. 9A). All pereomeres without coxal plates or dorsolateral bosses. Brood pouch partly open (fig. 9B). Oostegite 1 (fig. 9F, G) without median groove, internal ridge smooth. First article of oostegite 1 much wider than second article. Posterolateral point curved posteriorly. Pereopods subequal in size and shape (fig. 9H), bases of all pereopods produced into small lobes. Pleon of six pleomeres, margins entire, first five bearing flaplike uniramous pleopods, posteriorly smaller, margins undulating (fig. 9B, I). Uropods lacking (fig. 9B). DESCRIPTION: Allotype male (CIEAL9911 03): Length 1.02 mm , maximal width (across pereon 1) 0.40 mm , head width 0.32 mm , pleonal length 0.24 mm . All dorsal surfaces setose (fig. 10A), pereon segments distinct, pleon fused into single piece (fig. 9J, 10A). Head elliptical, posterior edge curved (fig. 9J); black eye pigment present on posterolateral corners (fig. 9J). One pair of antennae (? antennules) of three articles, setose (fig. 10B). Pereomeres almost subequal in width, first pereomere widest (fig. 9J), midventral projections (fig. 10B) lacking. All pereopods with platelike scales on ventral surface (fig. 10C), first three pereopods largest, all carpi and meri nearly fused (fig. 10D, E). Pleon fused into single piece, only first pleomeres visible with dorsal indentations, others completely fused; pleopods and uropods lacking (fig. 9J). Fig. 9. Bopyrione multifeminae n. sp. , holotype female (CIEAL991101) (A–I): A. Dorsal view. B. Ventral view. C. Right antenna and antennule. D. Right maxilliped, external view. E. Right side of barbula. F. Right oostegite 1, external view. G. Right oostegite 1, internal view. H. Right pereopod 2. I. Right pleopod 3. Allotype male (CIEAL991103) (J): J. Dorsal view. Scale: 1 mm (A, B); 0.25 mm (C–J). VARIATION: All paratype females agree with the holotype except one immature female (CIEAL111941) that has a proportionally longer body and the brood pouch completely closed. ETYMOLOGY: The specific name, multifeminae , refers to the occupation of the same branchial chamber of the host by two females. HOST(S) AND LOCALITIES: Infesting Alpheus sp. (likely more than one species) ( Alpheidae ), Shandong Province and southern Yellow Sea, China , 6– 20 m . Fig. 10. Bopyrione multifeminae n. sp. SEM image of male (CIEAL981102) (A–E): A. Ventral view of the male. B. Right antenna and antennule. C. Right pereopod 1. D. Left pereopods 1–3. E. Left pereopod 5. Scale: 100 µm (A, D, E); 10 µm (B, C). REMARKS: Bopyrione multifeminae , n. sp. , shares with the other four species in Bopyrione : female with head deeply embedded into the pereon, maxilliped without palp, barbula with two pairs of falcate lateral projections on each side, uniramous pleopods; lateral plates and uropods lacking. The new species is most closely related to B. longicapitata , but (1) the female of B . multifeminae , n. sp. , lacks eyes and a frontal lamina ( B. longicapitata female with eyes and frontal lamina), (2) B . multifeminae , n. sp. , female without any coxal plates or dorsolateral bosses ( B. longicapitata female with reduced coxal plates), (3) B . multifeminae , n. sp. , female pleopods small and flaplike, not reaching the median of the pleon ( B. longicapitata female with larger flaplike pleopods, extending to the median of the pleon), (4) B . multifeminae , n. sp. , male without midventral tubercles ( B. longicapitata male with midventral tubercles on all pereomeres). Males with a single pair of antennae occur in both B . multifeminae , n. sp. , and B . toloensis . It is typical for bopyrids to occur with one female and one male in any occupied branchial chamber, occasionally with more than one male accompanying a female, but more than one collection of B . multifeminae , n. sp. , was made with the unusual condition of two females and one male in the same branchial chamber.