Rhizotrogus tedeschii, a new species from the alpine zone of the Pollino Massif, southern Italy (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae) Author Uliana, Marco 0000-0001-7180-6659 Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia Giancarlo Ligabue, Santa Croce 1730, 30135 Venezia, Italy - marco. uliana @ fmcvenezia. it; marco. uliana. 1 @ gmail. com Orcid: https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7180 - 6659 marco.uliana@fmcvenezia.it Author Gallerati, Valerio Via Mozza, 151, I- 40018, San Pietro in Casale (BO), Italy - gallerati @ tiscali. it gallerati@tiscali.it text Fragmenta entomologica 2022 2022-12-15 54 2 217 232 http://dx.doi.org/10.13133/2284-4880/1407 journal article 10.13133/2284-4880/1407 2284-4880 12762518 Rhizotrogus cicatricosus Mulsant, 1842 Material examined Number of males is followed by number of everted endophalli, between brackets. Spain : Montes Universales , Fuente del Tajo , 1700 m , 12 June 2002 , leg. H. Rietz , 1♂ (1), OHC • Alicante , Font Partegat , Altana , 31 March 2011 , leg. H. Rietz , 1♂ (1), OHC . France : Herault , St. Gély , June 1953 , leg. Schaefer , 2♂♂ (2), MSNVR ; • Le Beausset , January 1903 , no legit, 1♂ , MSNVR ; • Le Beausset , March 1901 , no legit, 1♂ (1), 1♀ , MSNVR ; • 11, Massac , env. du Col de Cascagne , 623 m , 8 April 2017 , no legit, 4♂♂ (4), 3♀♀ , MUCC ; • Pyrenees orientales, Martinet , 1 May 1934 , leg. Tasso , Schatzmayr , Koch , 1♀ , MSNVR ; • St. Guilhem Le Desert , 20 March 1983 , no legit, 1♂ (1), MUCC ; • Lyon , [no date], ex coll. Porta , 1♂ , MSNVR ; • Haute Garonne , Doumerc Clermontle-Fort , 8 March 2015 , leg. H. Brustel , 4♂♂ (2), MUCC ; • Cognac , 20 April 1949 , no legit, 2♂♂ (1), HNHM ; • Nimes , 13 March 1929 , leg. J. Thérond , 1♂ (1), HNHM ; • Gallia ”, “ Friv / 3157” [no other data], 1♂ , HNHM . Figs 2-3 – Rhizotrogus tedeschii n. sp. , habitus of male ( 2 , holotype) and female ( 3 , paratype). Italy : Emilia Romagna (BO), Castel d’Aiano, M. te Spe , 14 April 2013 , leg. L. Colacurcio , 1♀ , MUCC ; • same as previous, except 04 May 2013 , 1♀ , MUCC ; • Emilia Romagna (BO), Monzuno , 25 March 2017 leg. V . Gallerati 2♂ (1), 1♀ , VGCS ; • Emilia Romagna ( RA ), Casola Valsenio , 200 m , 04 April 2012 leg. C.A. Casadio , 1♀ , VGCS ; • same as previous, except 23-25 March 2016 , 1♂ (1), 1♀ , MUCC ; • same as previous, except 25-28 March 2016 , 1♀ , VGCS ; • same as previous, except 05 April 2016 , 1♀ , VGCS same as previous, except 18-24 March 2017 , 16♂♂ (1), 1♀ , MUCC ; • same as previous, except March 2019 , 3♂♂ , 3♀♀ , MUCC ; • same as previous, except 8-12 March 2020 , 5♂♂ (1), ( MUCC ); • same as previous, except 18-28 March 2017 , leg. V . Gallerati , 6♂ , 6♀ , VGCS ; • same as previous, except 15- 25 March 2018 , leg. V . Gallerati , 22♂ (17), VGCS ; • same as previous, except 25-30 March 2018 , leg. V . Gallerati , 4♂ (1), 1♀ VGCS ; • Romagna ( FC ), Premilcuore , 7 June 1987 , leg. Callegari , 1♂ , MSNVE ; • Romagna ( FC ), Corniolo , 12 April 1986 , leg. Callegari , 2♂♂ , MSNVE ; • Toscana (AR), Camaldoli , 900 m , April 1962 , leg. Callegari , 7♂♂ (2), 1♀ , MSNVE ; • Umbria ( PG ), Scheggia e Pascelupo , 07 June 2011 , leg. M. Bocci , 1♀ , examined on photos . Figs 4-12 – Anatomical details of R. tedeschii and R. cicatricosus . 4, aedeagus in lateral view of R. tedeschii (holotype); 5, paramera in dorsal view of R. tedeschii (holotype). 6-7 , comparison between male antennae of R. tedeschii n. sp. ( 6 , specimen with 9 antennomeres) and of R. cicatricosus ( 7 ); Arrowhead evidencing antennomere 1. 8-10 , variability of female antenna of R. tedeschii n sp. : 8 , common condition, with original antennomeres 4 and 5 non-disjointed and forming a thicker antennomere; 9 , article 4+5 similar to others; 10 , non-disjonction extending to original antennomere 6, resulting in a 8-segmented antenna; 11-12 , variability of female antenna of R. cicatricosus : 11 , normally 10-segmented antenna; 12 , 9-segmented antenna with non-disjunction of antennomeres 5-6. Comments. The morphology of endophalli ( Figs 15-26, 35-37) and some of the morphometric characters evaluat- ed ( Figs 55-56 , Tabs 1-2 ) evidenced moderate differences between Spanish and French populations versus Italian ones (all from Northern Apennines ). In particular, in Italian populations, subapical epipleural setae resulted to be on average longer compared to the distance between them (ratio EAL/ EAD ), and the endophallus appears to be on average squatter (the frontal side more convex) and with raspulae more developed (Figs 23-26, 37). This shape of endophallus was observed also in one specimen from SE France (Fig. 22). Both characters are, however, subject to a considerable variation within each population and within each set of populations . Figs 13-14 – Comparison between elytra of fresh specimens of Rhizotrogus cicatricosus ( 13 , from Casola Valsenio, Italy) and of R. tedeschii n. sp. ( 14 , topotypical paratype). Photos were taken in the same lighting condition, to evidence the different the color of integument. Other traits, such as the general morphology, size, length of subapical epipleural setae compared to the medial ones, and elongation of antennomere 1 in males did not show relevant differences between the two areas. Since no relevant nor clear-cut differences emerged between the two sets, and since their ranges are assumed to be in conti- nuity, we consider reasonable treating these populations as a single taxon, in accordance with the currently accepted taxonomy (last scrutinized by Martin-Piera & Coca-Abia 1992 and Coca-Abia & Martín-Piera 1998 ). The observed variability is however suggestive of parapatrically diverging evolutionary clines, whose proper assessment may be worth deeper exploration. See Discussion for further details and comparison with R. tedeschii n. sp.