Five new species of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from Peru and Bolivia, and two new records for Peru
Galileo, Maria Helena M.
Martins, Ubirajara R.
Tirant, Stéphane Le
Santos-Silva, Antonio
Insecta Mundi
journal article
Colobothea larriveei
sp. nov.
Figures 14–17
. Integument dark-brown; parts of elytra blackish; scape and antennomeres brown at base, gradually darkened towards apex; tibiae darkened on distal third.
. Pubescence on frons very short, brown-yellowish; laterally with narrow yellowish band of pubescence distinctly longer than on remaining surface, from antennal tubercles to clypeus (those bands are interconnected by a transverse band at anterior margin of clypeus). From area between antennal tubercles to anterior margin of prothorax, wide band of yellowish pubescence around coronal suture. Remaining areas of vertex and area behind eyes (only up to middle of inferior ocular lobes) with brown-yellowish, very short pubescence. Laterally, from margin of prothorax to gena, starting at level of middle of inferior ocular lobe, wide band of dense, yellow pubescence, sparser towards apex of gena. Gulamentum with narrow, not dense band of yellowish pubescence at anterior margin, interconnected with the pubescence on gena. Genae, clypeus, labrum, and base of mandibles with thick, long, dark, sparse setae. Distance between superior ocular lobes equal to 0.10 times length of scape; distance between inferior ocular lobes equal to 0.35 times length of scape. Antennae as long as 2.2 times elytral length; reaching elytral apex near apex of antennomere VI; pedicel and antennomeres III–VIII with short, tick, black setae at underside, denser on pedicel and apex of antennomere III; about basal half of antennomeres with whitish pubescence; antennal formula based on antennomere III: scape = 0.97; pedicel = 0.09; IV = 0.89; V = 0.72; VI = 0.67; VII = 0.58; VIII = 0.55; IX = 0.52; X = 0.49; XI = 0.46.
. Pronotum with semi-circular row of deep, coarse punctures on base; disc with three longitudinal bands of whitish pubescence (not very conspicuous); laterally with wide band of yellow pubescence (whitish on inner side of middle); remaining pubescence among five bands brownish. Lateral side of prothorax with large triangular area of brown-yellowish pubescence close to the yellow band of pronotum; close to the former, longitudinal band with brown, almost inconspicuous pubescence, followed by area with brown-yellowish pubescence. Ventral side of thorax with brown-yellowish pubescence (more grayish depending of the angle of light). Scutellum with almost inconspicuous brownish pubescence, except a narrow band of yellowish pubescence at apex.
. Moderately coarse punctate, sparser, more distinctly aligned in rows towards apex; apex emarginate, with long spine at outer angle, rounded projection at sutural angle. Elytral pubescence grayish, except: narrow, sub-glabrous area around scutellum; short, triangular area of yellow pubescence at base, following that on pronotum; narrow, longitudinal band of dark-brown pubescence at basal sixth, between scutellum and basal yellow triangular area; about apex of basal third, semi-elliptical spot with dark, almost inconspicuous pubescence; near lateral margin, at same level of former discal spot, small, sub-triangular area with dark pubescence, preceded by small macula of yellow pubescence; just after middle, large spot of dark, slightly conspicuous pubescence (sub-truncate anteriorly, deeply dentate posteriorly), partially surrounded by narrow band with yellow pubescence; at distal fifth, two areas with dark, slightly conspicuous pubescence, separated by grayish pubescence; close to those former areas, oblique triangular area with yellow pubescence; outer spine of apex sub-glabrous.
. From urosternite I to base of V, large central triangular area with grayish, not dense pubescence, followed laterally by wide, dense band of yellow pubescence (distinctly narrow on urosternites I and V); laterally, on basal half of urosternites I-V, semi-circle with dark-brown, slightly conspicuous pubescence; remaining surface of urosternite V with dark-brown, slightly conspicuous pubescence.
. Femora with grayish pubescence; tibiae with grayish pubescence at base and middle, separated by area with brownish pubescence; distal third of tibiae (mainly meso- and metatibiae) with dark-brown pubescence and dark-brown, tick, moderately abundant setae at meso- and metatibiae; metatarsomere I about as long as II–III together.
Dimensions in mm (female)
. Total length, 11.0–12.2; length of prothorax at center, 1.7–2.0; anterior width of prothorax, 2.2–2.5; posterior width of prothorax, 2.5–3.1; humeral width, 3.5–4.1; elytral length, 8.3–9.0. The largest dimensions are those of the
female: scutellum without yellow band at apex, but with narrow, longitudinal band at center of distal half.
Type material
) and
) females from
La Paz
: Caranavi (
1300 m
, local collector.
. This species is dedicated to Dr. Maxim Larrivée, head of the entomological section at IMCQ.
Colobothea larriveei
differs from
C. declivis
Aurivillius, 1902
as follows: pronotum without area of dark pubescence on center of the area close to the anterior margin (present in
C. declivis
); basal yellow band of pubescence not reaching the first dark spot (reaches in
C. declivis
); area at side of middle elytral dark spot without another spot (present in
C. declivis
); central spot not as two elliptical spots fused (more or less so in
C. declivis
); inner dark spot on elytral sixth slender, without wide band of yellow pubescence close to its anterior side (respectively wider and present in
C. declivis
); area after distal dark spots of elytra with distinct triangular macula of yellow pubescence (absent in
C. declivis
). It differs from
C. wappesi
Monné and Monné, 2010
, mainly by the absence of large macula of yellow pubescence between the first and second dark discal spots on elytra (present in
C. wappesi
Colobothea larriveei
can be separated from
C. dostalbergeri
Schmid, 2010
by the absence of longitudinal bands of yellow pubescence at discal center of pronotum (present in
C. dostalbergeri
) and by the absence of a wide band of yellow pubescence from lateral to middle dark spot of elytra (present in
C. dostalbergeri
). It also differs from
C. boliviana
sp. nov.
by the absence of longitudinal bands of yellow pubescence at discal center of pronotum (present in
C. boliviana
), by the yellow area of elytral apex smaller (occupying almost the whole area between and after the two dark spots in
C. boliviana
), and by the pubescence of the metasternum brown-yellowish (yellow in
C. boliviana