Helminths Of Exotic Even-Toed Ungulates (Artiodactyla) In The Askania-Nova Biosphere Reserve, Ukraine Author Zvegintsova, N. S. Author Kharchenko, V. A. Author Kuzmina, T. A. text Vestnik Zoologii 2018 2018-12-01 52 6 471 494 http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/vzoo-2018-0049 journal article 10.2478/vzoo-2018-0049 2073-2333 6454977 Ostertagia circumcincta (Stadelmann, 1894) Hosts: common eland (P = 28.9 %; I = 2–539 (107.2 ± 168.2)); markhor (P = 45.5 %; I = 2–188 (71 ± 76.1)); European mouflon (P = 30 %; I = 2,341.7 (740–3,355)); Barbary sheep (P = 40 %; I = 583.5 (271–896)); saiga antelope (P = 26.1 %; I = 17.7 (4–65)); Ankole- Watusi (P = 100 %; I = 93); guanaco (P = 33.3 %; I = 1). Site of infection: abomasum, small intestine. O. ostertagi (Stilles, 1892) Hosts: American bison (P = 45.5 %; I = 15.8 (3–39)); Barbary sheep (P = 40 %; I = 6.5 (2–11)); saiga antelope (P = 52.2 %; I = 85.8 (1–202)). Site of infection: abomasum.